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To: Mr. Idris

Subject : Request for Sc.D Supervision

Dear Professor Idris

My name is M. Iqbal Nuhanayif Fibrian a first year student from Universitas Negeri Malang.
I have a achievement that I got a gold medal from my microbiology olimpiade and
publication research.
I have a project about the role of microbiology in reducing lead in rivers during my
undergraduate. And I have done a several publication research that relevant to my expertise.
I have visited your research articles from and found my field of interest in
your publication research area about “Reducing Lead in Toba Lake with a Microbiology
Method”. I am very enthuasiastic to conduct research along with you to become my
supervisor in my project.

I have attached my CV /other required documents and I would be glad to hearing from you

I am very thankful and looking forward to your positive response.

Best Regards,

M. Iqbal Nuhanayif Fibrian

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