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Mobile: 9879546030


All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

Date-21st February,2023

Historical Structured Meeting with All India Bank of

Baroda Employees’ Coordination Committee on 8 th

It was the momentous day for All India Bank of Baroda Employees’ Coordination
Committee.The first Structured Meeting after the historic settlement conferring the “Sole-
bargaining status” to All India Bank of Baroda Employees’ Coordination Committee was
held on 8th February, 2023, at Mumbai.

Management representative Representative of AIBOBECC

Shree Prakash Vir Rathi- CGM-HRM Com.C S Dahiya-President
Smt.Swapna Bandopadhyay-GM-HRM Com.Janak Rawal-Secretary
Shree Pratik Agnihotri- Head-HR Com.G N Lal- Secretary
Shree Shashi Bhushan Kumar-DGM-HRM Com.S P Sharma-President JCC
Shree Swapnil Srivastav- AGM-HRM Com.S D Srinivasan-Dy G.S. JCC
Ms.Leena John- Chief Manager-HRM Com.Rajneesh Gupta-Jt. Secretary
Shree Ashish segokar-C.M.-HRM Com.K C Kemkar- Jt. Secretary
Com.R K Thakur- Treassurer
Com.L.K.Gupta-Jt. Secretary
Com.S M Bawangade- Vice President
Com.Vasant Barot-Vice President
Com.P Ajaykumar-Asstt.. Secretary
Com.Indranil Mitra- Asstt. Secretary
Com.Bankim Desai- G S Ahmedabad Unit
Com.Prahalad Patil-G S Mumbai Unit
Com.Rajmal Nagar- G S M.P. Unit
Com.P.P. Singh- President U P Unit
Com.V.C.Singh- G.S. Asam Unit
Com.Amitav Ghosh- G.S. Jharkhand Unit
Com.Srikumar Nair-G.S. kERALA
Com.Bijaykumar Nayak- G.S. Orissa
Com.Mallesha M.C. –G.S. Karnataka

Shree Prateek Agnihotri, Head, DGM-HR (Operations), welcomed the representatives of

the management and the union to the Structured Meeting. He congratulated each and
Mobile: 9879546030

All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

every one of the staff members for having worked so hard to make the bank the second
best bank in the country. He said that in the coming days, we shall have to work together
to take the bank to greater heights. He assured that the management will discuss various
issues concerning the employees and would try to resolve them in right earnest.

Shree Prakash Vir Rathi, Chief General Manager-HR, congratulated AIBOBECC for having
been declared as the “sole-bargaining agent” after due process. He said even though
the management and the representatives of AIBOBECC have been meeting in various
forums in the last 3 years, official meeting could not been convened for various reasons.
But, he assured that in future, the meetings will be held periodically not only at Corporate
Office level but also at Regional/Zonal levels. He said that during Covid pandemic, the
bank has taken utmost care about the lives and livelihood of the employees and extended
various welfare measures. Bank also ensured that for the unfortunate victims of Covid,
we have been able to extended financial benefit through special insurance scheme, which
was the first of its kind in the banking industry while other banks followed suit later.
During that period, the bank management advised all the Regional and Zonal Heads to
concentrate on the lives and health of the employees on priority even much ahead of the

Concerning the banking industry, CGM-HR stated that there has been a sea change across
various sectors and digitalization has become the order of the day. He said that with the
new generation employees having different mindset and tech-savvy, we shall have to
encash maximum on the digitalization front. He said that through discussions with
AIBOBECC, the management is willing extend more financial benefits to the employees
in the days to come.

Smt. Swapna Bandopadhaya, General Manager-HR, expressed happiness over the

improved performance of the bank in all fronts especially in the area of profitability. She
also said that as far as the human resources are concerned, the bank has taken a positive
view in the area of increased ex gratia compensation payable to the dependents of the
deceased employees besides expediting the process of compassionate appointments.
She requested the AIBOBECC representatives to take the message of the management
that the aspirations of the employees will be definitely viewed and considered in right
earnest and spirit.

