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1) closed
An ove
ad tr
ey conveyo
r is conf
ed as a
1oop. The delivery loop has a length of 150
m and the return loop is 100 m. All parts loaded at
the load station are unloaded at the unload station.
Each hook on the conveyor can hold one part and
the hooks are separated by 3 m. Conveyor speed :
0.3 m/sec. Determine

a) Number of parts in the conveyor system under

normal operations,
 b) parts flow rate; and
c) Maximum loading and unloading times that are
compatible with the operation of the conveyor system.

delivery loop is Ld = 150 m

return loop is Le = 100 m

np = 1

Sc = 3 m

Vc = 0.3 m/sec.
a) Nu
er of part
partss iin
n the
the con
nc = L/Sc = (Ld + Le)/Sc
b) parts ow rate?
•Rf = np * Vc / Sc
c) Maximum loading and unloading mes
•Td = Ld /Vc (delivery me on the forward loop

2) A 300-ft long roller conveyor

con veyor operates at a velocity : 30
ft/min and is used to move parts in containers between load
and unload stations. Each container holds 20 parts. One
worker at the load station is able to load parts into containers
and place the containers onto the conveyor in 30 sec. It takes

20 sec to unload at the unload station. Determine

(a) center-to-center distance between containers,
(b) number of containers on the conveyor at one time, and
(c) hourly flow rate of parts.
(d) By how much must conveyor speed be increased in
order to increase flow rate to 3,600 parts/hr?

Ld  = length of con

• conveyor
veyor = 300 
Vc = 30 /min

np = 20
•T L = loading me = 30 sec
•T U = Unloading me = 20 sec
(a) center-to-center distance
•Sc = Vc * TL
(b) number of containers on the conveyor at one me
•nc = L / Sc
(c) hourly ow rate of parts

d) conveyor speed?
•Vc = Rf * Sc/np

(Rf = 3,600parts/hr)

3) A roller conveyor moves tote pans in one direction at 300

ft/min between a load station and an unload station, a distance of

the ft. With oneisworker,
station thepart.
5 sec per timeEach
to load
pan into a tote
holds pan atIn
15 parts.
addition, it takes 12 sec to load a tote pan of parts onto the
conveyor. Determine

(a) spacing
system and between tote pan centers flowing in the conveyor
(b) flow rate of parts on the conveyor system.
(c) Consider the effect of the Unit Load Principle. Suppose the

tote pans were

Determine smaller
the flow rateand couldin
of parts hold
if itpart
takesinstead tof
5 sec to 15.
o load
a tote pan onto the conveyor (instead of 12 sec for the larger tote
 pan), and it takes
takes the same 5 ssec
ec to load the p
art into the tote pan.

Ld  = length of conveyor

• conveyor = 450 
Vc = 300 /min

np = 15

T L = loading me = ( 5 * 15 + 12) sec

(a) spacing between tote pan centers

Sc = Vc * TL
(b) ow rate of parts
•Rf = Vc * np/ Sc
(c) Flow rate
•np = 1
•T L = loading me = 5 sec + 5 sec
Sc = Vc * TL

Rf = Vc / Sc

4) A recirculating conveyor has a total length of

700 ft and a speed of 90 ft/min. Spacing of part
carriers 14ft. Each carrier holds one part.
Automated machines load and unload the
conveyor at the load and unload stations. Time
Time to
load a part is 0.10 min and unload time is the
same. To
To satisfy production requirements,
req uirements, the
loading and unloading rates are each 2.0 parts
 per min. Evaluate the conveyor
convey or system design
with respect to the three principles developed by

Ld  = length
• length of conve
yor = 700 
Vc = 90 /min

np = 1

Sc = 14 
T L = loading me = T U = Unloading
• Unloading me = 0.1 min
•Rf = 2 parts/min
Evaluate the conveyor system design with the three principles
•Speed Rule
The lower limit 
The upper speed limit

• Capacity Constraint 

•Uniformity Principle.  parts (loads) should be uniformly distributed

throughout the length of the conveyor 
•there will be no secons of the conveyor in which every carrier is full while
other secons are virtually empty

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