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Islamic Education

Grade: VIII
Worksheet Date: 5-01-2023

First 15 minutes should be spent for reading the worksheet only. Do not start writing.

Q.1- Chose the correct answer.

1. Which surah is the heart of al Qurán 2. The people of Aad were destroyed by Allah
a. Surat ar Rahman, with a
b. Surat al Muzaamil a. Storm
c. Surat Ya-Sin b. Flood
d. None of them c. A loud shout

3. Masjid Al Aqsa is located in the city of 4. The conquest of Makkah was happened in
a. Damascus the year of
b. Al Khaleel a. Seventh Hijri
c. Jerusalem b. Eighth Hijri
c. Ninth Hijri

5. Linguistically Umrah means

a. Visit
b. Travel
5. Worship

Q.2- State which statement is “True’ or ‘False’.

i. Masjid al Haram in Makkah was built first time by Prophet Adam (AS).

ii. Al Hudaibiya treaty was made in the year of sixth Hijri.

iii. The Holy mosque has two minarets during the lifetime of the Prophet (PBUH).

Q.3-Enumerate the world’s holiest mosques. Indicating the location of each of them and merits of
praying in it.

Mosque Location Merits of praying in it

Q.4- Read the following Hadith and give the answers.

Abu Huraira (RA) said I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying. “Whoever comes to this mosque of mine, and

only comes for good purpose, such as to learn or to teach, his status is like on who fight in Jihad in the cause of Allah”

(Imam Ahmad and Ibn majah)

i. Why is a Muslim not allowed to travel to any mosque to fulfil a vow or perform worship acts?

ii. Which mosque is mentioned in the hadeeth? What is the importance of this mosque?

iii. Why is Jihad so important in Islam? Is there any other meaning of Jihad other than fighting?

Q.5- Explain the following the situations in your own words.

Not observing traffic laws while

driving on a road trip.

Jostling when getting on and off the

means of travel.

Using mobile phone while driving on

a road.

Smoking while in the means of


Q.6. Explain the things that you must observe while travelling to be a good representative of your religion and

At the airport In the means of travel In the destination country.

Q.7 –Answer the following questions:

i. Describe the merits of the Holy Mosque ‘Masjid Al Nabvi”.

ii. Justify the benefits of Al-Hudaibiya Treaty for the Muslim.
iii. Analyses the social, personal and religious benefits of Umrah.
iv. Describe the steps of performing Umrah rituals as well as the associated rules?
v. Why was the Prophet, (PBUH) so much attached to Makkah city in spite of that the people of Makkah
did not allow the Muslim to worship in Masjid Al Haram in the beginning of Islam?
vi. Why do we have to wear Ihram at the time of Umrah? And why the same Ihram is not used for female?

Q.8-Read the translation of Qur’anic verses and give the answers below.
1. And from the remote part of the city, there came a man running He said, 'O my people, follow the sent ones.' (20)

2. Follow those who do not ask any reward of you and they are on the right course. (21)

3. And what is to me that I should not worship Him Who created me and you are to return only to Him. (22)

4. Shall I take, besides Allah, other gods that if the Most Affectionate intends any harm, their intercession shall not be
of any use to me and nor would they save me? (23)

I. Who was the man mentioned in the first ayah? What did he want from the people and why?

II. Explain that, “Follow those who do not ask any reward of you and they are on the right cause”.

III. Deduce three lessons that you learn from the story of the righteous man and might benefit in

your life.

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