Com. Janak Rawal, Secretary, AIBOBECC, requested the representatives of the

management and the union to observe a minute’s silence as a mark of respect to our late
General Secretary, Com. Amrit Lal, and also to the employees and officers, who lost their
lives during Corona pandemic. After paying homage. Com. Janak Rawal, in his opening
remarks, thanked the management for convening the Structured Meeting even though
the same has been overdue. He congratulated the top management for having led the
bank to record profit that could ensure that our bank has been the second top most bank
Mobile: 9879546030

All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

in the country. He said AIBOBECC has been relying on building up relations instead of
settlements. He said that the differences are bound to come between the management
and the union but they have to be understood in proper perspective and should be
resolved through discussions and negotiations. He requested the bank that the structured
meetings shall be held periodically.

Com. C. S. Dahiya, President, AIBOBECC, expressed his opinion that the unions are
instruments to percolate the message of the management and corporate goals to the
rank and file membership. He said that frequent discussions, both official and informal,
would go a long way in ensuring that the goals of the management as well as that of the
union could be achieved. He also cautioned the management that in the name of
technology, human touch should not be lost sight of. He said that in the background of
digitalization, non-recruitment of adequate clerical and subordinate staff, has created a
lot of pressure on the workforce at the branch level and what is required at this critical
juncture to take the bank to greater height is a committed workforce, to which end, the
bank should recruit more staff at the feeder cadres.

In between the discussions, the Managing Director & CEO, Shree Sanjiv Chadha and the
Executive Director-HR, Shree Lalit Tyagi, addressed the participants of the Structured

Shree Lalit Tyagi, ED-HR, expressed his confidence that good deliberations are taking
place to resolve the issues raised by the union and he said that the management would
examine all the issues concerning the employees with a positive outlook. He said that
the bank has taken a big stride in the digital mode and the message is spread in the
market about its digital presence. He said that polite and courteous customer service
would ensure that the business of the bank would grow in a great manner and to that
end, he requested the union to carry the message to its members. He said that the bank
could achieve such extraordinary results due to the efforts of all the employees and he
thanked them for their total commitment and involvement.

Shree Sanjiv Chadha, MD & CEO, expressed his gratitude to all the staff members for
taking the bank to great heights due to their hardwork. He said that during pandemic,
the staff members of our bank worked in a commendable manner that ensured that the
bank has become the strongest bank in the industry with record profits and performing
much better than the giants of the industry including the private sector banks. He said
we have been able to generate more infiltration in the market than the SBI Yono. But he
added that much more penetration of BOB World is required. He said that since the bank
has generated more profits, the benefits and financial demands of the employees would
be examined in right earnest. He said that digitalization is the future and to that extent
we should train our workforce, which are one of the best in the industry. He said that
even though we have emerged as a strong bank, we cannot be complacent since the
Mobile: 9879546030

All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

competition so tough and we should continue to strive to make the Bank the Best Bank
in the country.

By way of response, Com. Janak Rawal, Secretary, AIBOBECC, assured that the members
of AIBOBECC would definitely ensure to work towards making the Bank the best bank in
the country in the days to come. He requested the MD & CEO and the ED-HR, to kindly
consider for recruitment in the feeder cadres to ensure that proper customer service is
extended to the clientele and also to carry forward the Corporate goals of the bank to its
logical end.

The following issues stood discussed in the meeting.

1. Regularization of temporary As far the payment of wages to daily

employees wagers, instructions would be given to
a) Settlement of pending cases- follow the book of instructions.
finalisation of cases pending in
courts. With regard to absorption/regularization,
b) Absorption or Empanelment of the issue needs further discussions with
daily wagers/casual workers. the AIBOBECC before a decision is to be
c) Absorption of 40 Left out cases, taken by the bank.
as per Settlement of eDena
dated 23/05/2012
d) Payment of Bonus and wages
and arrears of BPS to daily wage
casual workers.
e) Regularization of Sweepers
working on 1/3 scale of pay
w.e.f. 01.05.2010 as per 9th BPS
and payment of annual
2. Transfer policy should be framed Spouse-joining and medical cases are
for lnter-Zonal and Inter-Region being considered regularly by the bank.
transfers. Inter zonal transfer Other cases are getting considered on a
exercise should be initiated for case to case basis.
clerks as well as sub-staff.
3. Nomenclature of award staff: We Zones and Regions have been instructed
wish to inform you that as per the to ensure that Nomenclature of the staff
service conditions governed by the shall be according to what has been
Bipartite Settlement, the clerical prescribed under Bipartite Settlement.
staff are termed as Single Window
Operator “A”, Single Window
Operator “B”, Special Assistant or
Mobile: 9879546030

