English Test 4

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English test 4

1. Inversion of such-that:
- Such + a/an + adj + N + (be) + S + that + S V O
- Such + (be) + Noun phrase+ that + S V O
2. Responsible + to sb for st/Ving
3. Duty=responsibility
→ Passive voice:
It + (be) + sb’s duty + to V st
is are responsibility
 S + be + supposed + to V
4. Would have PII: có thể làm nhưng chưa làm
5. Provide that = if
6. But for = without: nếu không có thì
7. Called it a day = relax
8. Evolve = develop from: tiến hóa
9. - Eventually: cuối cùng thì
- Killed of: giết sạch
- formerly: trước đây
- grander: huy hoàng
10. would sooner = would rather sb did st (hiện tại)
had PII st (quá khứ)
11. What if: điều gì xảy ra nếu
12. Because of = what with S V O

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