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Remote Sensing of Environment 124 (2012) 689–704

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Monitoring land cover change in urban and peri-urban areas using dense time stacks
of Landsat satellite data and a data mining approach
Annemarie Schneider ⁎
Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1710 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53726, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Given the pace and scale of urban expansion in many parts of the globe, urban environments are playing an in-
Received 6 August 2011 creasingly important role in daily quality-of-life issues, ecological processes, climate, material flows, and land
Received in revised form 28 May 2012 transformations. Remote sensing has emerged as a powerful tool to monitor rates and patterns of urban expan-
Accepted 3 June 2012
sion, but many early challenges – such as distinguishing new urban land from bare ground – remain unsolved.
Available online 20 July 2012
To deal with the high temporal and spatial variability as well as complex, multi-signature classes within settle-
ments, this paper presents a new approach that exploits multi-seasonal information in dense time stacks of
Urban areas Landsat imagery using a multi-date composite change detection technique. The central premise of the approach
Urbanization is that lands within/near urban areas have distinct temporal trajectories both before and after change occurs, and
Cities that these lead to characteristic temporal signatures in several spectral regions. The method relies on a supervised
Peri-urban classification that exploits training data of stable/changed areas interpreted from Google Earth images, and a
Land cover ‘brute force’ approach of providing all available Landsat data as input, including scenes with data gaps due to
Environment the Scan Line Corrector (SLC) problem. Three classification algorithms (maximum likelihood, boosted decision
Change detection
trees, and support vector machines) were tested for their ability to monitor expansion across five time periods
(1988–1995, 1996–2000, 2001–2003, 2004–2006, 2007–2009) in three study areas that differ in size, eco-
Machine learning
Decision trees climatic conditions, and rates/patterns of development. Both the decision trees and support vector machines out-
Support vector machines performed the maximum likelihood classifier (overall accuracy of 90–93%, compared to 65%), but the decision
Random forests trees were superior at handling missing data. Adding transformed features such as band metrics to the Landsat
data stack increased accuracy 1–4%, while experiments with a reduced number of features (designed to mimic
noisy or missing data) led to a drop in accuracy of 1–9%. The methodology also proved particularly effective for
monitoring peri-urbanization outside the urban core, capturing >98% of village settlements.
© 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The new wave of very high spatial resolution (VHR) data (1–4 m)
holds tremendous promise for resolving these issues, and methods
During the last two decades, we have made important strides to- have emerged to characterize urban features with increased spatial de-
ward developing remote sensing methods that allow for the accurate tail (Ban et al., 2010; Del Frate et al., 2007). However, the sparse cover-
characterization of land cover change (Rogan & Chen, 2004), including age, limited scene availability, and lack of data prior to 2000 make
urban expansion (Chan et al., 2001). Mapping urban areas remains a routine use of VHR data to map change impractical, and in some loca-
complex challenge, however, because of the many combinations of ma- tions, impossible. Currently, medium resolution (20–30 m) datasets
terials present and the variations in size/shape of urban features that such as Landsat and SPOT remain the best option for balancing the
can lead to different ‘mixtures’ within pixels (Small & Lu, 2006). Partic- trade-offs involving spatial detail, areal coverage, and availability of his-
ularly troublesome is the fact that newly developed urban areas typical- torical data. The dense archives as well as routine collection of these
ly appear identical to fallow farmland at any given time, since both data (as opposed to VHR ‘on-demand’ collection) are also advantageous
exhibit high reflectance in the visible-infrared wavelengths. These is- when the rate of change is particularly rapid; in cities in China, for in-
sues are further compounded in developing countries such as China stance, the scale and pace of urbanization must be monitored on the
and India, since new development is often small, patchy in nature, order of years rather than on decades (Ma, 2004). Moreover, studies
and located in peri-urban areas up to 100 km from the urban core that have moved beyond mapping to link social and economic processes
(Long et al., 2009; Webster, 2002). to land use have shown that monitoring change for multiple periods
(i.e. three or more) is pivotal to understand the complex drivers of
⁎ Tel.: + 1 608 890 0557; fax: + 1 608 265 4113. urban morphology through space and time, and to forecast future
E-mail address: land use trends (Seto & Kaufmann, 2003).