All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

Head Cashier. Similarly,

subordinate staff are termed as
“Peons”, “Daftary”, “Drivers”,
“Armed Guards” or “Head Peons”.
But, despite the fact that
AIBOBECC had raised a dispute and
it was agreed that we shall be
governed by Bipartite provisions,
the bank is still terming the clerical
staff as “Business Associates” and
substaff as “Sahayaks”. We,
therefore, request you to adhere to
Bipartite provisions and address
the award staff as per Bipartite
Settlement and not as “Business
Associates” or “Sahayaks”.
4. Adequate recruitment of staff in AIBOBECC expressed its strong
award staff cadre: In the last 3 resentment and displeasure in non-
years since the merger of Dena recruitment of clerical and substaff for the
Bank and Vijaya Bank with Bank of past 3 years and demanded of the bank
Baroda, the number of award staff to immediately go in for adequate
has come down drastically. The recruitment of clerical and subordinate
branches are finding it difficult to staff.
handle the increased volume of
transactions and therefore, it is The representatives of the management
imperative that there should be informed that the concerns of the
adequate recruitment of clerical AIBOBECC demanding recruitment of
staff at the branches. clerical and substaff would be placed
before the ED-HR and MD & CEO with due
Further, as far as the subordinate observations from the HR Department.
cadre employees are concerned, in
majority of the branches,
temporary substaff/casual
labour/daily wagers are being
engaged and the work has been
extracted from them. Hence, there
should be recruitment of substaff
also and during which process, it is
requested that the existing
temporary employees be
empanelled depending upon the
service as temporary
Mobile: 9879546030

All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

labour and absorbed periodically.
5. Opening of more branches: After The management has stated that in
the merger of Dena Bank and potential centres, the branches are being
Vijaya Bank with Bank of Baroda, opened. AIBOBECC demanded that the
many of the branches stood licences of the branches which have been
merged and it is learnt that the rationalized to be utilized for opening
licenses of such branches have not more branches. AIBOBECC also
been surrendered. Hence, it is demanded for revival of business
requested that to improve upon the development meetings at the Corporate,
business and also to increase the Zonal and Regional levels, to which the
presence of our bank in various management replied that the same would
areas across the country, such be examined positively.
licenses shall be utilized to open
more branches in potential areas
around the places from where the
branches stood
6. Revision of Promotion, Selection of The management requested that
Special Assistants and Head suggestions for revision of policies be
Cashiers Policies: Even though the given by AIBOBECC for further
bank has implemented the best of discussions.
the benefits available in 3 banks
after the merger to all the
employees of the bank, the policies
on promotion, selection of special
assistants and head cashiers are
yet to be revised. Hence, it is
requested of the bank to form a
small committee comprising of the
representatives of the
management and the All India
Bank of Baroda Employees’
Coordination Committee to discuss
and arrive at a consensus for
revision of the policies for eventual
signing and implementation.
7. Elevation of part-time sweepers as The settlement would be signed after the
peons: We request the bank to sign structured meeting. AIBOBECC thanked
the Settlement for elevating all the the bank for the same and requested that
part-time sweepers as full-time 1/3 and 1/2 sweepers be also elevated in
phase manner.
Mobile: 9879546030

