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Republic of the Philippines

Region V (Bicol)
Division of City Schools
Tabaco City



INSTRUCTIONS: Read and analyze each questions. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Self-esteem is how much you feel your worth. Why is it important?

A. Because feeling good about yourself can affect your mental health and how you behave
B. Because self-esteem is needed in achieving our future goals and career in life
C. Because it is the determining factor on how people will like us and value our worth
D. Because it will make us look good and feel good in front of others
2. Anxiety, tension, misery and anger are common emotions that causes ____________
A. Mental disorders B. stress C. boredom D. eating disorders
3. What is a powerful organ of our body that is responsible for our thinking, moving and reasoning?
A. Heart B. mind C. brain D. all of the above
4. It is a powerful thinking tool that mirrors the way our brain works and helps thinking to become more
A. thinking puzzle B. neuropsychology C. mind mapping D. intelligence quotient
5. This refers to your high regard about yourself, how you see and estimate yourself
A. intelligence B. self-esteem C. confidence D. body image
6. An eating disorder that is characterized by over eating or excessive eating and later on making
themselves throw-up everything they have eaten or go on an extreme exercise
A. anorexia B. depression C. stress-eating D. bulimia
7. An eating disorder where a person may have a real fear of weight gain resulting to no eating at all
A. anorexia B. depression C. stress-eating D. bulimia
8. This part of the brain connects the spinal cord and the brain
A. cerebrum B. cerebellum C. brain stem D. neurons
9. This part of the brain controls our voluntary movements like eating, jumping and running
A. cerebrum B. cerebellum C. brain stem D. neurons
10. This is the largest of the brain parts and it is 85% of the brains weight
A. cerebrum B. cerebellum C. brain stem D. neurons
11. The ability of a person to understand, use, and manage his emotions is known as__________
A. Emotional Intelligence B. Intelligence Quotient
C. Artificial Intelligence D. Emotional Health
12. Ana is a teenager who feels sad all the time and she feels nobody loves her. Ana is suffering what
kind of mental health disorder?
A. Bi-polar disorder B. eating disorder C. Depression D. autism
13. Pete changes mood so quickly that he is very happy at the moment and suddenly becomes sad or
angry. This kind of mental disorder is known as__________
A. Bi-polar disorder B. anxiety C. depression D. Panic Disorder
14. This mental disorder makes it hard for people to know what is real and what is not real. It can make
the brain think it sees or hears things that aren’t really there. A person may also start to think that people
are trying to control them or read their minds.
A. Autism B. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
C. Schizophrenia D. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
15. This mental health disorder is common among kids and can make it hard for them to focus and sit
still. It makes them hard to finish things, and makes thoughts jump around without focus.
A. Autism B. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
C. Schizophrenia D. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
16. A person with this disorder is always nervous, heart is always pounding fast, breathing fast, and may
always think that something bad is going to happen making them always afraid.
A. Schizophrenia B. Panic Disorder C. Bi-polar disorder D. depression
17. Tobey was in a terrible car accident when he was younger and even today he is still afraid and
scared in riding cars. He feels scared even if he is safe and had bad dreams that seem real. He is
suffering from what disorder?
A. depression B. Panic Disorder
C. Schizophrenia D. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
18. This kind of disorder exists when a person's thoughts and behaviors are focused too much on food
and body weight. The person may worry about being “too fat” or getting obese.
A. Depression B. Eating disorder C. Schizophrenia D. Bi-polar disorder
19. The following are ways to fight depression, except
A. talking to friends and family members B. locking himself into a room
C. finding a healthy hobby D. travelling to new places
20. The following are ways to make our brain grow smarter, except
A. read educational books B. be with smart friends
C. sit down and do nothing D. play video games
21. The following physical activity will help you improve mental health except
A. eat healthy foods B. sleep the whole day
C. exercise D. have a chat with friends
22. Part of Emotional Intelligence is being able to imagine how other people might feel in certain
situations and understanding why they feel the way they do and this is known as_________.
A. empathy B. sympathy C. modesty D. bravery
23. How many sides of the brain are there, which are responsible for our preferences, personality and
characteristics, like the mathematical, logical and speech ability of a person?
A. 4 (left, right, up, down) B. 2 (left and right)
C. 3 (lower, upper, middle) D. none of the above
24. Understanding your emotion and knowing the right time when, where, and how to express yourself
and not to react too quickly means you know how to___________
A. express your reactions B. hide your emotions
C. manage your reactions D. show your emotions
25. Emotional intelligence is something that develops as we get older. The statement is:
A. True, because as we gets older part of the brain that's responsible for self-management continues
to mature and we learn to manage our reactions.
B. True, because emotional intelligence copy the right reactions of adult that we see around us,
making us knowledgeable about emotional reactions.
C. False, because the reactions that we have when we were younger just carries on when we
become adults.
D. False, because our emotions never mature, our reactions to situations stays the same as we
were younger and will continue as we grow older.
26. The following are ways to keep our stress under control, except
A. understand the causes of our stress B. eliminate the stressors
C. write down the stress factor D. continue to work even under stress
27. The following has a great influence on a person’s self-esteem except
A. church and colleagues’ B. puberty and development
C. Media and outside influences D. families and school
28. We should not let media advertisements define our beauty and success because
A. All media images and advertisements are constructive.
B. All media advertisements can make us look beautiful.
C. All media advertisements are good for us
D. none of the above
29. The following are signs of depression except
