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Write the IPA phonetic transcription of the following words. You can use British or American English.

No. Words  IPA phonetic  Words  IPA phonetic 

1 pronunciation  syllable

2 photographer demographic 

3 higher  medical 

4 remember  frighten 

5 equality  ability 

6 suggestion practical 

7 enthusiastic  roommates

8 decision  examination

9 psychological  profession 

10 scientific  generosity 

Write the words from the IPA phonetic transcription.

No. IPA phonetic Word No. IPA phonetic Word

1 /ˌɛkəˈnɑmɪks/ 11 /ˈʤɛləs/
2 /əˈkaʊntənt/ 12 /ˈwɪmən/
3 /baɪˈɑləʤi/ 13 /roʊˈmæntɪk/
4 /ˈkɛməstri/ 14 /ˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪk/
5 /ˈsɛnsətɪv/ 15 /ˌkjʊriˈɑsəti/
6 /ɪnˈʤɛkʃən/ 16 /ˌpɜrsəˈnælɪti/
7 /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ 17 /ˌkɑmpəˈzɪʃən/
8 /ˈreɪnˌkoʊt/ 18 /ˌpʌŋkʧuˈælɪti/
9 /ˈblækˌbɔrd/ 19 /ˌɛʤəˈkeɪʃən/
10 /ˈdɪstəns/ 20 /əˈpɪnjənz/

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