All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

sweepers- cum-peons at the

8. Request for arriving at a Settlement The issue is to be discussed further after
for one-time promotion of all the current process of promotions.
graduate substaff: With the
requirement of clerical staff across
all the branches owing to increase
in business after the merger, we
request that the bank may come
for a settlement with AIBOBECC to
promote all the graduate substaff
as a one- time measure.
9. Revision of scheme of AIBOBECC demanded for improvement in
compassionate appointments: The the scheme. The management replied
bank has revised the scheme for that the scheme has been revised only
appointments on compassionate recently and the concerns of AIBOBECC
grounds. But, there are still certain would be addressed when further revision
areas where the bank can be more is being made in the scheme. AIBOBECC
considerate for such appointments reiterated its demand.
given the fact that the loss of
breadwinner to a family is partially
replaced by our considerate
attitude towards appointment of
one of the dependents from the
family. In this connection, we
request you to consider our
representation for making the
scheme more liberal.
10. Job Rotation: As per the extant and The issue will be discussed separately.
established procedures on transfer
policy, job rotation at Area “A”
branches have been done every
year in April/May. However, since
last two years, it is the practice at
various Regions that the job
rotation is being done every month
and as per their convenience. Even
though we do understand that
there are guidelines from Central
Vigilance Commission for periodical
job rotation on completion of 5
years at a branch/office for award
Mobile: 9879546030

All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

staff, it should be done as an

annual exercise keeping certain
cut-off date so that the same can
be resorted to during April/May
every year. We, therefore, request
instruct the Regions accordingly so
that the job rotation exercise can
be done on an annual basis and not
on a monthly basis.
11. Verification powers of clerical staff The issue will be addressed and
should be in conformity with verification powers would be according to
bipartite in finacle 10. the provisions of Bipartite Settlement.
12. Training on HR Connect access to Regions have been advised properly to
subordinate staff: We are thankful conduct such trainings.
that the HR Connect access has
been extended to subordinate
staff. In this connection, we
request that training be imparted at
various Regions for the subordinate
staff regarding HR Connect menus.
13. Staff Welfare measures: The The issue will be discussed in the welfare
subsidy for cooking fuel and litres committee meeting with proper inputs
of petrol have been fixed quite a from the representative of AIBOBECC.
few years ago and we, therefore,
request that the quantum may
please be revised upwards and
14. Furniture perquisites should be The issue will be discussed in the welfare
allowed to award staff also. committee meeting with proper inputs
from the representative of AIBOBECC.
15. Cost limit of Monsoon Wear, The issue will be examined positively.
Uniform and woollen Uniform
respectively, supplying to eligible
Subordinate staff is needed to
revise keeping in mind the inflation
of cost.
16. Uniform lunch recess at branches: The issue will be examined after
As per the guidelines and considering the functioning at various
stipulations governing the “Shops other Banks including SBI.
and Establishments Act” across
various States, an employee shall
Mobile: 9879546030

All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

have to be given “half-an-hour

recess” once he completes 4 hours
of work. However, due to the
instructions given to branches to
work between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
continuously, there are problems
being faced at branches especially
the employees working in cash
department. They are forced to
cut-short their lunch recess. Hence,
we request that half-an-hour
uniform lunch recess be
implemented across all branches.
17. Payment of uniform minimum As far the payment of wages to daily
wages to temporary wagers, instructions would be given to
employees/daily- wagers/casual follow the book of instructions.
labour: Even though there are
extant guidelines for payment of
pro rata wages to temporary
labour, it is being implemented
more in breach than in practice at
various branches. Hence, fresh
guidelines be issued to all branches
for implementation.
18. Policy guidelines for replacement of Regions/Zones would be advised properly
Air-conditioners/Cash Counting in this regard.
Printers/Batteries: We request that
policy guidelines be arrived at for
periodical replacement of air-
conditioners/cash counting
printers/Batteries at branches.
Further, we also request that
Annual Maintenance Contracts be
entered into for periodical service
of such machines/instruments.
19. Structured Meetings: We request The reduction of periodicity of the
that the periodicity of structured meeting is not being considered at
meetings at Regions/Zones/BCC be present. However, the management
reduced from six months to three would ensure that the meetings are held
Mobile: 9879546030

All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

months. We also request that in regularly. Besides Regions/Zones would

such meetings at Zonal levels, the be advised to hold periodical meetings
Regional Heads and Regional HRs and also to exchange minutes.
shall invariably be present instead
of attending the meetings through
virtual mode, where the
seriousness is not being attached
and interactions have not been
made with such Regional Heads
whenever the problems relating to
such Regions are being discussed.

