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• Planning a Test
• Writing Supply Type and Select Type Test Items
• Administering a Test
• Scoring a Test

Why Test Planning and Administration is important?

The planning phase provides an opportunity for the tester to determine what to test
and how to test it. The acquisition phase is the time during which the required
testing software is manufactured, data sets are defined and collected, and detailed
test scripts are written.
The test administrator's manner, bearing, and attitude may well inspire confidence
in competitors and put them at ease while participating in the testing process. A
teacher's test administration procedures can have great impact on students test

Planning a Test
i. Pre-testing
• Instructions at beginning
• Readiness, Motivation
• To know about achieved objectives
ii. During the Instruction Testing
• Provides bases for formative assessment
• Monitor learning progress
• Detect learning errors
• Provide feedback for students and teachers
iii. End of Instruction Testing
• Measure intended learning outcomes
• Used for formative assessment
• Provides bases for grades, promotion etc.

Matching Items
• Consist of Two Parallel Columns.
• Left termed (premises) on the right, (responses)
• Matching Items Good for: Knowledge and Comprehension

Tips for writing Matching items/ Questions

• Keep both columns Short
• Surety of responses for all Premises
• Left Column longer, Right Shorter (phrases, words, and symbols)
• Description in numbered and options identified by letter
• More options of responses than descriptions
• Put all items on a single page
• Logical order in responses
(chronological, alphabetical, etc.)

Supply Type Items (Completion)

Completion Items Good for
Knowledge, Comprehension and higher level Outcomes
Tips for writing Completion Items
• Use a Single-word answer
• State Problem to be examined
• Use of Precise and accurate language
• Don’t use Senseless statement
• Indicate Units of numerical answers

Supply Type Items (Essay)

Restricted Response:
Describe Similarities and differences in the lives of people living in Islamabad and
Extended Response:
Identify as many different ways to generate electricity in Pakistan as you can?

Tips for Writing Good Essay Items

• Questions of essential knowledge
• Ask sense able questions
• Preference for specific questions.
• Use relevant items for each domain.
• Avoid a choice among optional questions.
• Test the question by writing an ideal answer to it.
• Specify the time allotment for each item
• Divide a question into separate components when there are obvious multiple
questions or pieces to the intended responses.

Administering a Test
. Test Assembly
• Group together all item of Similar Format
• Arrange test items from Easy to Hard
• Space the items for Easy Reading
• Keep items and their options on the Same Page
• Position illustrations, tables, charts, pictures diagrams or maps near
• Answer keys must be Checked Carefully
• Provide adequate and proper Space for Name and Date
• Test directions must be Precised and Clear
• Test must be Proofread to make it error free
• Make all the item Unbiased (gender, culture, ethnic, racial etc.)
II. Reproduction of the Test
Practical Steps for Printing
• Manage Printing (if test takers are large in number)
• Manage Photocopy from a proper/new machine
• Use Good Quality of the Paper and Printing
• Retain Original Test in your own Custody
• Be careful while Making Sets of the test
• Manage Confidentiality of the test
III. Administration of the Test
• Maintain a Positive attitude for achievement
• Maximize achievement Motivation
• Equalize Advantages to all the students
• Provide Easy, Comfortable and Proper Seats
• Provide Proper system of Light, temperature, air and water.
• Clarify all the Rules and regulations
• Remind the students to Check their Copies
• Monitor students continuously
• Minimize Distractions
• Give Time Warnings properly
• Collect Test Uniformly
• Count the Answer Sheets, seal it in a bag and hand it ove
IV. Test Taking Strategies
• Students need to Follow Directions carefully
• Students need to understand how to Budget their Time
• Students need to Check their Work
• Read the Entire Test Item and possible Answers very Carefully.
• Answer the Easier Questions First
• Students need to make Educated Guesses
• Use Test Item Formats for practice
• Review the Practice Items and answer choices with students.
• Practice using answer sheets.

Test Instructions
Basically it’s an order given by a teacher to a group of students, according to
which they solve their specified test.

