Questions To Ask 1NC

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1. What has the military done so far?

2. If the DOD is focused on weapons, then how do we know that the DOD is the best organization
to make these ethical guidelines?
3. What does the DOD stand for?
4. What has the DOD done in the past?
5. What does the DIB stand for?
6. Why is the OSCE plan superior?
7. How will your plan ensure safety?
8. How would your plan promote ethical A.I?
9. What is your current plan?
10. How will these rules benefit us all?If one of the goals is to make A.I. ethical, how will you make
sure Russia and China make their A.I. ethical even under the circumstance of their being weaker
11. Even if there is no definition of A.I. weapons, how is it really possible to regulate them?
12. What events has the DOD participated in in the past that makes them reliable today?
13. Is the DIB (Defense Innovation Board) reliable considering they have only been around since
2016 and haven't done many innovative things which is part of their sole mission?
14. What does your plan intend to use to keep us safe in war if we aren’t using AI?
15. How will we catch up to Russia and China if we use the OSCE?
16. What does OSCE stand for?
17. How many countries participate in the OSCE?
18. What has the OSCE done to make them trustworthy?
19. What will the "High procedural technical bar" be?
20. What is the DIB?
21. Explain the senior review process?
22. Does the DOD use any ethical principles already? If so can you give me some examples?
23. Why are Russia and China seeking out an asymmetric advantage?
24. What are the principles the DoD is adopting?
25. What do you mean by no definition of AI
26. What are the UK force elements?
27. What type of risks are coming from LAWS?
28. What are some ways that other countries are showing use of ethical AI? 
29. What are the enhancements that are going towards AI now?
30. How can technology cause nuclear conflict?
31. Why is the OSCE counterplan better?
32. What are DOD system safety standards?
33. Why does development in the international community matter.
34. What is the definition of a lethal autonomous weapon systems?
35. How are we sure autonomy of weapons systems are good? 
36. If there are already existing policies how could we improve them?
37. How could we benefit from the domestic and international law?  
38. If AI is under review, why should we use it in war?What are these ethical guidelines you are
currently proposing?
39. You said "Russia and China take out solvency. They will not model plan." How do we know that
they don't model plans?
40. When do Russia and China see themselves as weaker than the combined forces of NATO? 
41. What do you mean when you say, "Model plan"?

42. What will you do if your plan fails?

43. What risks come with AWS?

44. How can AI technology cause nuclear war?
45. What are some ways other countries are showing use of ethical AI?
46. What would happen if we don’t adopt these guidelines?
47. How will this help/ impact the US in war?
48. How will these weapons be safe?
49. Will Russia and China see this as a threat?
50. Won't people see this as dangerous if you rush everything?
51. Will soldiers feel good about using weapons that were rushed and have no guidelines?
52. How would the weapons be safe without ethical guidelines?
53. How would AI work without guidelines?
54. How are we going to start focusing and enforcing ethics and regulations?
55. What are you going to do about China and Russia incorporating new tech into their military?
56. What will you do about the rapid shifts in power if China and Russia don't stop using the AI?
57. How will the US seek and maintain an innovating edge?
58. How will the DOD allow future flexibility with LAW development? 
59. AI could possibly kill civilians. How could we stop that without ethical guidelines?
60. If we don't have ethical guidelines how can we, as a community, trust the A.I to protect us and
not turn against us?
61. What is the limit that we are willing to extend to to put power over safety?
62. If we don’t have ethical guidelines, then how can we protect our AI from being tricked into
attacking civilians?
63. Is AI used a lot? 
64. Will people respect NATO?
65. Will these weapons be safe?
66. Will we be tag team in the US if WWIII started?
67. If we do not know what something is then how can it be banned?
68. What incentive does China have to substantively engage in developing AI?
69. Why won’t Russia and China feel limited by the guidelines you propose?
70. Why would the dual-use character of AI be accessible to many militaries when they don’t have
the resources to make them?
71. Why is there uncertainty for the definition of law in the 1 AC?
72. Why would World powers want to restrict AI use?
73. What ethics guidelines are using?
74. What would happen if we used the guidelines and Russia or China invaded the U.S.,having NOT
followed the guidelines?
75. How will these guidelines benefit us?
76. How many countries are in NATO?
77. What does IFF stand for?

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