(a) We also request that the Zonal

Structured meetings shall be
held after the conduct of
Regional Structured meetings.

(b) We also request that the

Regional Structured
Meetings/Zonal Structured
meetings be planned to be
conducted well-before
September/March as of now till
such time the periodicity is
revised. As of now, the HRs at
various Regions want to
conduct the meetings at the
fag- end reducing the conduct
of meetings to a mere formality
and to secure their GEMS
marks. We request that for
conduct of structured
rotation/completion of
mandatory courses/PASAS etc.,
the GEMS marks being granted
to HRs be abolished as there are
unnecessary pressure being
exerted by HRs on the
20. Issues concerning Jewel Loan The Zones/Regions would be advised to
Portfolio/Jewel Appraisers: The adhere to guidelines of the Bank
Mobile: 9879546030

All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

jewel appraisers are not being paid regarding Jewel Loan Portfolio as well as
re-appraisal charges at the about the payment of Assayers’ Re-
branches as per the extant circular appraisal charges.
guidelines and instead they are
being paid less ostensibly at the
oral instructions of the Regional

While we do understand the

importance of vigilance angle in
jewel loans portfolio, we request
that the second appraiser be
appointed at branches if the jewel
loan portfolio is above a threshold

There shall be uniform operational

guidelines issued by BCC for
appointment of jewel appraisers,
payment of appraisers’
commission, reappraisal charges,
the jewel loans portfolio for
implementation at branches.

21. Holiday Homes: We request that The issue would be examined after the
the number of rooms at holiday financial year.
homes be increased in the
background of more staff members
availing the facility in the post-
merger scenario.
22. Facilities for All India Bank of AIBOBECC expressed its displeasure over
Baroda Employees’ Coordination the delay on the part of the management
Committee after declaration as on the issue. The management stated
“Sole-bargaining Agent”: We that the issue is under positive
request that suitable guidelines be consideration.
issued expeditiously to Zonal
Offices/Regions for sanction of
special leave to office-bearers of
affiliates of AIBOBECC, provision of
notice board to the union at all
branches, allocation of union
offices at various Zones etc.(please
Mobile: 9879546030

All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

refer our letter dated

04/04/2022,attached herewith)
23. Network Connectivity problems: Of The issue will be addressed in right
late, there has been a lot of issues earnest.
being faced at the branches with
regard to network connectivity.
This has not only resulted in
avoidable delay in completion of
day-to-day work but also affects
customer service. We request you
to address this very important
network connectivity problems
faced at the branches.
24. Infrastructure at branches: In Zones/Regions would be immediately
many of the branches across the advised about the provision for separate
country, there are no separate washrooms for women and also about the
wash-rooms for women employees lunch room facility.
and also there are no lunch rooms
for the employees. We request you
to advise the Regions/Zones to
ensure that at all branches/offices,
there are separate wash-rooms for
women employees and all the
branches/offices to be provided
with a separate lunch space.
25. Creche facility: We also request The issue will be discussed further.
that at all centres, the bank may
explore the possibility of having
Creche facility.
26. Updation of dependent details in The issue will be discussed and the
HRConnect: After migration to problems will be addressed regarding
HRConnect from legacy HRMS, the updation of dependents in a practical
updation of dependent details has manner.
been a problem faced by majority
of the staff members. We urge
upon you to take up the issue with
the concerned department to
update the dependent details by
taking the data from legacy HRMS
of erstwhile Vijaya Bank and Dena
Bank besides Bank of Baroda.
Mobile: 9879546030

