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AMBUYAT is a traditional food for the Brunei and Bisaya people, and is even the
main dish after rice.Once upon a time it was served as a daily menu and a mandatory dish
during special days such as weddings and the day of the gathering of the tribe.

The dish made from sago reed is very famous in Sabah, Labuan, Sarawak and
Brunei.The Kadazan, Murut, Dusun and Bajau people in Sabah are also very fond of this
food called Linut. In Brunei, reed sago is known as ambulung. To produce it, the process of
flowing for a day needs to be done.However, today ambulung can be found in the market or
in the form of packets.

The head of Kampung Patau Patau 2 Labuan Women, Rahmah Rahmat, said
only two main ingredients are needed to make ambuyat, namely sago flour and hot
water.Sago flour bought in packet form needs to be dissolved or crushed.With a measure of
hot water, the sago flour is stirred until it becomes chewy.It's clear and slightly sticky. It
doesn't need to be chewed and can be swallowed straight away.It tastes bland, but it
depends on the sauce and it's better if the sauce is more sour or spicy. Rahmat said,
ambuyat is more comfortable to eat by using local chopsticks known as candas.It's good to
eat while it's still hot and sprinkled with grilled fish, stewed fish or side dishes, he said while
demonstrating making ambuyat.

Usually, said Rahmah, ambuyat is eaten en masse, thereby strengthening

friendships and relationships between families and villagers.Ambuyat is eaten together as a
lunch meal instead of rice.Most interesting when we scramble to take it and sprinkle it with
side dishes.While eating, we can chat to strengthen the relationship. Ambuyat is also good
to eat to help remove toxins from the body.

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