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1. What is the unit trust’s objective choosing between a few final unit
and benchmark? trusts, it is worth reading the investment

commentaries written by the portfolio

This section lays out the definition of managers over time, to get a sense of
success for a unit trust, by stating its goal whether or not they are sticking to a
and benchmark. A unit trust measures tried-and-tested method. If this is the
its success in achieving its goal by case, their long-term performance is
comparing its return to that of probably a reasonable indicator of
a benchmark. future outcomes.

For example, the objective of the Allan A positive long-term track record
Gray Balanced Fund is ‘to create long- that shows reasonably consistent
term wealth for investors…. It aims to performance at similar points in different
outperform the average return of similar market cycles also gives some indication
HOW TO READ unit trusts without assuming any that a manager is applying a consistent
A FAC T SHEE T more risk.’ investment philosophy and process.

The number of options when choosing

a unit trust can be overwhelming and
is one of the most common barriers to “A FAC T SHEE T IS A G O OD SUM M ARY THAT C AN H ELP
investing. Unit trusts are registered in YOU FIND OUT ABOUT A UNIT TRUST, BUT IT C ANNOT
categories to make it easier to choose
between them, and Allan Gray offers
a very limited range of unit trusts to
keep things simple. Once you are
choosing between a final few unit You can use benchmarks to evaluate 3. How much do I need to invest and
trusts, factsheets provide a useful and performance. In the case of the what will it cost?
comparable summary. Ray Mhere Balanced Fund, the benchmark is the
explains how to read a factsheet to help weighted average return of all the unit Unit trusts charge either a fixed
you make better investment decisions. trusts in its category (excluding Allan percentage of the fund (a fixed fee)
Gray unit trusts). or a variable percentage based on
Legislation requires that all unit trusts performance (a performance fee).
produce a minimum disclosure When appraising a unit trust you The factsheet will show the basis for
document (MDD), which in many cases should look at whether its benchmark calculating the fee and the average
is called a factsheet. This document is appropriate, as it may be used to annual total fees and expenses in the
details how the unit trust operates, its determine the fees charged by the unit fund over the last three years (the total
performance, its risk profile and the trust. If it charges performance fees, a expense ratio).
costs associated with it. You can use unit trust with a lower benchmark than
factsheets to get more insights into the that of others in the same category may Just like anything you buy, you
unit trusts you are considering and to cost more as it more easily collects fees should aim to get value for money
compare their characteristics. This when it clears that benchmark. with fees, so a unit trust that charges
should help you make more informed fees above the average of its peers
investment decisions. 2. How does the unit trust aim to achieve should also deliver above-average
its objective? returns. Since performance is easy to
What a factsheet can tell you measure, you would expect that more
The mandate of a unit trust dictates what expensive unit trusts would always
Each of the sections on the factsheet types of assets it buys into, while the be better than cheaper ones, but that
builds a picture of the personality of the investment philosophy of the manager is not the case. Some cheaper unit
unit trust. Using this, you can compare describes the way the manager invests. trusts are very good value for money,
unit trusts and make decisions based on and some expensive ones are very
comparable facts. A single factsheet won’t show you poor value for money. Well-designed
whether the stated investment philosophy performance fees can help to make
The sections of a factsheet are designed actually describes how the unit trust sure that you only pay a high fee if
to answer the following questions: manager behaves. But if you are the unit trust performs well.

15 QC 4 2016
A factsheet will also include the minimum Maximum drawdown: the highest trust fits into your broader portfolio and
investment amounts. Many very good percentage decline the unit trust whether it matches your personal goals.
unit trusts have lower minimums than you has had. If you need help to link your needs as
would expect, especially if you make a Positive months: the number of months an individual and the financial tools
monthly contribution. the unit trusts has produced a available to you, you would probably
positive return. benefit from independent financial
4. How has the unit trust performed in Monthly volatility (in some cases advice. A factsheet is a good summary
the past? called ‘Standard Deviation’): how that can help you find out about a unit
much the unit trust’s return varies trust, but it cannot replace professional
On every factsheet, somewhere in statistically from its average over time. financial advice that speaks to your
the fine print, you will have language Highest and lowest annual return: unique situation.
saying something to this effect: ‘Past the highest and lowest returns over a
performance is not necessarily a guide 12-month period. Where can I find factsheets?
to future performance’. With this warning
in mind, it is important to tread carefully Each of these measures show how well Unit trust factsheets are usually
when using performance as an indicator the manager has done to manage risk, available online on the investment
– especially when it is used in isolation. but they also depend a lot on the type managers’ website in PDF format and
Read the performance figures alongside of assets your unit trust invests into. are updated by managers, like Allan
the investment philosophy and the risk Equity unit trusts will usually be the most Gray, every month. You can call our
numbers to get a clearer picture of how risky, followed by balanced (high and Client Service Centre if you would like
the unit trust operates. medium equity multi-asset) unit trusts, to receive your Allan Gray factsheets
low equity unit trusts and then money by email.
Having said that, over long periods, market unit trusts.
good performance is more likely to
be an indicator of a good manager These risk measures show the lived
and is unlikely to be the result of pure experience of being in that unit trust.
luck. Short-term returns (less than three If you, as the investor, cannot handle
years) can vary widely and are often the ups and downs of being in the
meaningless when it comes to selecting unit trust you choose, you could find
a unit trust, but long-term returns can yourself selling your investments at
show a skillful manager. exactly the wrong time, just after a
period of losses and before a period
5. How much risk has the unit trust taken of recovery.
on to achieve its returns?
What a factsheet will not tell you
Risk and performance are intertwined
and one cannot speak about one without Although some factsheets may include
mentioning the other. On a factsheet the a ‘Who this is suitable for’ section, no
relevant numbers to note will include: factsheet can tell you whether a unit

Ray joined Allan Gray in 2010 and is currently the Johannesburg regional manager. He holds a B.Com. degree from the University of Cape Town in Economics and
Law and has also completed his Post Graduate Diploma in financial planning through the University of the Free State.

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