All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

27. Mandatory courses: As per the While it will be endeavor of the

circular guidelines of the Bank, management to impart more knowledge
mandatory course has been to the employees, it will be assured that
introduced for self-improvement by the completion of mandatory courses will
granting certain incentives to the not be forced on any individual employee
employees to pursue their and it will be only optional.
knowledge, which is optional.
However, it is being thrust on the
employees and they are being
pressurized at various Regions by
the HRs. In some of the Regions,
memos and threatening letters
have also been issued for non-
completion of mandatory courses.
While we do understand the
importance of knowledge
improvement, it cannot be forced
on the workmen to complete the
mandatory course and also no
action can be taken against them
for its non- completion as
mandatory courses have to be
completed after office hours and it
is not a service condition as per the
provisions of Bipartite Settlement.
Hence, it is requested that the HRs
be advised properly in this regard.
28. PASAS: Similarly, this is also being PASAS will not be forced on any individual
thrust on the employees for its employee and it will be only optional.
completion. This is also specifically
mentioned as optional. We also
request that the consideration
given on promotion for submission
of PASAS be repealed.
29. Transfers from non-revenue The issue will be discussed further with
generating branches: We invite AIBOBECC and management assured
your kind attention to our adequate staff will be provided at all
representation on the above branches depending upon the footfall and
subject and that the transfers from business including the quantum of work.
non-revenue generating branches
is not a guideline as per the
established transfer policy of the
Mobile: 9879546030

All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

bank. Hence, it is requested that

such guidelines issued to
Regions/Zones may please be
withdrawn as it would not only
create confusion but also result in
chaos and demotivation among the
staff members.
30. List of membership: The The list will be given to the unions from
Regions/Zones may please be the respective Zones.
advised to furnish the list of
membership of our affiliate unions
on a monthly basis depending upon
the data available after every
month’s salary.
31. It is there in our bank that The issue will be discussed further and
employees are getting Hotel Room decision would be taken thereafter.
Charges in the name of OUT OF
POCKET Expenses required to stay
at night during out of station duty
and along with full Diem but
stopped to pay after 11th BPS.
Requested to demand for
continuing the payment of Hotel
Room Charges required staying at
night during out of station duty and
full Diam. Ref: BCC/BR 108/370.
32. Ex-Servicemen are awarded Government guidelines do not permit
Degree equivalent to graduate consideration of the same as equivalent
after completion of 10 years to degree for grant of two increments.
service, this degree must be
considered for additional
qualification increments payable to
33. Compassionate appointment to Periodical compassionate ground
family members of staff those died appointments are being done.
in Corona and other diseases are to
be expedited and request to
complete all such appointments at
the earliest.
34. In October 2020, some new ROs The issue requires further discussions and
were formed as per HO instructions the matter will be discussed separately
Mobile: 9879546030

All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

by bifurcating some Regions which after taking inputs from Regions/Zones.

is a good move on the part of our
Bank in all aspect. Whereas staff
request transfer issues were not
addressed yet. With the formation
of new RO, some of the request
transfer became Inter Region and
our Regional Heads say that we
need one to one replacement as
per instructions of Zone/ HO to
consider the same. As there is no
recruitment since 2019 and no
Inter Zone transfer, the issue will
not be resolved in near future. The
perception among those employees
is that Bank has created new RO for
betterment where as they feel to be
victimized. In the circumstances,
we request that HO/Zone to grant
one time sanction to consider Inter
Region Request Transfer for those
newly formed ROs among
35. Arrears of Temporary special pay is The issue will be addressed after
reversed which is not again scrutinizing the details.
credited and TDS is already
deducted on special pay.
36. Banking correspondents should be BCs functioning will be regulated as per
restricted now a days there are 2 to RBI guidelines.
3 per branch and they are not
implementing any terms and
conditions (even they are
performing from branch premises
37. Medical Insurance problem The issues will be addressed.

(a) Toll free numbers are useless,

No one pickups the phone.
(b) When the TPA or insurance
company is changed, the names
of dependent of the employee is
Mobile: 9879546030

All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

(c) Addition of dependents

name is not reflected in
mediclaim policy. It takes 5
to 6 months for updation.
(d) Hospitalization bill claim of
Mr. Shakeel EC No. 153636
who died of Corona is
inhumanely closed by
medibuddly without
payment. It should be
reopened and paid.
(e) Mr Kawalkishor,E C No-
115865,met with an
accident. Insurance claim -
890000/- was paid to him
.He is still taking treatment
at Ahmedabad.He put the
claim for exgratia of
Rs.600000/-in January,2021
and in June 2021 of Rs
366000/- .Banaskantha
Region sent all bills by courier
to HO.POD number-
1068716790,by Anjani
Courier.HO has lost all bills.
The claim is unsettled.
38. HR Connect Issues: HR Connect issues will be studied, further
discussed with AIBOBECC and addressed.
a) Only affiliated unions of the
Region should be visible for
selecting union.
b) The membership affiliation of
members coming on Inter
Zonal/Inter Regional transfer
should automatically change as
per Industry affiliation.
c) Leave related issues of staff due
to change in periodicity of credit
of Privilege Leave to be sorted
Mobile: 9879546030

