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A Research Proposal Presented to the

ICT Faculty, Senior High School Department

Philippine Women’s College of Davao.

University Avenue, Juna Subdivision Davao City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Technical Vocational

Livelihood – Computer Programming







Background of the Study

In all universities, the attendance of students is a significant

concern. The traditional technique of keeping track of attendance frequently

draws complaints from students who claim that it robs them of their access to

an education because the process takes too much time. However, professors

who must stick to the course schedule are also concerned about the extra

time it takes to address each student by name. Professors are also aware that

some students skip class during lectures or find various ways to falsify their

attendance records (Mittal ,2016).

With the help of School Attendance Monitoring System, it makes sure

that students would come to class to check their identification, and the system

will save their logged time and date. Because of this, it will save enough time

for the teachers to use during lectures to explain the lessons better and it

saves the hassle of calling each students by their name just to ensure they’re

physically present during class. This system will be a reliable and efficient tool

to help teachers resolve their problem (Chiang, Chiou , et al , 2022).

The advancement of educational institutions is greatly aided by

technological developments. Learning processes, instructional strategies, and

educational systems are all improved by educational technologies,

computerized systems, software and applications. This study was done to

evaluate one of the crucial things that any school teacher does, which is to

check the student’s attendance. This could lessen the workload of the

teachers and can help them work more efficiently than before.

(Kalaisankaran , 2013).
The two most common ways to record a student's attendance are by

pronouncing their name aloud or by signing on an attendance form that is

passed around the class at the start of the lesson. These strategies do,

however, have a number of shortcomings. It is inefficient in terms of

overhead, which wastes time in the first place. In a large class, when one

student might just write on the attendance sheet for other students who are

not physically present in the session, it can potentially fail to support the real

counting of pupils, which may lead to attendance fraud. Sometimes the

professor or teacher calls out those pupils one by one personally to ensure

that these shortcomings be minimized or prevented if the attendance record is

legitimate. The effectiveness and length of the lesson are negatively impacted

by these methods (Alon, Casuat, Malbog, Marasigan Jr., Gulmatico, 2020).

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of School

Attendance Monitoring System on Senior High School students and how will it

help the teachers track the students attendance more efficiently.

To implement the system, the researchers will ask permission to use

computer hardware and an internet connection. After the evaluation and

testing, the researchers plan after conducting the study and developed the

system is to present this to the faculty and students for further testing and

evaluation before deployment and discuss the matter relating to maintenance

of the system.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to examine the efficiency and effectiveness of e-Portfolio

on Senior High School Unit of Philippine Women’s College of Davao. This

study will answer the following:

1. What is the Status of School Attendance Monitoring System in

Senior High School Unit in terms of:

1.1 Usability

1.2 Ease of use

2. What improvements be made in School Attendance Monitoring

System of Senior Highschool-Basic Education Department?

Definition of Terms:

1. Effectiveness- The ability or capacity to produce a desired result in a

specific task.(Cambridge, 2022)

2. Attendance Monitoring System- Computerized software along with

special devices to capture attendance data such as arrival time,

duration of absence from section. (Lawinsider, 2022).

3. Usability- is the capacity or the attribute that determines how the

interfaces are easily used. (Nielsen, 2012)

4. Ease of use-. A metric of satisfaction in using a product as established

by one or more individuals using the product.

Review on Related Literature

This section provides a thorough review on related literature regarding

the study about the Evaluation of School Attendance Monitoring System on

Senior High School Students. It contains necessary information and studies

that will support our research.

Attendance Monitoring System.

When students miss class they miss out on vital information that is

important to their educational learning. The teachers also suffer, as they

cannot complete their task which is to help students understand and learn the

lessons they needed to take on at their age. Research has shown that

attendance and academic achievement are closely linked, thus it is very

important to monitor student’s attendance to determine who needed extra

help when dealing with academic matters.

