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When demands cannot be met, a person responds physically, emotionally, and mentally by
feeling stressed or under pressure.Stress can also be felt when exposed to unpleasant
stimuli including foul odours, loud noises, and abusive language.Stress can affect everyone,
including young people, adults, and the elderly.In general, a person's level of stress varies
depending on the stress load they are under.A small amount of mild to moderate stress can
motivate people to work harder and be more productive.However, excessive, persistent, and
unresolved stress has detrimental effects on health and raises the chance of illness.

In reality, there are many things we can do to manage stress. You can manage your stress
on your own or with the assistance of friends or family.
Why Stress Can Happen

A healthy amount of stress may be a great motivator. It can promote mental wellness and
good physical and mental functioning. The tension in modern life is overwhelming. Long-
term and severe stress are both problematic. It impairs the heart, digestive system, and
skeletal muscles as well as having unfavourable psychological impacts.

This will have an impact on several ailments like migraine. If this is not the case, the
pressure that is being discussed will cause us to feel unbalanced and unproductive.

C a u s e s o f s tre s s


Lifestyle and work



Perfectionism, which involves having unrealistically high standards for yourself Anxiety


The space is confined, and the noise level is high.unsuitable or inefficient living or working
3))Lifestyle and work

Overworked or underworked.Pressure to finish on time or to catch up.A lack of employment

stability.Not receiving the right recognition at work, such as a promotion, and being frustrated
or bored with one's current responsibilities.Required to perform duties or responsibilities that
go beyond one's true capacity for performance.Time management issues


Financial difficulties,Relationship difficulties,Family changes like the passing of a loved one

owing to divorce or death


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1) Support From Family and Social Environment

Parental and student social pressure is one of the factors that contribute to academic stress.
In order for your parents to comprehend your condition, you must inform them about the
academic stress you are experiencing. It is hoped that if your parents are aware of how you
are feeling psychologically, they would help you by being less demanding of you.

2) Esercice

Can help reduce muscle tension and stress.

3) Listening Music

playing soothing music Your body will start to relax and your breathing will resume normally
as a result of music helping to slow down a rapid heartbeat.

4) Calm Down

Take it easy if you feel tense or pressured. Maintaining your composure can aid in breaking
the initial loop of harmful stress.

5) Share feelings with someone

Speak with trusted, sympathetic family members or close friends about your concerns.
Share your thoughts and emotions with them.

Finally, seek medical attention or counselling. This will benefit you. Although it is incredibly
helpful, it cannot take the place of expert assistance. Seek assistance and expert medical
care to treat your symptoms if they are very severe or if you believe there is no other option.
Stress will make someone unable to perform daily tasks, which will lower their productivity.
Therefore, the best strategy for lowering stress levels among students is to recognise one's
ability and think positively. We must never forget that the kids of today are the backbone of
our age and the future presidents of our nation. Therefore, in order to effectively address this
stress issue and prevent it from getting worse, numerous effective steps must be
implemented by all parties.









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