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A Research Paper
Presented to
The Senior High School Department
Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig
Mangagoy, Bislig City


In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the
Senior High School


Limetares, Jelian S.
Balili, Irwin Gabriel S.




Human beings are basically nomadic. Hence, thousands of students

nowadays find it necessary to rent a space, a suite or a domicile. Boarding

houses here have been providing temporary shelter to countless transients,

merchants, employees and students who live away from their homes in order to

pursue their diverse endeavors in life (Dwyer & Kim, 2003). Some boarding

houses have also become permanent dwelling places for those who chose to

pursue a life in an urbanized environment like students. But without a responsive

support in providing their complex needs, students may be at risk. 

In Houston, Texas (USA) there have been observations that living in

boarding houses are risky for the dwellers’ health (Van Wyk, Dahmer, & Custy,

2004). Cases of sanitation-related diseases have been reported not only in

Texas but also in other states. Seeing this, the state has been very strict in giving

permissions to those who wish to operate boarding houses. Requirements to be

complied before operation are quite a lot. (Brilhantes etal.2012) reported that a

number of boarding house operators have infringed specific ordinances provided

under the Building Code of the Philippines. Not only does a potential boarding

lord or landlady require a suitable facility in a well-positioned location, but

boarding house owners and management must adhere to various strenuous

safety, security and service measures, as well as municipal by-laws, in a tough

and ever-changing business environment such as Davao Metropolitan (Bldg. Act,

2004, 2012). Conversely, it is the legal responsibility of the owners of boarding

houses to provide accommodation and living services which ensure the welfare

of the whole person and property by meeting statutory requirements 

In Davao City, an observable number of students from neighboring

provinces and the city’s outskirts live in these temporary residences. However,

reports reveal that these housing facilities, most of the time, fail to consider

students’ safety and welfare. This study determined the living conditions of

students in boarding houses and dormitories. This is anchored on the premise

that the physical and environmental components of these residential facilities

could affect students’ holistic well-being. Data elicited through survey involving

five hundred seventy-one (571) respondents and focused group discussion

among selected groups of student-boarders/dormers, reveal that a student’s stay

in a boarding house and dormitory has significant contributions to his/her

personal, social, academic and emotional growth. But this has nothing to do with

the development of his/her spirituality. Results demonstrate further, that

respondents have recognized their boarding houses and dormitories possessing

good basic housing facilities. However, they felt the deficiency in the provisions

of safety and security facilities especially on fire escapes or exits and fire

extinguishers. This manifests that most operators have violated some

requirements set under the Building Code of the Philippines.

Similarly, the phenomena mentioned above is also true in Ampayon.

Butuan City where Caraga State University is located. Caraga State University is
a school that has become the melting pot of Caraga wherein students from

various places in the region are attracted to study in this University that stated to

rose its fane. Along with the growth of the university population, the demands of

boarding hoses nearby increased. So, boarding houses business near the school

flourished. However, the problem regarding the rise of these boarding houses

business is the proper implementation of boarding houses laws that may put the

lives of student boarder at risk. Since it played an integral role to the student’s

life, then the living conditions of the students must be given attention, concern

and importance. As a result of researchers initial observation, most of the

boarders have encountered problems in their boarding houses such as

overcrowding, poor ventilation, poor maintenance and limited facilities, kitchen

that is infested with rats and cockroaches, poor management. These social and

physical environmental conditions of the boarding houses are believed to affect

the living conditions of the students and other boarders.

This study assessed the living conditions of students in transient houses.

The findings of this study is significant to the following entities: To the student

boarders .This study will help the respondents by providing them basic

information about the living conditions of the transient people. Also this study

gives them idea how to look or choose a boarding house that will make their stay

comfortable, satisfied, safe and secured. To the Land Lord. The information in

this study will provide more knowledge to the operators/owners on what are the

necessary requirements to operate a boarding houses and how should a

transient houses will be properly managed so that the boarders will be

comfortable, happy and feel safe as they stay in the place. To the Licensing

Division. The result of this study will serve as a reference to this department if

the transient houses followed the necessary requirements in running a boarding

house for the safety and security of their boarders. This study will also give them

realization that they should enhance their monitoring system to monitor the

boarding houses if the owners have secured the necessary papers or

requirements that are required for them to operate their business. To the

researchers. This study will be used as reference for those future researchers

whose also concern on the living conditions of student boarders especially, along

this topic.

However despite the above recommendations what is on ground is quite

different as most boarding houses do not have adequate fire extinguisher, poorly

ventilated with small living space, lightning in the study room and the supply of

natural of natural air is abated and the noise is a big problem of the students.

Gender mixed of the boarding house can draw intimate relationship. Most of the

boarding house failed to furnish for safety and welfare of the students. The

existence of physical features of the boarding house can create a pleasant

feeling when the students housing needs have been fulfilled. The kind of

boarding house can very well affect a student’s academic performance and also

can affect in their physical, emotional and social aspect. The researchers have

garnered information that most student of Bislig City originated from

different places. The related literature will support the study of the researchers to

elaborate the scope of the study about the living condition of the student
boarders and its effects especially to the college student’s boarders. With the aid

of book articles, research papers, journals, thesis and other helpful sources that

will support to formulate valuable information and arrive at concrete conclusions

in the future by explaining the living condition of the student boarders in terms of

physical facilities, management, physical aspects and the relational aspects. The

researchers have acquired background information about our research topic

which would be very essential in determining the methods to be used conducting

the research and in identifying the kind of approach best be applied in gathering

the rest of the data needed for the completion of the study. The review of related

literature identified several gaps that further convinced there searcher to

undertake this study. Therefore, this research seeks to undertake an in-depth

investigation on student’s satisfaction with the facilities, management and the

relationship towards co-boarders, roommates and owner in selected boarding


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