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CAE – Transformations 1

1.Emily's hair badly needs cutting. (TIME)

->It is high __________________________cut.

2.There must be a simple way to explain what happened. (BOUND)

->There is __________________________for what happened.

3.I will support you whatever you decide to do. (MATTER)

-> I will support you _________________________you take.

4. For me this is the best place to live. (RATHER)

->There ________________________________ live

5. I wish I hadn't said that to her. (TAKE)

-> If only _______________________________I said to her.

6. I was looking out of the window when I saw a boy take something from a
man's pocket. (SIGHT)

->I was looking out of the window when I ______________________something

from a man's pocket.

7.It was the film's music that impressed me most. (IMPRESSION)

->The film's music was __________________________ me

8. My brother and I are alike in many ways. (LOT)

->My brother and I ___________________________common.

9. The photo and the portrait look identical to me. (DIFFERENCE)

->I can't see __________________________ the photo and the portrait

10. The judges were generally less keen on portraits painted from photos than
portraits painted from life. (TENDED)

->The judges __________________________ on portraits painted from life

than portraits painted from photos.
11. This painting does not appear to be finished. (LOOK)

->This painting ________________________ is finished.

12. Several of the applicants were not considered because of their age.

->Several of the applicants ___________________________ to their age.

13. For many teenagers, their looks are their highest priority. (MATTERS)

->Appearance is _________________ many teenagers.

14. It's encouraging to discover that the group is both talented and
enthusiastic. (ONLY)

->It's encouraging to discover that the group shows _________________ as


15. Do you mind if John joins us for the meeting? (TO)

->Do you have _________________ us for the meeting?

16. Dan abandoned his studies at university because he was ill. (RESULTED)

->Dan's _________________________ his studies at university.

17. As soon as the tennis players went onto the court, it started raining. (HAD)

->No _________________________ onto the court than it started raining.

18. 'We'll have to postpone the meeting until next week, as a lot of people are
on leave', the manager said. (OFF)

->The manager said the meeting _______________ until the following week, as
a lot of people were on leave

19. As visibility was getting worse and worse, Bob and Jane had to cut short
their sailing trip. (BUT)

->As visibility was getting worse and worse, Bob and Jane had
_______________ ____________cut short the sailing trip.
20. Please tick this box if you don't want us to inform you about future events.

->Please tick this box if you_____________________ sent any information

about future events.

21. During the winter I prefer watching football to playing it. (SOONER)

->During the winter I ___________________________ it.

22. Karen says it takes less than an hour to drive there, but I'm sure she has got
it wrong. (MUST)

->Karen says it takes less than an hour to drive there, but she_______________
a mistake.

23. Students wishing to enrol on the course should complete all sections of the
application form(REQUIRED)

->Students wishing to enrol on the course ___________________ in all sections

of the application form.

24. She decided to move to a part-time job so that she could spend more time
with her young children. (ORDER)

->She decided to move to a part-time job____________________ able to

spend more time with her young children.

25. I really messed up the first question in the exam. I wish I had considered it
more carefully before answering. (THOUGHT)

->I really messed up the first question in the exam. I

should_________________ it more carefully.

26. The factory has been able to reduce its CO2 emissions by 50 in the last year.

->The factory ______________________ back its CO2 emissions by 50% in the

last year.

27. It's a long walk home, so I advise you not to miss the last train. (BETTER)

->It's a long walk home, so________________________ the last train.

28. They didn't mention the subject of unpaid holidays until the end of the
interview. (BRING)

->Not until the end of the interview ________________________ the subject

of unpaid holidays.

29. Nina was driving the car at the time, but I don't think the accident was her

->Nina was driving the car at the time, but I don't hold ____________________
the accident.

30. Jack has such a vivid imagination, it is possible that he invented the whole
story. (MADE)

->Jack has such a vivid imagination that he might _____________________ the

whole story.

31. I had only just got home when the phone rang. (SOONER)

->No____________________________ the phone rang.

32. Although Karen and Mark have very different personalities and interests,
they seem to have a good relationship. (ALONG)

->Although Karen and Mark have very different personalities and interests,
they seem to__________________________ another very well.

33. I hadn't seen Martha for over 20 years, but I didn't find it difficult to
recognise her at the airport. (DIFFICULTY)

->I hadn't seen Martha for over 20 years, but I had _______________ her at the

34. She is proud of being able to write clearly. (ABILITY)

->She prides_______________ to write clearly.

35. Once Dr Smithers had given us a clear explanation of the procedure, we

were able to go ahead with the experiment. (EXPLAINED)

->Once Dr Smithers had_______________, we were able to go ahead with the

36. The government has banned all exports to the country except for food and
medicine. (EXCEPTION)

->The government has banned all exports to the

country________________food and medicine.

37. The other students don't mind whether you give your presentation on
Thursday or Friday. (DIFFERENCE)

->It ____________________________ the other students whether you give

your presentation on Thursday or Friday.

38. 'What are you thinking of doing for the college's centenary celebration?'
the tutor asked the students. (MIND)

->The tutor asked the students what ______________________ for the

college's centenary celebration.

39. Dr Rasmesh's colleagues regarded him so highly that they forgave his
inability to remember people's names. (HELD)

->Dr Ramesh ______________________ by his colleagues that they forgave his

inability to remember people's names.

40. As learning new languages had never been a problem for her, Katy didn't
expect to have any difficulties when she went to live abroad. (COME)

->Learning new languages had_________________________ her so Katy didn't

expect to have any difficulties when she went to live abroad.

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