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Vocabulario WISC V Inglés

1. Flower
2. Sun
3. Bucket
4. Pears

“I am going tos ay some words, Listen carefully and tell me what each word means.”

5. Soup
6. Kitchen
7. Umbrella
8. Fff
9. Prize
10. Fff
11. Edible
12. Obey
13. Island
14. Ancien

25. Obsolete
26. Frugal
27. Affable
28. Aberration
29. Garrudosis

- Name a kind of tree

- Name something of outer space that was not made by people
- Name something with strings that is used to make music
- What do people use to send a fast message to someone far away?
- Why does hot air rise?


- Why do cars have seatbelts?

- What are the advantages of exercising and being active?
- Why do people use calendars?
- Why is it good for children to do chores?
- What does this saying means? “Teachers open the door, but you must enter”
- How can stress be a good thing?

Digit Span




Picture Span: “Point to the pictures in the order I showed you”

Symbol search: “Look for either of these items and if you see any of them put a quick line trough it ”.
“And if you can´t find any of them, you put a line through the no box”

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