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Journal of Earth Science, Vol. 32, No. 2, p.

288–292, April 2021 ISSN 1674-487X

Printed in China

How Deep Learning Networks could be Designed to Locate

Mineral Deposits
Donald A. Singer *
10191 N. Blaney Ave., Cupertino 95014, CA USA
Donald A. Singer:

ABSTRACT: Whether using a shallow neural network with one hidden layer, or a deep network with
many hidden layers, the training data must represent subgroups of the deposit type being explored to be
useful. Published examples of neural networks have mostly been limited to one individual mineral deposit
for training. Variation of geologic features among deposits within a type are so large that a single deposit
cannot provide proper information to train a neural net to generalize and guide exploration for other
deposits. Models trained with only one deposit tend to be academic successes but are not of practical value
in exploration for other deposits. This is why it takes much experience examining many deposits to
properly train an economic geologist—a neural network is not any different. Two examples of shallow
neural networks are used to demonstrate the power of neural networks to possibly locate undiscovered
deposits and to provide some suggestions of how to deal with missing data. The training data needs to
include information spatially related to known deposits and hopefully information from many different
deposits of the type. Lessons learned from these and other examples point to a proposed sampling plan for
data that could lead to a generalized neural network for exploration. In this plan, 10 or more well-explored
gold-rich porphyry copper deposits from around the world with 100 or more sample sites near and some
distance from each deposit would probably capture important variability among such deposits and provide
proper data to train and test a shallow neural network to predict locations of undiscovered deposits.
KEY WORDS: porphyry copper, training neural networks, missing observations.

0 INTRODUCTION In practical terms there are two key problems, (1) it is not clear
Successful economic geologists commonly require many how to integrate diverse complex information when some of the
years of experience examining many different deposits. This is information is missing, and (2) typically there are too few well-
due to the wide variability of features of mineral deposits even studied deposits in the region of interest.
of the same type. Having a tool such as a neural network that Here some possible answers to these two problems are pre-
could complement the economic geologist would be welcome. sented. First, an overview is presented of recent advances in deep
A fundamental problem is to determine how to properly train a learning and neural networks that have demonstrated remarkable
neural network for this task so that it could learn the patterns like abilities to recognize patterns with large quantities of data. Fol-
experienced economic geologists. lowing this, two simple examples of neural networks are used to
Zoning of geochemistry, geophysics, alteration and associ- illustrate some of the possibilities. Next, some ways are pre-
ated mineral deposits have been well documented for individual sented in which appropriate data could be collected and properly
deposits and in generalizations in mineral deposit models (Cox prepared for learning to address the key problems.
and Singer, 1986). It is often difficult to use this information in
exploration due to the fact that the spatial information typically 1 DEEP LEARNING NETWORKS
is specific for individual deposits and even deposits of a specific Geologists and prospectors have long recognized patterns
type vary considerably in details of geologic ages, rock types that helped them discover mineral deposits. Successful geolo-
and local information available. Local host rocks often affect gists typically had extensive experience by seeing many deposits
alteration patterns, spatially associated deposits, and geo chemi- which helped them recognize many of the patterns. Such experi-
cal zoning. An additional problem is that much exploration in- ence has been difficult to obtain even over many years. Modern
terest is for partially or completely concealed mineral deposits. exploration frequently must now deal with concealed deposits
for which patterns recognized in exposed deposits might not be
*Corresponding author: observable. Where the patterns have been observed, statistical
© China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) and Springer-Verlag tools such as discriminate analysis, logistic regression, and
GmbH Germany, Part of Springer Nature 2021 Bayesian methods have extended the ability of geologists in their
Manuscript received November 22, 2020. In 1986 a publication by Rumelhart and others opened up
Manuscript accepted December 22, 2020. the new field of neural networks. The most widely used was

