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Nama : M.

Iqbal Nuhanayif Fibrian

NIM : 220342609886
Offering : G

1. Analyze what the difference between text book, video (audiovisual), popular article
and journal article in the context of: 1) substance 2) language 3) format/systematic

1) The difference between text book, video (audiovisual), popular article and journal
article is first is the substance, in text book that have a little bit complicated for
understand, the discussion in the book text, discussed from the general to the
specific then explained in a simple sequence. the content of the subtitantion of a
video is easier to understand because the video is told simply and easily
understood, not only that the content of a video also directly discusses the
important points of the but the substance like a story, where the way of delivery in
this popular article is like a story and is made interestingly. The substances of
journal article is difficult to capture the content of the discussion, because it is
discussed in detail.

2) The language in text book is formal and a little bit difficult to understand, in video
the language used a daily language so we can easy for understand. In popular
article that use a daily language too, but a little bit interesting. In journal article
have a formal language that difficult to understand.

3) Systematic of journal article have a scientific nature. As a result, when you write
this type of article, you have to write down the important things systematically.
Starting from writing the title, author's name, abstract, keywords, introduction,
method, and etc. Systematic of popular article usually contain opinions and
information that can entertain readers. Usually, the content in such journals can be
in the form of quotations, advertisements, illustrations, and bibliographies. In
addition, popular journals can also contain feature stories, opinions. In video the
systematic have a background story of a characters, the a problem arises and the
main character solve the problem.

2. According to the text book, popular article and journal article, which one do you think
is easier for you to get/understand the biology concept?

if I prefer popular article, because the language is easy to understand, not only that, in
its content, it is also discussed the important points directly and similar to a
conclusion from a journal article that is made like a story with fewer sentences and is
easy to understand so I became interested to read it.
3. According to the article entitled "Phytoremediation of lead using Ipomoea aquatica
Forsk. in hydroponic solution": A) What is the scientific problem? B) What is the
purpose of the research C) What method the researcher use to solve the problem? D)
Explain the result E) What is the conclusion? and Does the conclusion
answer the problem?
A) exposure to excessive pb concentrations leads to overabundance of metal and
significant discoloration of the basals of the stems.
B) Make a Ipomoea aquatica as a biomonitoring and phytoremediation of Pb and for Pb
removal in plant-mediated treatment systems such as constructed wet lands.
C) Experimental Methode
D) I. Aquatica this plant could be explored for its potential in Pb remediation, especially
by planting it in constructed wetlands
E) I. aquatica is a species that is worth exploring for its possible use in metal
biomonitoring and phytoremediation. The present study shows that its ability to
survive and grow at fairly high Pb concentrations in the ambient medium, to store
excess Pb in root and lower stem at high Pb exposure, its likely use of caulofifiltration
to take up Pb, and to propagate by fragmentation by producing roots and shoots
makes it a feasible choice for Pb removal in plant-mediated treatment systems such as
constructed wetlands

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