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A. Four children (Jay, Kay, Eddien, Mark) raced their pets (rabbit, frog, turtle, cat) in a race.
Determine the race results (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) for each pet and its owner.

1. Kay’s pet (which is not a frog or turtle) finished in third place.

2. Jay has a rabbit.

3. Kay finished right after Mark.

4. Mark’s pet finished right after the turtle.

5. Eddien does not have a frog.

Place Person Pet

First Eddien Turtle

Second Mark Frog

Third Kay Cat

Fourth Jay Rabbit

B. Bai, Zita, Kevin, and Eddie were recently elected as the new class officers (president, vice
president, secretary, treasurer) of the Mathematics in the Modern World class at University of Southern
Mindanao. From the following clues, determine which position each holds.

1. Eddie is younger than the president but older than the treasurer.

2. Bai and the secretary are both the same age, and they are the youngest members of the group.

3. Kevin and the secretary are cousins.

Set up the following table.

Person Position

Kevin President

Eddie Vice President

Zita Secretary

Bai Treasurer

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