Singer, D. A., 2021. How Deep Learning Networks could be Designed to Locate Mineral Deposits. Journal of Earth Science, 32(2):
How Deep Learning Networks could be Designed to Locate Mineral Deposits 289

called a multiple-layer feedforward network. Simply put, a neu- successful applications of any neural network for exploration.
ral network is a set of input information that is passed into an The first example is from an attempt to test the power of neural
internal processing system which produces a set out output val- networks to locate deposits whereas the second example repre-
ues. The most recognized form of network can be shown as a set sents a test of what might be possible with the correct kinds of
of inputs (the input layer), a hidden layer with numerous neurons information.
(processing units) and an output layer with one or more output An early study of neural networks in exploration used a
neurons (Fig. 1). Neurons in every layer feed into every neuron multiple-layer feedforward network to predict possible locations
in next layer above. Networks learn weights to the connections of undiscovered mineral deposits (Singer and Kouda, 1996). The
between neurons that are adjusted to meet a measure of error for goal was to locate possible kuroko massive sulfide deposits us-
the output. The shallow network shown on the left of Fig. 1 has ing the data from 20 years of drilling in the largely concealed
been found to be quite powerful at integrating information for Hokuroku District of Japan (Fig. 2). The data used were from X-
classification, noise reduction, and prediction (Masters, 1993). ray analyses of gypsum, sericite and pyrite in 152 drill holes in
The successes of and the difficulty of training networks the approximately 40×40 km2 district. Average amounts per hole
with more than two hidden layers led to widespread use of shal- of pyrite, sericite, and gypsum plus anhydrite as measured by X-
low neural networks. As models of the power of the human rays in 69 drill holes were used to train the net. Mainly drill holes
brain, they only failed with complex images and patterns that near and between the Fukazawa, Furutobe, and Shakanai mines
humans excelled at. They also failed to mimic the human brain
in the computational structure of deep layers. A major break-
through was made in 2006 when Geoffrey Hinton and others
published a paper showing how multiple hidden layers with few
hidden neurons per layer (Fig. 1) could be solved. This seminal
paper provided the basis for what is now called deep networks.
The power of these networks led to breakthroughs in image and
speech recognition and are now widely used in many disciplines
(Masters, 2016). Two examples of the use of shallow single hid-
den layer networks are provided in the next section.


Examples of the use of shallow neural networks are used
here to demonstrate the power of shallow neural networks and Figure 1. Subset of connections in a shallow network and deep network. Neurons
to provide some indications of what needs to be considered in in every layer feed into every neuron in next layer above (after Masters, 2016).

Figure 2. Neural network output in the Hokuroku district, Japan. Based on X-ray data of gypsum, sericite, and pyrite in drill holes. One hidden layer, 5 neurons
(from Singer and Kouda, 1996).
290 Donald A. Singer

