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Ease of use

1. According to Bangalan & Hipona, (2020), Students reported the following advantages of e-
portfolios in their learning: the ability to express and share their thoughts through their
reflections; improved writing, critical thinking, and ICT skills; increased patience, organization,
and creativity and found e-portfolio creation to be easier, more convenient, and more enjoyable
to work on than creating a traditional portfolio. In a survey on the benefits of e-portfolios,
respondents identified the ability to gather and organize work samples (50%) and reflect on
one's own work (20.4%) as two of the experience's key benefits. The survey also identified time
as a potential impediment to finishing the portfolio. The e-portfolio project would be more
relevant for the respondents, according to the survey respondents, if they received more
guidance (clearer goals and requirements, more help, more feedback and directions, and
modeling through examples). E-portfolio success can be hampered by technology, but they can
provide a chance to improve one's technological proficiency.

Bangalan. R & Hipona. J,2020, A potential-learning tool to support student – centered learning,
reflective learning and outcome-based assessment, Globus An International Journal of
Management & IT,

2. According to Donaire, Garcia & Oliver,(2010) Within the education field there are numerous
researchers who have confirmed the usefulness of the e-Portfolio in the learning processes, as
well as in the development and assessment of student’s competences in terms of evaluating this
new method’s efficiency as a formative tool. An illustrative point could be that many professors
worldwide are implementing new assessment methodologies which go beyond the routinary
standard and multiple choice tests and incorporate activities in which students have to prove
their skills when solving problems, reflecting, analyzing and synthesizing as in the case of the e-
Porfolio’s use and development

Donaire. S, Garcia. B, & Oliver. S, 2010, e-Portfolio: A tool to assess university students' skills ,
Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET), 2010 9th International
Conference on Project: ePortfolio - Teaching

3. According Bryant & Chittum ,(2013) Bryant. L & Chittum. J, 2013, ePortfolio Effectiveness: A(n Ill-
Fated) Search for Empirical Support, North Carolina State University & Virginia Tech,

4. According to Wuetherick & Dickinson,(2015Wuetherick. B & Dickinson. J, (2015), Why

ePortfolios? Student Perceptions of ePortfolio Use in Continuing Education Learning
Environments, Dalhousie University & University of Saskatchewan,

5. According to Douglas, Peecksen, Rogers, & Simmons (2019) Douglas. M, Peecksen. S, Rogers. J,
& Simmons. M,(2019), College Students’ Motivation and Confidence for ePortfolio Use,
University of North Texas,

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