Types of Test Instructions:

1.Long Term Instructions
2. Instructions Just before the Test
1.Long Term Instructions
• Exam type should be told in advance
• Sample copies of at least one previous exam
• Exam nature will directly influence how students prepare, study and learn
• sufficient time to prepare for the test
• Inform students about the syllabus
• Discipline to be imposed when caught cheating
• Provide enough material according to the course outline
• Exam date sheet should be provided
• Instructions Just before the Test Distribute correct question paper
• Outsiders should not be allowed
• Starting time of exam
• Guide them properly, what they have to fill on exam sheet
• For online test tell them their username and password
• Ink color
• Marks distribution and negative marking, if any
• Tick or circle for multiple choice items
• Answer at the given space
• Changing answers in online test
• All the instructions should be announced loudly enough and in
understandable language

Responsibilities during Test

• In the physical perspective of examination the administration department
manage and provide examination rooms, must provide candidates with
appropriate conditions, in which to take the examination. It must be an
environment in which the candidates feel comfortable.
Managing the physical environment during testing may includes:
• Light Levels
• Temperature
• Ambient Noise Level
• Ventilation
• Minimal Distractions
• Size of exam hall
• Discourage cheating
• Anticipate questions that students may ask
• Set proper atmosphere for testing
• Discourage cheating
• Strategies during testing
-- Require students to remove unnecessary material from the desk.
-- Go around the testing room and observe student during testing.
-- Prohibits the borrowing of materials like pen and eraser.

• Things considered to be important in relation to the room / hall examination
is the seating position.
• The distance to be taken between the candidates.
• A position which is far enough to prevent candidates from copying another
• Supervisors engaged in examination hall room.

Psychological Environment
• Students Performance
• Interplay between Individuals and their Surroundings
• Involvement of Environmental Psychology in Education System
• Students Motivation
• Maintaining Confidence Level of Students
• Friendly Environment
Responsibilities After Test
Collecting test materials and dismissing test takers:
When the test is over, do the following:
• Invigilator must instruct candidates to stop answering, putting down their
pen on the table and stay put.
• Collect the test booklets individually from each test taker in the same order
in which you handed them out.
• All answer sheets have been handed in with names or other identification
indicating whose test paper was whose.
• Handle answer sheets carefully. Keep them flat and do not damage the
edges. Do not attach paper clips to them or staple anything to them.
• Once you are certain you have all the test booklets, collect and count the
answer sheets in the same manner.
• Thank the test takers for their cooperation.
• Dismiss the test takers.
Protect all test materials as the test takers leave the room

.5 Steps to Prevent Cheating

• Take Special Precautions during preparation, storage and administration of
• Provision of Sufficient Space on their desks to work easily
• If Scratch Paper is used have it turned in with the test.
• Testing Hours must be watched carefully
• Two Forms of the Tests can also be used
• Use Special Seating Arrangements while placing the students
• Create and maintain a Positive Attitude for the value of tests
Scoring the Test (Essay)
• Prepare a Scoring Key in advance
• Outline of the acceptable answer
• Main Features of the Answer and the Weights assigned to each.
• (Content, 4 points, Comprehensiveness: 2, Logical organization: 2,
Irrelevant material: Deduct upto 2, Misspelling of technical terms: Deduct
1/2 to 2, Major grammatical mistakes: 1 to 2 points, and ignore Poor
handwriting, misspelling of non-technical terms and minor grammatical
• Use an appropriate scoring method (point or rating)
• Read a sampling of the papers to get a „feel‟ of the quality of the answers.
• Score One Question through All of the papers before going on to the next
• Adopt a Definite Policy regarding factors which may not be relevant to
learning outcomes being measured
• Score the papers Anonymously

Rubric/Scoring Criteria:

• 1 Point for Each of the Factors Named, to a maximum of 5 points

• One point for each Appropriate Description of the factors named, to a
maximum of 5 points
• No Penalty for spelling, punctuation, or grammatical error
• No Extra Credit for more than five factors named or described.
• Unnecessary Information will be ignored.

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