were used to train the network with the output neuron being the These two examples show both the power of even shallow
logarithm of distance to a deposit. Five neurons were used in the neural networks and point to some significant issues that need to
hidden layer. The training data were selected carefully to repre- be addressed in order for these networks to successfully gener-
sent well-explored areas where confidence of the distance to ore alize for discovering new mineral deposits.
was assured. The validation consisted of testing the trained net-
work on the total available dataset, including the 69 drill holes 3 ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED
used for training. The network succeeded in identifying all The wide variability of mineral deposits even of the same
known deposits and pointed to an area in the northeast part of the type is unlikely to be recognized and learned by a machine any
District where an independently discovered a kuroko deposit had more than it is by an economic geologist studying only one or
been found (Fig. 2). Such drill hole data is not commonly avail- two deposits. For one example, gold-rich porphyry copper de-
able in exploration for mineral deposits in concealed settings, so posits tend to be spatially associated with certain kinds of gold
the nature of the data limited the network’s applicability else- deposits which are not found near molybdenum-rich porphyry
where. In addition, the training of the network was mostly based copper deposits. Yet published studies of neural networks appli-
on one deposit which limits their application for other deposits cations on porphyry copper deposits have typically been based
even of the same type. only on one deposit.
Commonly in exploration for undiscovered deposits, the in- So, the most important key to generalizing a neural network
formation that might be useful is widely scattered and often some system to guide exploration for any deposit type would be to
samples contain missing data for some of the variables. To test train it with a variety of deposits from different areas of the type
one way to deal with missing information, an artificial example of interest. A neural network for exploring for porphyry copper
of 800 points was generated with three kinds of alteration and a deposits can serve as an example of the how training and testing
geophysical variable. The alteration was assumed to be zoned data could be gathered so that the resulting model would be gen-
around the deposit but with some irregularities. The alteration eralized.
variables were coded as 1 if present in the sample, -1 if not pre- A suggested data set of at least 10 porphyry copper deposits
sent, and 0 if no information was available on alteration such as from around the world with perhaps 100 or more sample sites near
when the sample was located where possible altered rocks were and some distance away from each deposit would probably cap-
covered by younger sediments. The geophysical variable was ture most of the variability among such deposits. Because gold-
available in all samples and had higher values in an annulus rich porphyry copper deposits may have different geophysical and
around the deposit. All simulated data were located in X-Y space other features than molybdenum-rich deposits, the tests should
in kilometers from the center of the deposit. A probabilistic neu- probably be done on the more common gold- to intermediate-
ral network (Masters, 1993) was trained on a randomly selected porphyry copper deposits in order to reduce the learning complex-
subset of 360 points into one of four distance classes of 0–1 km, ities. The samples would represent information already gathered
1–3, 3–5 and 5–10+ km (Table 1). The rows in Table 1 that have and recorded as distance from the center of the deposit. Clearly the
0 for all three alteration variables represent samples located measures need to be of the sort commonly recorded in public re-
where rocks that could have been altered were covered—that is ports. Previous studies demonstrate that there are numerous varia-
no alteration could have been observed even if it existed. bles capture the geochemical zoning patterns such as around these
Figure 3 shows roughly contoured distances of the output deposits for example (Cooke and others, 2015; Cameron and oth-
of the probabilistic neural network using both training and test ers, 2004). As suggested in the above example, potassic, sericite,
samples. The plot demonstrates that samples with some missing advance argillic alteration have spatial patterns around porphyry
variables can be coded so that they can be used to point to the copper deposits with the pyrite-bearing alteration typically wide-
location of a mineral deposit. With only 360 training points this spread (Sillitoe, 2010; Singer and others, 2008). Magnetic anoma-
shallow neural network was powerful enough to learn reasonable lies vary by subtype of porphyry copper deposit and could be use-
estimates of distance to a deposit. ful for covered areas (Abedi and Norouzi, 2012).

Table 1 Example input and output of three alteration and one geophysical variables. X and Y are distances of sample in km from deposit, Group is distance
group, PNN INPUT is the input alteration and geophysical variables. PNN OUTPUT are the probabilistic neural network probabilities and the median distances


X Y Dist. Group Alt1 Alt2 Alt3 Geoph. Gp1 Gp2 Gp3 Gp4 Group Distance
0.88 0.32 0.94 1 1 -1 -1 0.305 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.5
2.45 1.63 2.95 2 -1 1 -1 0.689 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2 2
2.18 -0.96 2.38 2 0 0 0 0.727 0.21 0.35 0.08 0.35 4 8
-0.94 3.06 3.20 3 -1 -1 1 1.129 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 3 4
2.38 2.85 3.72 3 0 0 0 1.495 0.00 0.54 0.41 0.05 2 2
-1.68 4.63 4.93 3 -1 -1 1 1.402 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 3 4
4.94 0.72 4.99 3 0 0 0 1.902 0.00 0.14 0.85 0.00 3 4
6.82 1.55 6.99 4 0 0 0 0.865 0.10 0.47 0.13 0.30 2 2
2.82 4.42 5.25 4 -1 -1 -1 0.675 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 4 8
How Deep Learning Networks could be Designed to Locate Mineral Deposits 291

Figure 3. Contours of maximum estimated probability distance classes to center of deposit from 800 artificial samples of geophysics and alteration around a
porphyry copper deposit.

