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Art. 1170 of NCC SHOULD BE MEMORIZED! recission (1191); and 3.

Seek for damages

Art. 1170 – those who in the performance of
their obligations are guilty of fraud, negligence, EFECTS OF delay -> 1. The creditor may demand
or delay, and those who in any manner specific performance (1233); 2. For recission
contravene the tenor thereof, are liable for (1191); and 3. Seek for damages (1170)
EFECTS OF in any manner contravene the tenor
Those who are guilty of performance should pay thereof -> 1. The creditor may demand specific
damages. performance (1233); 2. For recission (1191); and
3. Seek for damages (1170)
What type of fraud? DOLO CAUSANTE OR DOLO
because there is contract, an already contract in
1173 – negligence – of the obligor is determined
case obligor deliberate or intentional evasion
depends on the said situation. EX: gabi; sira
(nandaya) the FRAUD is done.
ilaw; driving in night time; GROSS NEGLIGENCE.
DOLO CAUSANTE – hindi it yong fraud
This provision also provides as a gen. rule, if a
(pinaniwala moko)
law or contract does not state the diligence to
FRAUD – 1338 – there is fraud when, through be observe, ORDINARY CARE shall be required.
insidious words or machinations, of noe of the
1174 – acts of god vs. acts of man
contracting parties, the other is induced to
enter into a contract, which without them, he Requisite for fortuitous event: REQUISITES OF
would not have agreed to. FORTUITOUS EVENT:
NEGLIGENCE (culpa or fault) -> lack of care; due 1. Independent of the human will (or at least of
diligence -> voluntary act or omission of the obligor’s)
diligence, there is no malice, which prevents the
normal fulfillment of an obligation 2. Unforeseen or unavoidable

DELAAY – Late; deals with punctuality/time. 3. Of such character as to render it impossible

NOTE, if there’s no demand there is no delay. for the obligor to comply with his obligation in a
DEMAND is necessary for delay to occur. normal manner

Contravention of terms of the obligation / those 4. Obligor – free from any

who in any manner contravene the tenor participation/aggravation of the injury to the
thereof (volatio) – any illicit acts, impair the obligee (no negligence or imprudence)
strict and faithful fulfillment of the obligation, or Liability despite FURTUITOUS EVENT:
every kind of defective performance.
1. Declared by law: 552(bad faith); 1165
(in case of delay, shall be still liable
EFECTS OF FRAUD -> 1. The creditor may inspite of fortuitous event); 1268(anti
demand specific performance (1233); 2. For fencing law); 1263 (generic thing, genus
recission (1191); and 3. Seek for damages never perishes; genus nunquam perit)
(1170) 2. Stipulation in contract
EFECTS OF negligence -> 1. The creditor may 3. Requires the assumption of risk
demand specific performance (1233); 2. For

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