0034-4257/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
690 A. Schneider / Remote Sensing of Environment 124 (2012) 689–704

With the opening of the Landsat archive and new data sources com- 2. Background: remote sensing of urban change, 1970s to today
ing online, it is now possible to take advantage of the temporal dimen-
sion of satellite data to map urban change. The central premise of the Characterizing cities and towns with remotely sensed data has
approach presented here is that the confusion between new urban been challenging since the field of Earth observation began nearly
land and other land cover types can be resolved by including images 50 years ago. As medium resolution satellite data (Landsat MSS) be-
(a) from multiple seasons, as well as (b) from multiple years. While came available in the 1970s, early applications relied on simple
there is likely to be confusion between bare ground and urban areas band ratios, image thresholding, and image differencing to discern
during the course of one year, there is often a high probability that near- broad-scale changes at the urban–rural fringe (Friedman & Angelici,
by fields or open areas will be vegetated during at least one season of a 1979; Howarth & Boasson, 1983; Jensen & Toll, 1982; Todd, 1977).
given year, and thus be ‘separable’ from built-up areas that are predom- Despite the apparent success of early approaches, the potential user
inantly non-vegetated year round. The temporal information from mul- community – urban planners, developers, land managers, and social
tiple years (case b) is also beneficial: expansion of built-up lands is often scientists – did not immediately embrace the new technology. Rela-
unidirectional (i.e. once land is converted to urban uses, it is unlikely to tively few applications appear in the urban planning literature, due in
be converted back to farmland or forest), and thus images that follow large part to the lack of spatial detail and thus inferior information content
the date of change actually ‘confirm’ that an area has been developed. of satellite data relative to aerial photos or ground surveys (Michalak,
Despite the clear advantage of seasonal, multi-year information, few 1993; Ryznar & Wagner, 2001). While GIS technology has been widely
studies have exploited a multi-temporal approach to resolve urban re- adopted in urban planning, the lack of reliable, easy-to-use methods
mote sensing issues. and dearth of remote sensing data with sufficient spatial resolution con-
The primary goal of this research was to develop, test, and validate a tinue to impede widespread use of satellite-based maps of urban change.
multi-date composite change detection technique that is effective in A second user community of remote sensing-based maps of urban
complex, heterogeneous urban and peri-urban environments. The change emerged in the 1990s–2000s, however. Disciplines such as cli-
multi-date composite approach was specifically chosen because of its matology (Romero et al., 1999), hydrology (Carlson & Arthur, 2000),
superior accuracy for difficult change detection problems (Coppin et ecology (Robinson et al., 2005), and public health (Tatem & Hay,
al., 2004; Rogan & Chen, 2004), and because it provided a means to ex- 2004) have embraced satellite data to understand the impacts of
ploit dense time stacks of Landsat data now freely available from the urban expansion on environmental systems, as well as human health
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS, 2011). Because of the complexity and and well-being. Moreover, there is a growing body of work looking at
size of the datasets for a given study area (~35–50 Landsat scenes), urbanization and its effects from a regional to global perspective
three supervised classification algorithms were tested: a traditional (Mills, 2007; Pataki et al., 2006) which requires medium to coarse res-
maximum likelihood (ML) classifier, and two machine learning algo- olution large-area maps of urban extent and urban change (Schneider
rithms, boosted decision trees (DT) (Quinlan, 1993), and support vector et al., 2009, 2010). With these needs in mind, it is critical that the re-
machines (SVM) (Chang & Lin, 2001). The methods were tested for mote sensing community continues to develop efficient methods and
their ability to isolate and correctly classify urban expansion for five to explore data sources for mapping urban growth and sprawl.