In utilizing students response to growing technology, universities can track

attendance at a click of a button. Having attendance monitoring system helps

the instructors track the student’s absences and performances easily. It will

also help them minimize drop out rates and increase student success in the

academic field. This is also an option to track individual attendance and

enhance student engagement without putting too much burden on the school

administration. (Oregonstate, 2021).

A student attendance monitoring system helps track the student’s

presence in a classroom by automatically recording their attendance. The

attendance is taken by registering the individual login credentials used by the

students while signing in to the session. Using this system, teachers can keep

track of their student’s attendance using any devices at any time. What differs

this system from manual attendance system is the precision and accuracy

when recording the attendance of the students rather than doing it manually.

(Aarthi, 2022).

The objective of the school attendance monitoring system is to reduce the

time that is consumed when attendance is taken manually. Unlike the manual

process, an online system easily helps management to analyze studen’s

attendance details as per requirement. This also includes having features

reading the clock in and out of the students take in between. With this, it helps

in keeping detailed track of the movement of students. (Ahmed, 2022).

Automated monitoring attendance systems help track student’s classroom

time and ultimately allow lecturers to evaluate students performance more

efficiently. Biometric or RFID data are generally integrated into attendance

systems, bringing greater transparency and accuracy. If the student is failing

at a specific class due to their absences, the lecturers and administration will

be aware of that and will take appropriate action (Walker, 2021).

The aim of this system is to capture student’s attendance data, such as

arrival time, duration and absence. It enables the faculty to record, store, and

monitor student’s attendance history. Teachers and students are provided

with individual logins and passwords that may be used to mark and record

their daily attendance. Its uses includes reducing their workload and and

streamline attendance management. (Walker, 2021).

The school attendance monitoring system will be able to record the exact

time that a student gets to school. Since everything is automated, the moment

the student scans their biometrics or logs into the system, the time is

recorded. Unlike the manual taking of attendance, where students can easily

lie about their time of arrival when the teacher asks to conceal the fact that

they arrived late or never even attended the class at all. The teachers

wouldn’t needed to be concerned for this type of problem as they can revisit

the data gathered by the system anytime. (Bellana, 2021).

The identification of people using face recognition Organizational

members for attendance purposes. The upkeep and assessment of The

importance of attendance records in every performance evaluation for the

company. The goal of Developing a mechanism to track attendance

automating the traditional procedure for taking attendance. Having less

contact with people, the Method for Managing Attendance Automatically

carries out daily attendance tasks review and grading whenever the intensity

the more prevalent style of attendance marking requires a lot of time and

effort. complicated. Computerized Attendance System is superior to

traditional. approaches in that they are more efficient and can also used to

keep track of. This contributes to the avoiding phony participation Other

biometric methods, like those utilized in the sentences below, as well

computerize the method of attendance. (Sai, Hussain, Shyam, Khaja, 2021).

When the database is populated with student photos. The student is being

positioned when they enter the classroom using the raspberry pi camera

module. The student image is captured by the USB camera module. The

technology will automatically update the student presence in class to the

student database and send notifications to absentees' guardians as well as

the department head. An image is taken with the laptop's web camera. Every

student's profile is kept in the database. The students' picture for further use.

next, the discovered face photos are contrasted with the database of student

images. and the method of recognition. if the database matches the image.

The pupil is noted as being present. The student's mail account will receive

the attendance report.(Kowsalya, Pavithra, Sowmiya, Shankar, 2019).

Ease of use
Whenever the system collects data from students and other personnel, it

uploads that data to centralized storage. The system is then connected to

authorized devices or accounts with permission. From the point of view of the

students, it would be easier to view their attendance over grading period.

From the point of view of the teachers, this system is easier because they

don’t need to carry multiple records of attendance. They can simply acces it

on their devices. It’s also easier for them to track tardiness. This can be

communicated to the parents for appropriate actions and solutions. (Bellena,


The student to record his attendance. once you've identified the students'

faces. Updates are made to a MySQL database including student face

information. The information about the current student is subsequently

transferred to a server computer and kept so that the authorized individual

can access it. ( (Kowsalya, Pavithra, Sowmiya, Shankar, 2019).)

