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The following information is research that has been done on the job position of a CRNA. The

majority of job positions in the medical field are in high demand, and that includes CRNAs. To

get to this position one would start as a regular registered nurse but work in the ICU for many

years. If working in a hospital like Mayo, they might pay for the nurse to go back to school to go

through a graduate program. A CRNA is at the same schooling level as a doctor but does not

have the doctor title. In Minnesota alone, there are 2,890 CRNAs and 1,080 work just in

Rochester, and the amount employed is projected to grow 40% by 2031. The average annual

wage can vary from $194,149 to $225,949, which is very high pay for a nurse. If a nurse has the

schooling and qualifications for becoming a CRNA, they will most likely get hired because they

are in very high demand right now. Some more key numbers are that there are 43,950 CRNAs

employed nationwide. The average hourly wage nationwide is $97.34, which may seem like a lot

but there is a lot of student debt behind it too. There are 4 years of nursing school to become a

RN, then ICU experience for a few years, and lastly 2-4 more years of graduate school. CRNAs

are in very high demand right now and almost every RN has a chance to become one.

Keywords: CRNA, nurse, school

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