Task 1

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Name: Jecel Salvacion Course& Yr.

: BEEd-1A Date: 12-05-2022

TASK NO.1: Physical Self-Inventory

Directions: Answer the Very Short form of the Physical Self-Inventory (PSI-VS) to assess your current global self-worth,
physical self-worth, physical condition, sport competence, physical attractiveness and physical strength. Evaluate yourself by
answering the following questions below which you will post at our e-classroom board.

1. Do you agree with the results of your PSI-VS? Why or why not?
-Yes I do agree, because it is myself my entire body as long as I am healthy and God give me
strength then good even if other people bully me its okay. This is me made by God.
2. Make a list of 3 things that you love about your physical self.
3. Is your PSI-VS result consistent with your list that you love about your physical self? The
Physical Self-Inventory
-Yes, in other words it is how much you appreciate and like yourself. Self-esteem
is often seen as a personality trait which tends to be stable and enduring.
1 2 3 4 5 6

Not at all Very little Some Enough A lot Entirely

1. I have a good opinion of myself.

2. Globally, I’m proud of what I can do physically.

3. I’m physically stronger than most people.

4. I am happy with who I am and what I can do physically.

5. I would be good at physical stamina exercises.

6. I have a nice body to look at.

7. I would be good at exercises that require strength.

8. I think I could run for a long time without tiring.

9. I can find a way out of difficulties in all sport.

10. Nobody finds me good-looking.

11. Everybody thinks that I am good-looking.

12. I do well in sports.

13. I would like to stay as I am.

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