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Name:_Jeremiah Anthony P.

Fernandez________ Date:_19/11/2022__
Course/Section:_BIT 1Q MT-A____________

ACTIVITY #4 ( 20 pts)

From your own understanding explain what “sex” or sexual intercourse is. The good,
the bad, and the illegal.

1. Define “Sex” (5pts.)

_Sex is the trait that determines whether a sexually reproducing animal or plant
produces male or female gametes. Plants and animals produce smaller mobile
gametes, sperm, sperm and pollen, while females often produce larger ovules called
ovules. Organisms that produce both types of gametes are called hermaphrodites.
During sexual reproduction, male and female gametes fuse to form a fertilized egg
that develops into offspring that inherit traits from their respective
2. What good can we get from “sex”? (5pts)
_Builds emotional intimacy, Improves Cardiovascular Health, Increases Immunity,
Reduces Stress, Relieves pain, Promotes Longevity, Increases Blood Circulation, You
Sleep Better, Improves Overall Fitness, Increases level of Oestrogen and

3. When does “sex” become a bad thing? (5pts)

___With too much sex, the positive effects of this intimate activity on the body can
quickly turn into negative effects that can do more harm than

4. When does “sex” become illegal? (5pts)

_Age restriction causes the thing of being illegal of doing sex because of what
happening in our society became worse that female that are lower that 18 are
having sex at early stages thats why it became illegal.

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