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Primary Health Care - the essential care made universally accessible to individuals and families.

Universal Goal: lahat ng Pilipino sagot ng Philhealth

 Better health outcome

 Sustained health financing
 Responsive health system


 Universal coverage
 Health service reforms
 Public policy reforms
 Leadership reforms
 Increasing stakeholder participation

8 Essential Health Services:

 E - Education for health

 L - Locally endemic disease control
 E - Expanded program for immunization
 M - Maternal and child health including responsible parenthood
 E - Essential drugs
 N – Nutrition
 T - Treatment of communicable and noncommunicable diseases
 S - Safe water and sanitation


 Accessibility, Affordability, Acceptability, Availability

 Support mechanisms
 Multisectoral approach
 Community participation
 Equitable distribution of health resources
 Appropriate technology

3 strategic thrusts:

 Financial risk protection

 Improved access to quality hospitals and benefit delivery
 Attained of the health related MDG’s

6 strategic instruments

 Health Financing
 Service Delivery
 Policy, Standards, and Regulation
 Governance for Health
 Human Resources for Health
 Health Information


There are 3 major resources:

 People
 Government
 Private Sectors

Traditional and Alternative Medicine

1. Lagundi - Decoction
2. Yerba Buena - Decoction or Infusion
3. Sambong - Decoction
4. Tsaang Gubat - Decoction
5. niyogniyogan - Seeds are used
6. Bayabas - Decoction
7. Akapulko - Poultrice
8. Ulasimang Bato/ Pansitpansitan - Decoction
9. Bawang - Eaten raw/fried
10.Ampalaya – Decoction


 DECOCTION - boiling water for 20 min.

 INFUSION - soaked in hot water for 10 - 15 minutes.
 POULTRICE - directly apply in wounds, and rashes.
 TINCTURE - mix the plant material in alcohol.


 Acupressure - Application of puncturing the skin

 Acupuncture - Uses stimulate specific part of the body
 Aromatherapy - applied to the body
 Nutritional Therapy - “Nutritional healing”
 Pranic Healing - Follows the principle of balancing energy
 Reflexology - enhance body’s natural healing.
 Massage – rubs
 Herbal medicine/Phytomedicine

DOH is the national agency mandated to lead the health sector towards assuring quality health care for all Filipinos.

Major roles of the DOH:

 Leader in health
 Enabler and capacity builder
 Administrator of specific services

DOH core values

 Integrity
 Excellence
 Compassion and respect for human dignity
 Commitment
 Professionalism
 Teamwork
 Stewardship of Health
 Political Neutrality
 Simple living


Primary care Facility – (Example health centers, out-patient clinics, and dental clinics.) a short-stay facility average of one to two days

Custodial Facility – (Example drug abuse treatment, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes.) facility that provides long-term care, including
basic services like food and shelter
Diagnostic/Therapeutic facility - facility for the examination of the human body,

Specialized outpatient facility – (Example Dialysis clinic, ambulatory surgical clinic, cancer radiation facility,) performs highly specialized
procedures on a outpatient basis.

The RHU (commonly known as health center)

Focus of RHU:

 Preventive and promotive health services

The first contact health care facility that offers basic services at the barangay level are BHW and Rural Health Midwife


Municipal Health Officer
o Administrator of the RHU
o Community physician
o Medico-legal officer of the municipality.

Public health Nurse

o Supervise and Guides all RHMs
o Prepare the FHSIS
o Utilizes the nursing process
o Collaborates with other members
Guava leaves facilitates healing by lessening pain, swelling and inflammation.
The vitamin content of guava such as Vitamin A and C facilitates tissue repair
and shield the cell against the invasion of microorganisms by increasing
collagen resistance. Through the process of poultice, you just directly apply
the poulticed guava leaves onto the wound or lesion.
And also Fresh Guava leaves have an excellent medicinal property in treating
inflammatory acne, scars , spots, pigmentation and uneven skin tone. Guava
leaves have antimicrobial action due to active ingredients like insoflavonoids,
gallic acid , ascorbic acid , carotenoids which help fight skin infections and
inflammations .
Can the guava leaves cure infection? Well, definitely as guava leaves have
great healing properties that can treat wounds such as cuts, impact abrasion &
others. The antibacterial agents prevent infection and reduce inflammation.
Guava leaves reduce pain, swelling and inflammation and increase
collagen resistance in the body by protecting cells against
microorganisms. Through the process of poultice, you just directly apply
the poulticed guava leaves onto the wound or lesion.
And also Guava leaves have an excellent medicinal property in treating
like inflammatory acne, scars, spots, pigmentation and uneven skin
tone. which can help fight skin infections and inflammations.
Can guava leaves cure infection? Will, the antibacterial agents prevent
infection and reduce inflammation, according to a study conducted by
the American Chemical Society (ACS).

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