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For Viva: | 1. page no. 78 points 1,2,3 of reading drawings 2.difference b/w Orthographic and pictorial view 3.sectioning view A,dimensioning - meted 1. Unidirectional 2. Aligned S.size of Arrow and types of pencil used 6 Fastening 1. permanent (rivets, belding , soldering, brazing) 2. Temporary (nut, bolt, pinns, stud and nut , caste! nut, joint} 7.serew threads - Nut bolt and functions of screw threads, Bkeys - Types and its function 9.shaft couplings - definition and its type 10.bearings - definition and its type LLpulleys - definition and its type 12.valves - definition and classification sivate in Lissung UWoLss — 3 points Kines, Yaatenin KK ing at : a cont i enol (vit) @ “haat 2 und vangt. ‘Axaotien Riusetd Crs. 249) “Pasion o_O deus raise a scvnplale ly fumed | hy a waite autre e Lo) The action linus um all aor whould de _¢ Sec tian chimes shout _utin gpa fe ehiger toms 7 Ionolteatre vo different hast! 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