Teachers and administration can easily access to the students data when it

comes to attendance with the help of this system. It produces accurate data

and gives it to the lecturers in no time. This system will also easily integrated

with electronic hardware. It will capture the punch in and out time from your

biometric system. This will eliminate the task of manual entry of attendance

and in turn, it will save you the time you needed. The users will also get the

flexibility to customize the attendance, thus the system can adjust to you, not

the other way around. (Zimyo, 2022).

The goal of Developing a mechanism to track attendance automating the

traditional procedure for taking attendance. Having less contact with people,

the Method for Managing Attendance Automatically carries out daily

attendance tasks review and grading whenever the intensity the more

prevalent style of attendance marking requires a lot of time and effort.

complicated. Computerized Attendance System is superior to traditional.

approaches in that they are more efficient and can also used to keep track of.

(Sai, Hussain, Shyam, Khaja, 2021).

Theoretical Framework

In this section of the study, the researchers will state a theory in which

helps us support our conducted study.

Constructivism is a theory that human learning is constructed that learners

or students is constructed that helps build new knowledge using the

foundation of previous learning. The prior knowledge has a big part in

influencing the knowledge an individual will build and construct from new

learning experiences (Mcleod,2019). It is a learning theory which holds that

knowledge is best gained through reflection. The learner must consider that

the information being taught constructs an interpretation. Jean Piaget, known

as one of the first theorists of constructivism, states that humans create

knowledge through the interaction between their experiences and ideas.

Piaget’s idea of constructivism centers the knowledge creation and acquisition

process. (Brau, 2020).

The School Attendance Monitoring System falls under a learning

paradigm known as constructivism, which includes the idea that students

learn best when they create their own knowledge systems rather than merely

being given information. (Davis 2017, et al). The constructivist theory is

created on the idea that students are active in their learning journey because

they can reflect their own experience and integrates a new learning with their

prior knowledge (Kurt, 2021).

Conceptual Framework

In this section, the researchers present a figure to visualize and organize

the key concepts of our study. It helps the researchers analyze several

variations and contexts. See figure 1:

School School
Usability Attendance
Functionality Monitoring System of
System Senior High
School Unit

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of E-Portfolio Management System.

The researcher adopted the Input Process Output (IPO) model. It

includes all of the resources and information needed for the procedure, as

well as the specifics of the process itself and a guide for evaluating the School

Attendance Monitoring System of the Senior High School Unit.

For input, It includes the respondent's profile or the variables that causes the

problem as well as features linked to the dependent and independent

variables of the educational research as input. In most cases, all of the details

mentioned in the problem statement are specified here. For process, it is the

method by which the variables are collected and synthesized. For output, it is

where the problem, phenomenon, or transformation: the outcome of the

Chapter 2


The research method is presented in this chapter. It emphasizes the

technique employed in carrying out this study, which will include research

design, research locale, and research respondents, instruments, data

collection methods, statistical tools, and moral.

Research Design

The research design of this study is Quantitative methodology.

According to the study, quantitative research deals with evaluating and

quantifying factors to get outcomes. It entails the use of numerical data and

statistical tools to analyze that data to provide answers to queries like who,

how much, what, where, when how many and how. It also describes how to

obtain facts in numerical form to explain a problem or phenomena. The study

further demonstrates that survey research, correlational research,

experimental research and causal-comparative research are the four

categories into which quantitative approaches can be divided (Apuke, 2017).

Descriptive research, according to Calderon (2006), is the process of

gathering, analyzing, classifying, and tabulating data without taking into

account current circumstances, procedures, trends, or cause-and-effect

relationships, and then providing an adequate and accurate interpretation of

the data with or without, or at times with only a minimal amount of, the help of
statistical methods. Additionally, this technique determines the current state of

the facts in the group being studied, with the outcome being a qualitative,

quantitative, or combined description of the general characteristics of the


Research Locale

The research study will be conducted in the Senior High School Unit of

the Basic Education Department’s Technology, Vocational, and Livelihood

Strand – Information Communication Technology of the Basic Education

Department will be the location for the study. The school was founded as a

private institution in 1953. It is situated on a seven-hectare parcel of land in

Matina, Davao City's Juna Subdivision. The institution was established to give

young women in Mindanao access to a top-notch education.