All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

out and any leave lapsed due to

recalculation to be restored.
d) Any recovery from salary
(Strike, LWP etc.) should be
shown separately on deduction
side, so that the correct
emoluments of the staff
member are shown in salary

39. Re-visiting of all settlements to The AIBOBECC shall give its views and
remove anomalies therein proposals regarding various policies.

a) Increase the number of

vacancies of special assistant
b) Revisit the promotion policy.
c) Transfer policy
40. Extension of Additional Retirement The management expressed its inability
to all employees of eDena and to consider the demand of the union
eVijaya employees as agreed in
merger document (best of three
policies to be implemented)
41. Pay SWO-B allowance to all SWO, The management expressed its inability
as it was paid to eDena Bank Award to consider the demand of the union.
42. Refund of family Pension The concerned Regional office will be
contribution to employees of e- instructed suitably in the matter.
BSBL as per decision of Hon'ble
High Court, Delhi.
43. Arrears of 7th bipartite from Nov. 97 The management expressed its inability
to June 99 should be paid to to consider the demand of the union.
employees of e-BCBL.
44. Basic insurance premium on Management stated that the bank is
medical policy should be borne by
subsidizing the premium through welfare,
bank for ex-employees recognizing
which has been enhanced recently. At
their past services. present, it is not in a position to consider
the demand of the union.
45. Holiday home facility should be To be discussed in the Welfare Meeting.
provided in Ayodhya & Kushi
Mobile: 9879546030

All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

46. 9th Stagnation increment should be To be addressed.Matter is with IBA.

added to pensioners retired after
47. Outsourcing of Bank’s work should Regarding outsourcing, the matter is
be discontinued and sufficient staff being seized of at the IBA level and the
recruited. issue will be discussed at IBA level and
a. Armed guards in the the issue needn’t be discussed at this
branches should be juncture in the present structured
recruited on permanent meeting.
b. Watch and ward staff
in the branches as well as
ATMs should be recruited on
permanent basis.
c. Cash remittance is
outsourced to private
agencies and cash vans are
engaged from outside.
d. Collection of clearing
cheques by private agencies
in metro/urban centres.
e. Cleaning/sweeping job in
branches is outsourced at
many places.
f. Discontinuation of engaging
48. Encashment of Privilege Leave – The issue will be discussed with Zonal
Sri. Michael Gnanaprakasam: Sri. Office and instructions to be given later.
Michael Gnanaprakash, EC No.
41959, who was working at
Tuticorin branch, retired from the
services of the Bank on 31st
January, 2020. His leave
encashment was wrongly
calculated and hence, his
encashment of privilege leave was
short paid by about 30 days.
Despite his repeated requests to
Zonal Office and his approach to
the Labour Authorities, the issue
Mobile: 9879546030

All India Bank of Baroda Employees’

Co-ordination Committee
(Registered & Recognised)
Sole Collective Bargaining Agent of all employees
Registration No. 21/14 under Trade Union Act, 1926
Address for correspondence:
Nandanvan Complex, Besides Townhall, Elite PG First floor, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-

still remains unresolved. We

request you to advise the
authorities concerned at Zonal
Office, Chennai and Regional
Office, Madurai, to look into the
matter and make the balance
payment of encashment of
privilege leave to Sri. Michael
Gnanaprakasam, as the issue
stands unresolved for over 2 years

Comrades, there were also individual issues that were taken up by the union and such
cases would be discussed separately and resolved.

The meeting was held in a positive and congenial atmosphere. The issues will be followed
up, wherever required, for resolution.
With Greetings,

Comradely Yours,

Janak Rawal

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