Assignment FOUR

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In this workshop, we learned the importance of knowing how to communicate our ideas
using audiovisual media. To do this, there are different techniques and methods, such
as creating animations through the successive sequence of images.
In my case, I focused on creating a short film in two planes as I considered it the best
way to express the functionality of my prototype.
The elaboration of the video was costly at the beginning as I didn't know exactly how to
approach it in a way that the usability of the product was understood, but thanks to the
collaboration of my colleagues as actors, I was able to simulate quite accurately an
everyday situation in which the user interacts with the prototype.
During the filming, the characters' facial expressions were indispensable, as there was
no direct dialogue between them. In addition, I realised the fundamental importance of
sounds in any filming. Sound is essential and decisive when it comes to communicating
ideas. A lively and dynamic sound was chosen to make the product more striking and
entertaining. The actors express surprise and excitement at interacting with the
On the other hand, and evaluating the video's final result, I have been able to transmit to
the viewer the idea I had in mind, highlighting the functionality and aesthetics of the
product itself entertainingly and differently. Although the time required to film the short
film was not excessive, it is essential to highlight that it is not only a mere formal
presentation of the functions and aesthetics of the toy, but the actual use of the toy in a
real situation is capable of explaining everything.

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