time periods spanning 1988 to 2009. To prevent the methodology Although the user community has varied widely, the methods to
from being applicable in only one study area, the algorithms were test- generate maps of urban growth have not deviated significantly from
ed on three cities (Fig. 1) with different city sizes, diverse ecosystem early approaches that exploited spectral profiles of built-up areas and
characteristics, as well as differential rates/patterns of urban develop- newly developed land (Ehlers et al., 1990; Jensen & Toll, 1982;
ment. Specifically, the following questions guided this research: Ulbricht & Heckendorff, 1998; Yang & Lo, 2002). Multi-date composite
approaches – those using images of two dates that are combined during
(1) Which supervised classification algorithm performs best for processing to produce a map of change – began to be used for urban ap-
change detection in urban environments given dense temporal plications in the 1990s (Ridd & Liu, 1998). Early multi-date techniques
data stacks? included stacked principal component analysis (Deng et al., 2008; Li &
(2) Does the addition of transformed features increase overall Yeh, 1998), change vector analysis (Chen et al., 2003), or stacked
accuracy? multi-date composite classification (Schneider & Woodcock, 2008). To
(3) What is the impact of data quality and quantity on classifier handle the complexity of the urban environment, machine learning ap-
performance? and proaches were adopted in the late 1990s, including neural networks
(4) How well do multi-date change detection approaches work in (Dai & Khorram, 1999; Liu & Lathrop, 2002), boosted/bagged decision
peri-urban environments given the small size/scale of settle- trees (Rogan et al., 2003; Schneider et al., 2003, 2005), and support vec-
ments (e.g. built-up areas ~ 1800 km 2)? tor machines (Griffiths et al., 2010; Nemmour & Chibani, 2006). While
these algorithms provided increased class accuracies, isolating distinct
To address these questions, the three algorithms were evaluated spectral signatures from the inherently mixed pixels in urban environ-
using multiple criteria through a series of experiments that provided ments has remained problematic.
different combinations of data features as input to the classifiers. Recent It is becoming increasingly clear that resolving class confusion in
applications that exploit dense, multi-temporal datasets have benefit- urban change detection applications requires taking advantage of ‘do-
ted from the inclusion of transformed data such as band maxima, min- mains’ of remote sensing beyond spectral information, such as temporal,
ima and means (Friedl et al., 2010; Hansen et al., 2008), thus question 2 spatial, or polarimetric domains. In this regard, data fusion approaches –
was designed to test whether the addition of these features was benefi- those that combine spectral profiles with either spatial information or
cial for monitoring urbanization. Question 3 was included to specifically radar responses – have shown great potential. Spatial information has
test feature selection. While machine learning algorithms can now han- been exploited through contextual classification and object-oriented pro-
dle any number of input features, feature selection remains an impor- cessing (An et al., 2007; Li et al., 2009), which tackle the urban problem by
tant concern if reduced-quality data are used as input (e.g. data with using patches to reduce the variability in the urban spectral response. Tex-
clouds or missing observations), or if insufficient imagery is available tural information has also been tested widely for urban change detection,
to create a dense stack. In the context of these issues, it is important but with minimal improvement in detection of built-up areas (Gluch,
to understand which features may or may not be necessary to achieve 2002; Moller-Jensen, 1990). Data fusion has also included merging multi-
high accuracy results. Finally, question 4 was designed to test the ability spectral and radar data: visible to near-infrared wavelengths are used to
of this approach to characterize small, piece-meal land development reveal the composition of the land, while the high backscatter of human-
and village settlements outside the city core. made objects in radar data is used to discern settlement structure
A. Schneider / Remote Sensing of Environment 124 (2012) 689–704 691