The school offers academic tracks in ABM, HUMSS, STEM, and Arts

and Design as part of its K–12 basic education program. For the National

Competencies Certification (NCII) in industrial arts, computer and

communications technology, and home economics, it also provides technical

and vocational courses. It offers bachelor's degree programs in education,

hotel and tourism management, business administration, fine arts, social

science, food technology, and information technology.

One can earn a bachelor's degree by enrolling in certificate programs

offered by a handful of these college departments. The institution also

provides technical-vocational courses leading to National Certificates in

baking, pastry making, housekeeping, and cooking (NC). The school has

spent more than 60 years empowering its students and aiding them in

developing into intellectually competent and socially responsible individuals

via high-quality education and training.

Male students can enroll in classes. Success in a range of fields,

including business, politics, fashion design, and journalism, has been

achieved by previous students of this institution. The Department of Education

(DepEd), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and the Technical

Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) all acknowledge the

institution (TESDA). The organization is a part of both the Philippine

Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU) and the Philippine

Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASC)


A questionnaire survey instrument was presented to respondents in

order to collect a large amount of data that can be analyzed for frequencies,

trends, and averages. The researcher chooses this location for

implementation in order to collect data from students on the Evaluation of

Student Attendance Monitoring System for the study and to improve the

efficiency of gathering students in Senior High School.

Research Respondents

The population of this study are the students of students in Davao

City, Specifically, the researcher will be picking the respondents from Grade

11 and Grade12, 50 students from the Basic Education Department of Senior

High School unit in different strands which are TVL, STEM, HUMMS, Arts and

Design and ABM. They were chosen by the researchers to evaluate the

school attendance monitoring system. This reference population or target

population is the group on which the study outcome will be extrapolated. The

Respondents that will be include are the senior high school student unit from

Grade 11 and Grade 12, the respondents that will be excluded are the Junior

Highschool Unit and from Grade 7 to 10.

According to (Etikan, 2016). Convenience sampling (also known as

availability sampling) is a type of non-probability/non-random sampling in

which members of the target population who meet certain practical criteria,

such as easy accessibility, availability at a given time, or willingness to

participate, are included for the purpose of the study. Convenience sampling

is either a collection of subjects that are easily accessible or a self-selection of

individuals willing to participate, as demonstrated by volunteers. The

convenience sampling method was used by the researchers because it is the

simplest way to collect respondents and conduct a survey.

sResearch Instruments

A survey questionnaire that will be used is a 5-point Likert scale that

measure the satisfaction of the respondents the number will indicate their

level of satisfaction this will serve as the study’s primary data collecting tool,

the questionnaire will include a variety of questions to assess the Usability

and Ease of use of the School Attendance Monitoring System. The survey will

be based on a study titled “Survey Automated Attendance System.” The same

set of questions will be asked of each respondents, and will respond

accordingly. The following s

Scale Range of Verbal Description Interpretation


5 4.20- 5.00 Generally Satisfied It indicates that the perceived

effectiveness of Attendance monitoring

system exceed what is expected.

4 3.40- 4.19 Satisfied It shows that the efficacy of Attendance

monitoring system has exceeded the

students expectations.

3 2.60- 3.39 Moderately It shows that the students achieved

Satisfied above-average results.

2 1.80 – 2.59 Slightly Satisfied It signifies that the students

achievement is below the disclosed


1 1.00- 1.79 Not Satisfied It indicates that the students are not

satisfying at all.

