Topic 24

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Part 1
I have been to the farm many times. But among them, it is difficult not to mention the grape farm - where
my family and I can hand-pick ripe grapes and enjoy them. Talking about farms, many people wonder if
they are important or not. My answer is yes. Farming is the process of producing food and fruits from
farming and breeding activities. Those products are provided to the people to satisfy some essential needs.
For example, meat provides essential fats for the body, and oranges, grapefruits, green vegetables provide
vitamins and minerals for the body to maintain life.
Part 2
This topic reminds me of the time when l did a group assignment with my friends from university. lf I
remember correctly, it took place about 6 months ago. At the time, | was still a second-year student and
we were preparing a presentation for a subject. There were 4 of us together, 2 girls and 2 boys, and I was
the group leader. To make sure that everything was fair,I divided the presentation into 4 different parts
and let everyone choose the one they thought they would be good at. After everything was set and done,
we embarked on our Work, and all of us were given one week to finish our tasks. Then, we met up again
for a rehearsal and that's when the problem occurred. Ngan, one of the 2 girls in my group, wasn't
satisfied with what Han, the other girl, did so she made some remarks about it. Apparently, Ngan wanted
the best for the group but the way she expressed her ideas wasn't really delicate so Han took it the wrong
way. In Han”s defense, she thought her work wasn't as bad as Ngan said and she did try her best for the
sake of the group. It started off with just a little disagreement, but then after a few minutes or so, It turned
into a heated argument between the two. As the leader of the group, I had to be the mediator so I tried to
calm them down and carefully explained their points to each of them. also suggested some ways to
improve Han's performance and together we went through the rehearsal once again. At the end of the
meeting, I told them it was just a misunderstanding in the hopes that they would make up with each other,
but they didn”t. They even blocked each other on Facebook. Fortunately, our presentation was still a
success. After the experience, l learned a lesson that communication skills are extremely important, and if
you/are not careful with your words, it may cost you a relationship.
Part 3
Debate helps students look at an issue from many different angles, understand the problem more deeply.
Through the process of debate, students expand their knowledge, improve their skills and see the role and
importance of debate for law students in their studies and life. Families often argue about topics such as
student assignments, housework, etc. Debating requires a lot of skills: reasoning, good vocabulary; calm
and respectful,... If you don't have the basic skills, if you don't have many other skills, it's hard to
"defend" your argument. It depends and each debate but in general, people should not change ..... when
arguing. You will spend a lot of time thinking of a new direction or lose your temper when you can't
think of another direction. So be prepared mentally and carefully study the issue when arguing.

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