Fig. 1. The location of each study area within China. The maps of land cover change illustrate the full extent of the study area (the Landsat scene), as well as the 40 km buffer applied
to the central business district to standardize the study areas for comparison.

(Henderson & Xia, 1997). Although multi-source data fusion has been methods to efficiently process large, complex datasets. Our initial
touted as one of the most promising developments for urban remote work using eight Landsat scenes to map five time periods (Schneider
sensing (Dell'Acqua, 2009), it has not seen widespread use because of et al., 2005), and Yuan et al.'s (2005) use of spring–summer imagery
the often difficult and time-consuming task of correcting and synthesizing to map urban areas are two of the only studies that rely on multiple sea-
two or more disparate data sources (Dobson et al., 1996; Sanli et al., sons/years to map urban land use change. These studies, as well as those
2009). using dense time stacks to monitor forest and cropland change
In sum, it is clear that the methods to detect urban development are (Kennedy et al., 2007; Kuemmerle et al., 2009) serve as a point of depar-
diverse and often location-dependent, and there is a significant lack of ture for the new work described in this research.
consensus on the ‘best practices’ for monitoring urban expansion.
While a range of methods for exploiting spectral and spatial information 3. Study areas
has been explored, researchers have not taken advantage of the tempo-
ral domain (e.g. seasonal information or dense time series) to isolate Three Chinese cities (Fig. 1) were selected for the case study
urban change. The reason is likely due to a lack of available data and examples because China has experienced rapid urbanization and
692 A. Schneider / Remote Sensing of Environment 124 (2012) 689–704

Fig. 2. Multispectral observations of built-up land and cropland in a peri-urban area southwest of Chengdu, China, from circa 2000–2001 30-m resolution Landsat ETM+ data (the near-
infrared, short-wave infrared and red wavelengths are set to R-G-B) acquired in: (a) winter, (b) spring, (c) summer, and (d) fall. For reference, the same area is shown in (e) using very
high resolution true-color Quickbird imagery (Google Earth, 2011).

industrialization since the 1980s, with significant variability in rates 4. Defining urban and peri-urban land
of change, patterns of development, and land cover types across the
country (Lin & Ho, 2005). The heterogeneity of the landscape, the Before outlining the approach, it is important to clearly define
small-scale, piecemeal nature of development, and growth in peri- ‘urban land’. In physical terms, ‘urban land’ refers to places dominated
urban areas make these locations some of the most difficult areas in by the built environment. The ‘built environment’ includes all non-
the world in which to accurately characterize change. Thus, these cit- vegetative, human-constructed elements, such as roads, buildings,
ies serve as important case studies for testing algorithms to monitor runways, etc., and ‘dominated’ implies coverage greater than 50% of
urban expansion rapidly and efficiently. Also critical to this work a given landscape unit (the pixel). When vegetation (e.g. a park)
was the need to move away from one-time, one-place method devel- dominates a pixel, these areas are not considered urban, although
opment (Woodcock & Ozdogan, 2004), or methodological testing they may function as urban space. Finally, the definition also includes
using simulated datasets. a minimum mapping unit: urban areas are contiguous patches of
The three cities – Chengdu, Xi'An, and Kunming – were selected built-up land greater than 1800 m 2 (two pixels).
based on differences in physical geography, land cover types, climate, In addition, this work focused on characterizing development in
and urban development trajectories. Both Chengdu and Xi'An have a peri-urban areas. Here, peri-urbanization refers to new urban forms
wealth of natural resources and rich agricultural land that have facil-
itated their rapid development since the early 1990s. Chengdu sits in
the Sichuan Basin, where a triple-cropping system of rice, wheat, and
vegetables predominates, while Xi'An is located in Guangzhong Plain,
where a rotation of maize and wheat is typical. Kunming, in contrast,
has been resource-poor, partly due to its location in the rugged land-
scape of the Yungui Plateau. Kunming has a small amount of agricul-
ture near the edge of Lake Dian, but is surrounded primarily by forest.
Climatic conditions also vary across the study areas, further influenc-
ing vegetation growth and patterns: Chengdu is largely mild due to its
humid subtropical climate, and Kunming has similarly mild seasons
typical of its subtropical highland climate. Xi'An, in contrast, has the
greatest seasonal fluctuation, with a temperate continental semi-
arid climate of hot, humid summers and cold, dry winters.
Finally, there are important differences in policy, economic
growth, and urban development across the three cities. Chengdu
was designated early on as a western ‘Gateway City’, receiving invest-
ment and incentives for growth from the central government that led
to rapid urban expansion beginning in the 1990s, and which has con-
tinued to the present day (Webster, 2002). Xi'An, in contrast, did not
receive the same investment, but instead emerged as a leader in tele-
communications and aerospace industry after 2000. Its growth repre-
sents part of the ‘second wave’ of development that occurred in
Western cities (Lin, 2009). Finally, Kunming witnessed a different
type of growth: a spurt of rapid development in the year prior to
the World Horticultural Expo, and later, designation as an ecotourist
destination within China (Feiner et al., 2002). As a result, Kunming
has been part of a ‘third wave’ of growth (after 2006), with recent
government investment in infrastructure and industrial zones, and
planned residential and commercial corridors. These regional differ-
ences have significantly impacted both the rates and patterns of de- Fig. 3. Flow chart illustrating the methods to produce maps of land cover change using
velopment, which are important considerations when evaluating the multi-date composite change detection technique and dense time stacks of Landsat
change detection methods. data.
Table 1
The time series of Landsat 5 and Landsat 7 imagery used to map land cover change in (a) Chengdu, (b) Xi'An, and (c) Kunming, China. The images for each date were stacked and used as input to a multi-date composite change detection
technique. Although the study period ends in 2009, images from 2010 were included to reinforce trends in earlier periods.