Data Gathering Procedure

This research was still ongoing since first semester of the school year

2022-2023. The Rating Scale tool will be used to collect data for this

quantitative/descriptive study and will be based on the study of “Students in

Higher Education in Ireland: Findings from a Student Survey: Awareness and

Usage of Attendance monitoring system. The researchers created an

instrument to collect information such as the participant's name, gender, and


The researchers sought authorization from the administration of the

school. Following the issuance of the permit, the researchers requested

permission from the respondents to conduct the survey for the study. The

researchers used the allocated vacant time to deliver the questionnaire to

avoid causing unnecessary disruption from courses, providing the

respondents enough time to answer the questionnaire. Following that, the

researchers collected and examined the questionnaire data. The results and

responses were kept as private as possible.

Data Analysis

Following the gathering of data, the researchers used statistical

procedures to compute the results of the survey questionnaire distributed to

senior high school pupils. The collected data will be subjected to descriptive


Mean. A dataset's mean (also known as the arithmetic mean, as

opposed to the geometric mean) is the sum of all values divided by the total

number of values. It is the most widely used measure of central tendency and

is frequently referred to as the "average." (Bhandari, 2022).

Standard Deviation. The standard deviation (SD) is a measure of

scattering in a set of values that is often compared to the set's mean value.

The SD is calculated differently depending on whether the dataset is a sample

or the complete population. In an ideal world, studies would collect data from

the complete target population, defining the population parameter. (Omda,


Ethical Considerations

To ensure that the study is conducted in an ethical manner, the study

will be reviewed by the Ethical Research Committee of the Basic Education

Department of the Senior High School Unit.

Social Value. The findings of this study will provide a useful and

innovative information to the School Administration in order to provide an

alternative way to help students enhance their academic capabilities and self-

esteem to be confident in showcasing their skills as individuals. According to

Jenny Arledge, “Technology can become the “wings” that will allow the

educational world to fly farther and faster than ever before- if we allow it”. By

using the provided technology and internet connection, the students can

establish self-reflective learning, which helps them discern which areas they

need to polish and hone.

Informed Consent. The nature and intent of the analysis was explained

to the participants. The researchers made an informed consent form and

added to the conduct of the survey, to asked permission from the

respondents about their willingness to participate in this study. Prior to the

research, the respondent’s full permission should be obtained.

Vulnerability of Research Participants. Permission was obtain from the

appropriate authorities to ensure that the analysis is conducted objectively

and within specified circle. Furthermore, the respondents were not vulnerable

since the researchers ensure the confidentiality of their answers in the

questionnaire. The researchers ensured to prevent data leak from conducting

the survey.
Privacy and Confidentiality of Information. In order to ensure the

protection of the privacy of the respondents, the researchers will be facilitating

the area and will be collecting the data with utmost care and safety. The

manner of storage of data was done through collecting and storing them in a

specified folder which researchers would not allow other people to look

through it. The researchers made sure that formal permission from the

respondents was obtained and adequate level of confidentiality of research

data was ensured.

Transparency. Any research related correspondence was conducted

with integrity and accountability. The researchers applied correctly the study’s

methodology in order to protect the respondents privacy and welfare. All of

the documentation required for data analysis was included. Furthermore, the

acquired data from the respondents was thoroughly checked, analyzed and

discussed to have a conclusion from the said results.

Qualification of the Researcher. The researchers had already

conducted a study since a year ago, hence the researchers has background

knowledge about conducting a research study. The researchers aren’t afraid

to seek advise and help from their advisers who are knowledgeable in this

field and expertise, and accepts constructive criticism.

Adequacy of Facilities. In this study, the researchers ensured that all

the necessary tools were available during the conducting of survey

questionnaire. Furthermore, the researchers seeks help from the advisers in

order to provide quality information in conducting analysis from the findings

obtained from the survey.

Community Involvement. The researchers was dedicated to treating

people with respect and providing alternative way of learning with the sense of

innovation through the help of technology. The researchers conducted this

study in order to give help for the beneficiaries of this study.

Statistical Treatment

This study will use the following statistical treatment:

Mean. To evaluate the school attendance monitoring system on senior

high school students of a private school in Davao.


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