A. have a good perception about life B. find it difficult to make decisions
C. feeling sad and down all the time D. loss of appetite
30. How can you help a friend who suffers depression?
A. ignore them and believe that they can survive on their own
B. encourage them to seek help and support from adult
C. give them time to be on their own if they don’t want you around
D. tell them that they are weak and losers for feeling sad and depressed
31. Which of the following has a lasting damage effect to our brain?
A. eating junk foods B. staying up late at night C. drug abuse D. smoking
32. This is known as the basic functional three-part unit of the nervous system and the key to brain
A. Cerebellum B. cerebrum C. neurons D. lobes
33. When a person is careful in planning, mathematically inclined and is logical, what side of the brain is
more active?
A. Left Side B. Right Side C. Frontal side D. Parietal Side
34. People facing mental challenges sometimes don’t get the help they need because they don’t know
where to turn. What is the first step on how you can get necessary help?
A. Go someplace where nobody knows you C. Read some entertaining books
B. Reach out to people you trust D. Do some relaxing exercise
35. How you view your physical self, including whether you feel you are attractive or not, and whether
others like your look or not is known as
A. Self-esteem B. Self-worth C. Body esteem D. Body worth
36. The ability to understand, use and manage our emotions is known as
A. Emotional Maturity B. Emotional Stability C. Empathy D. Emotional Intelligence
37. Mark is feeling upset when someone has something that he would like to have or got to do what he likes
to do. Mark’s emotion is
A. jealous B. lonely C. confused D. angry
38. The following are factors that contribute to good mental health, except
A. Sleep B. exercise C. education D. food
39. What are the basic reasons why people choose not to seek help with their mental health problems?
A. fear, shame and embarrassment C. embarrassment, pride and honor
B. shame, guilt, and money D. shame, isolation and ego
40. The following are skills needed in improving one’s emotional intelligence, except
A. Be aware of your emotion C. Choose your mood
B. Manage your emotional reaction D. Hide your negative emotions
41. Ana is impulsive in the way she act when she bursts in anger, and sometimes hurt others because she
becomes disrespectful and harmful. To improve her emotional intelligence, she has to
A. Choose her mood C. Manage her emotional reaction
B. Be aware of her emotions D. Be emphatic
42. Part of your emotional intelligence is the ability to decide the right response in different occasions, like
being happy in a party or being formal in funerals. This shows that you can
A. Choose your mood C. Be emphatic
B. Manage your reactions D. Be aware of your emotions
43. After the final examinations, Jane felt tired, tense, uneasy and overwhelmed. What emotion is this?
A. depressed B. stressed C. excited D. confident
44. When you are able to recognize your own feelings and not try to masquerade them with any other
emotions, that is
A. Emotional self-awareness C. Emotional Intelligence
B. Emotional maturity D. Emotional acknowledgement
45. There are two difficult emotions to handle, for which when you are over powered by one, you will be
abused or you will appear to be a difficult person to handle. They are
A. aggressive and awkward C. naive and assertive
B. shyness and anger D. calm and relaxed
46. Your friend posted something funny about you on social media and it went viral. What is your best
reaction to the situation?
A. passive B. aggressive c. assertive d. none of these
47. You went to a party with some friends, but your friend who was driving had too much alcohol but still
insisted to drive. What is your best response to this?
A. passive B. aggressive c. assertive d. none of these
48. Dave was always bullied by his classmates and he just sit in a corner and do nothing about their
behavior. Dave shows what kind of response?
A. passive B. aggressive c. assertive d. none of these
49. Gina was upset because her friend Lulu was making fun of her to Amina until one day, she confronted
Lulu and pushed her to the ground. Gina’s behavior was____________.
A. passive B. aggressive c. assertive d. none of these
50. “You’re the dumbest person in the world and I’m going to spread stories about you.” This line shows
what king of behavior?
A. passive B. aggressive c. assertive d. none of these
51. Tina was waiting for hours, and when her friend finally arrived, she said “I’ve been waiting here for
hours, you could have inform me that you will be late.” Tina was being ______________.
A. passive B. aggressive c. assertive d. none of these
52. Rocky heard the news that her girlfriend was seeing somebody else aside from him, but he never
confronted her girlfriend and never said a word about it. Rocky was being ______________.
A. passive B. aggressive c. assertive d. none of these
53. Sheila was caught cheating on an exam, to defend herself she was sarcastic in saying
“Did you actually see it? Have you not cheated in your entire life?” Her reaction shows________.
A. passive B. aggressive c. assertive d. none of these
54. When poor Ben was asking for some allowance to his father who is always drunk, he shouted at Ben
that he has no money , Why don’t you stop studying and work so you will have your own money”, he added.
A. passive B. aggressive c. assertive d. none of these
55. Rina liked Sam since their junior high school days. There was a school dance and Rina asked Sam if
he’d like to take her to the dance. Rina is being ______________.
A. passive B. aggressive c. assertive d. none of these
56. You were in a bus when five armed men shouted for hold-up. They were asking for your valuables,
cellphones and wallet. What is the best reaction to this situation?
A. passive B. aggressive c. assertive d. none of these
57. You were expecting the promotion from your company since you know that you are best fitted for the
job, but the newly hired personnel got the promotion. How should you react to this?
A. passive B. aggressive c. assertive d. none of these
58. This reaction is not your best option since it will only get you in trouble and it will only lead into increased
A. passive B. aggressive c. assertive d. none of these
59. You passed by a group of drunk teenagers and they started insulting you and challenging you into a
fight, how should you react to this?
A. passive B. aggressive c. assertive d. none of these
60. This is almost always the best reaction, since it is your best chance of getting what you want without
offending the other person(s).It is saying what you want in an honest and polite way.
A. passive B. aggressive c. assertive d. none of these

Prepared by:

Eliza P. Bongalon

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