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Ancient Phoenicians Notes

Fill-in-the-blanks to correctly complete the sentence using the word bank


The Phoenicians were a great ______ trading power. They were highly
skilled ______________ and established trading ____________ all around
the edge of the ________________________ Sea.

Although they traded dried fish, linen, wine, and olive oil, their most
important item to trade was _______________ cloth. This cloth was
incredibly expensive. The dye used to color it was made from
________________ called, “murex.” The dye was hard to make and very
expensive. Only royalty and the extremely _______could afford it and the
color became known, “royal _______________.”

The most important Phoenician contribution to the world was their

____________ system. This was an “alphabet” where individual symbols
represented ____________. Because of this, the Phoenicians were able to
______________ much faster and made ______ records and inventories
very quickly. Because of cultural ______________, the people they traded
with around the Mediterranean Sea saw how _________they were able to
write and learned from them. The Phoenician “alphabet” became the model
for all _____________ alphabets.

Word Bank: *All words will be used!

Mediterranean diffusion colonies trade
purple naval sounds purple
write shellfish rich quickly
Western sailors writing

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