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Name/Section_Jeremiah Anthony P.

Fernandez BIT 1-Q

MT-A Date:_12/01/2022___________

1. Art Recall (5 points)


When was the first time you realized that there is a Higher Being than
yourself? How old are they? What made you believe that there is a
higher being?

When i was about six or seven, I Have been grown by my parents that
there is a higher being than myself. To be non specific God and is i am
small people to understand growing gives us more unreliable and
boring phases to overcome in our lives god thinks that i already
imagined things by seeing this question and also grateful to be
respected person for raising his own child

2. Draw: (10 points)

Make a poster about the instance or situation that made you believe
in the existence of Higher Being.
3. Reflection Paper. Reflect on Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy
assumptions. (5 points)

_What i have learned in this logotheraphy is not all are the same in
learning on franks theory to logotheraphy we have our own ways on
learning as we cascade in the sun we see through distant mountains
in the same day and night what brings us to life? sometimes Frankl
viewed logotherapy as a way to enhance existing therapies by
emphasizing the “meaning-dimension” or spiritual dimension of
human beings. Three philosophical and psychological concepts make
up Frankl’s logotherapy: freedom of will, will to meaning, and meaning
of life (Batthyany,

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