An important variable that seems to not have been used is 4 CONCLUSIONS

the spatial patterns of associated kinds of mineral deposits and Deep learning neural networks have shown their power in
prospects. For example, in settings where carbonate rocks are their ability to deal with complex systems to make predictions.
present, Cu-Au skarns are typically within 2 km of porphyry Even shallow networks have a history of successful integration
copper deposits and replacement bodies are more distant at 2–7 of diverse information for classification and predictions. At-
km such as near Bingham, United States where sediment-hosted tempts to use these methods for mineral exploration have shown
and placer gold were also present. Near gold-rich porphyry cop- their power but have not been shown to be able to generalize to
per deposits high-sulfidation epithermal gold deposits can occur predict locations of undiscovered deposits primarily due to train-
within about 2 km and low-sulfidation epithermal gold deposits ing being limited to one deposit only. The considerable variabil-
more distant such as near Far Southeast, Philippines. Where car- ity of geologic patterns around deposits of the same deposit type
bonate rocks are not present, polymetallic veins are often periph- is the reason it takes economic geologists years of study to be
eral to porphyry copper deposits such as near Dexing, China (Sil- competent and why neural networks need to be trained differ-
litoe, 2010; Singer and others, 2008). ently than they have been in the past. For neural networks to be
There is widespread evidence that, at least for porphyry successful mineral exploration tools they must learn from the
copper deposits, many variables are known to have strong spatial same breadth of deposits that train successful economic geolo-
patterns that would be helpful for use in neural networks. Spatial gists.
information gathered from at least 10 porphyry copper deposits There are two key problems, (1) it is not clear how to inte-
should provide a powerful set of data to train and test a neural grate diverse complex information when some of the information
network. It is possible that a shallow network would be all that is missing, and (2) typically there are too few well-studied de-
is needed for satisfactory predictions. But if more power is posits of the type of interest in the region of interest. For
needed, a deep network would certainly integrate this infor- presence-absence variables such as alteration types or spatially
mation into a successful predictor of the possible locations of associated deposits, a simple coding of 1 for present, -1 for ab-
undiscovered porphyry copper deposits even in concealed set- sent, and 0 for not measured seems to work in neural networks.
tings. For continuous variables the coding for missing observation
292 Donald A. Singer

needs to provide a neutral response for missing data. for Copper Exploration. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 83: 35–45.
For the second issue of too few well-studied deposits avail-
able to represent the variety of geologic attributes that exist Cameron, E. M., Hamilton, S. M., Leybourne, M. I., et al., 2004. Finding
within a deposit type, it is necessary to train the network with Deeply Buried Deposits Using Geochemistry. Geochemistry: Explora-
many deposits from around the world. The network must learn tion, Environment, Analysis, 4(1): 7–32.
from the same breadth of deposits that train successful economic 7873/03-019
geologists. A proposal is made here to gather a data set of 10 or Cooke, D. R., Wilkinson, J. J., Baker, M., et al., 2015. Using Mineral Chem-
more porphyry copper deposits from around the world with per- istry to Detect the Location of Concealed Porphyry Deposits—An Ex-
haps 100 or more sample sites near and away from each deposit ample from Resolution, Arizona. Proceedings of the 27th International
would probably capture most of the variability among such de- Applied Geochemistry Symposium 2015, April 20–24, 2015, Arizona,
posits and provide the proper data to train a shallow neural net- USA. 1–6
work. The samples would represent information already gath- Cox, D. P., Singer, D. A., 1986. Mineral Deposit Models. U.S. Geological
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Clearly, the measures need to be of the sort commonly recorded Hinton, G. E., Osindero, S., Teh, Y. W., 2006. A Fast Learning Algorithm for
in public reports. The proposed spatial information gathered Deep Belief Nets. Neural Computation, 18(7): 1527–1554.
from at least 10 gold-rich porphyry copper deposits should pro-
vide a powerful set of data to train and independently test a neu- Masters, T., 1993. Practical Neural Network Recipes in C++. Academic Press,
ral network. Based on the examples shown here, powerful deep Inc., San Diego, California. 493
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preparation are likely to have enough predictive power for these Rumelhart, D., McClelland, J., the PDP Research Group, 1986. Parallel Dis-
problems. tributed Processing. MIT Press, Cambridge
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Thanks go to the anonymous reviewers and the editors for Singer, D. A., Kouda, R., 1996. Application of a Feedforward Neural Network in
their constructive comments. The final publication is available at the Search for Kuroko Deposits in the Hokuroku District, Japan. Mathemat-
Springer via ical Geology, 28(8): 1017–1023.
Singer, D. A., Berger, V. I., Moring, B. C., 2008. Porphyry Copper Deposits
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