Thematic Analysis

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Thematic Analysis

Josie Havens
OGL 482 Pro-Seminar II
Self discovery is something that can happen by chance or
something that can be sought after. As you look at
information from your life, you will see specific words,
people, or purpose show up time and time again.
Categorizing these reoccurring themes help identify the
theme of your life, helps you live your life in a way that
brings you full circle in the pursuit of true happiness.
In this assignment, I was able to read through an archive
of work from years prior and use in vivo coding to identify
10 themes in my life both personally and professionally.
These are recurring themes that give my life purpose and
direction. Being able to identify these allows for a deeper
connection to myself and allows a view of my life from a Figure 1. Theme quote. (Orlick )
perspective I haven’t taken previously.
Data Sources
• Yellowdig posts
• Three Questions (3Qs) by Michael Himes; In this assignment, I ask myself, What
brings me joy? What am I good at? What does the world need from me?
• Kuder Assessments:
• Kuder Career Interests Assessment® ; Evaluates what interests me most ina a
workplace and categorizes my personality based on the results.
• Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment® ; Evaluates what skills I am most confident in
and categorizes my personality based on the results.
• Super’s Work Values Inventory; Evaluates what aspect of a work environment I find
to be most valuable and ranks them 1-12.
• Career Anchors Assessment: This measures what is my highest needs within a work
• Leader Identity Narrative: This paper follows my leadership journey from early high school
years to present day, evaluating the most influential leadership moments throughout that
• OGL 321 Harvard Simulation paper: For this assignment, we were to reflect on how we
managed a team and results after running multiple scenarios in gameplay.
• OGL 200 Introduction discussion board: We were to write from the perspective of a pet or
child to introduce ourselves and what skills we possess that make us a good leader.
My family has shaped who I am.
• Supporting data and evidence
• Leader Identity Narrative
• Watching my family take on leadership roles, work sometimes 3 or 4 jobs at a time, and not ever break
down or show defeat were some of the earliest leadership examples in my life. I made many future goals
based on the lifestyle and choices my sisters and mother had made.
• Three Questions (3Qs) by Michael Himes
• Learning to be a parent and a caring human being came not only from the examples set before me but
also the in-depth conversations my family had growing up. We never shied away from a tough
controversial topic but instead my siblings often used it as a way to help widen the viewpoints of their
younger siblings.

• Reflection: Being raised in a family of single, independent females that always showed strength in any given
situation gave me an untrue belief that I should not need support from anyone. While this upbringing gave me
resilience and an extremely strong work ethic, it has stipend my ability to accept help.
• Supporting data and evidence
• Three Questions (3Qs) by Michael Himes

Being a • Within these answers I spoke a lot about how my parenting

affects not only the lives of me and my son, but also will be the
largest impact I have on this world. Teaching the future

generations basic etiquette and decency is more than a lot of
people show these days. Identifying this as the biggest impact I
will have shows how deeply rooted this theme is in my
personal story.

mother is • OGL 200 Introduction discussion board

• Not only was this story written from the perspective of my son,
but the actions and reactions I chose to write about identifies

important the desire I have to shape the future through my son. Ensuring
his success is not just about loving him, but showing him
beauty, responsibility, and joy in different aspect of life.

to me. • Reflection: My mother was a single mom of 13 kids. She did her best and
provided for us, but her impact on me was extremely indirect. Through this
reflection I have seen how I put so much of myself in to being a good
mother so my son is granted opportunities I wasn’t and is able to truly
change the world just by being himself.
I need growth to feel successful.
• Supporting data and evidence
• OGL 321 Harvard Simulation paper
• Growth not only individually but as a team is sometimes a make it or break it moment. In this paper, I discussed
different scenarios and solutions I went through to increase my overall score in the simulation. Getting the same score,
or lower, is not successful. I needed to try new things in order to truly find success.
• Super’s Work Values Inventory
• While having a challenge was rated super high in this assessment, stability was not. Of course, everyone wants
stability, however, growth comes from stepping out of comfortability.
• Career Anchors Assessment
• Pure challenge was one of the highest ranked on this assessment. I have the desire and pursuit of something that
challenges me whether it be intellectually, physically, or psychologically. Doing an easy task and finding success will not
satisfy my needs.
• Reflection: Throughout my life I have always going after the next thing. I had always wondered if I was chasing an impossible
happiness to find validation. Through this analysis, I am able to see that it is growth I am after rather than validation. I need to
constantly see myself getting better or learning something new. The moment I am stagnant is the moment I find myself reaching
for happiness in the wrong places.
I am a • Supporting data and evidence
• Super’s Work Values Inventory

relationship- • Coworkers was what I valued most and was

scored well in the high range. Without good
relationships in the workplace, I do not feel

based leader. successful.

• Leader Identity Narrative
• I grew in an environment of trust and
respect. I felt drawn to that same leadership
style. I rely on my followers’ happiness and
job satisfaction to bring success as a
• Reflection: I grew my success from the relationships
and peer development I had in my early career days. I
used the rapport I had to find connections and grow as
a leader. I know that I couldn’t do have of what I do if I
was not able to rely on the relationships and
relationship building skills I have developed over the
Supporting others brings me joy.
• Supporting data and evidence
• Career Anchors Assessment
• Managerial competence ranked highest in this assessment. I focus a lot on the interpersonal aspect of
this and helping others reach their fullest potential.
• OGL 321 Harvard Simulation paper
• Throughout this assignment, I struggled with balancing the stress levels of the team and learned how to
better support them with resources or deadline changes. I prioritized this in multiple scenarios because I
wanted to ensure a happy team.
• OGL 200 Introduction discussion board
• Written from the perspective of my child, this discussion board spoke much about the things I do for him
and how I can affect his mood by giving him attention and support.
• Reflection: I have been able to identify that I find happiness in others. I started to base my success on them and
being able to support them and see the success they have is more beneficial for me than finding success on my
Creativity brings passion.
• Supporting data and evidence
• Kuder Career Interests Assessment®
• My results for this assessment were SEA, meaning artistry was ranked third. Thinking about
artistry in a workplace, you think about the way problems are solved and new ways of thinking.
That is what brings me interest after 10 years in the same company.

• Super’s Work Values Inventory

• Creativity, ranked third in this assessment, was the last item
that got a high ranking. This is what brings passion into the
problem-solving aspect of my career field.
• Reflection: I feel a need for passion within my job, otherwise, how can you
expect someone to perform in their job for the longevity that I have.
Creativity is what brings my passion out in this job. I take breaks to make
latte art, find a solution to an unsolvable problem, or spend an extra few
minutes making something beautiful just for fun. Those things are what
keep me going on the hard days.
I love to serve. I love to help others be the absolute best version of
themselves in every aspect of their lives. I inspire others to do this by
building trust and respect between us.
Mission Statement

I will consistency build a safe haven of trust and support to those who need it. I
will always work to be the best that I am able to be in everything that I do. I
will find joy in the most mundane areas of life and share the beauty and joy
with others.

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