Chengdu 1980s 1990s 2000s

p129r039 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

January 01-21 01-27

February 02-15 02-07
March 03-26 03-29 04-03 03-05 03-08 03-16 03-19
April 04-24 04-14 04-19 04-06 04-30
a a
May 05-01 05-05 05-10 05-21 05-19 05-06 05-03 05-22
June 06-23
July 07-30
August 08-16 08-12 08-01 08-07
September 09-19

A. Schneider / Remote Sensing of Environment 124 (2012) 689–704

October 10-07
November 11-02 11-03
December 12-09 12-23 12-29

Xi’An 1980s 1990s 2000s

p127r039 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

January 01-10 01-24 01-13 01-16

February 02-06 02-28
March 03-12 03-31 03-04 03-07 03-29
April 04-21 04-16
May 05-07 05-12 05-18 05-24
June 06-29 06-03 06-16 06-27 06-03 06-30
July 06-24 07-13 07-24 07-05 07-24
August 08-23 08-22 08-09 08-22
September 09-01 09-23 09-21
October 10-28
November 11-20 11-08
December 12-20 11-24 12-28

Kunming 1980s 1990s 2000s

p129r043 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

January 01-21 01-30 01-03 01-09 01-30

February 02-20 02-23 02-09 02-28 02-09 02-20 02-23 02-12 02-15
March 03-09 03-23 03-02 02-25 03-08 03-11 03-29 03-19
April 03-25 04-03a 04-24 04-30 04-06 04-01 04-17
May 05-21 05-19 05-06
June 06-14 06-04
August 08-16
September 09-15 09-13 09-19
October 10-07
November 11-02 11-21 11-03 11-08 11-11
December 12-23 11-27 12-10 12-29

Table key: Landsat 5 TM Landsat 7 ETM Landsat 7 ETM scan line corrector-off Scenes used to select training data

Landsat 5 data acquired from the Chinese Ground Receiving Station (CEODE, 2010). All other data were acquired from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS GLOVIS, 2011).

694 A. Schneider / Remote Sensing of Environment 124 (2012) 689–704

resulting from region-based urbanization, where the city influence from before a given period helps establish land cover classes, while
has expanded to a wider region (beyond suburbs) (Webster, 2002). information from after the period helps confirm that change occurred.
This trend is important because the line between urban and rural
areas has become diffuse, and accurate depiction of land cover change 5.3. Training data selection and classification scheme
in these extended urban regions requires isolating the large number
of settlements that dominate the Chinese landscape, as well as isolat- Selection of training sites was performed in-lab for each case
ing the expansion of these areas from surrounding land cover types study area through visual interpretation of Landsat data and Google
that may be spectrally similar. Earth VHR imagery (multiple dates, 2000–2011) and through on-
Four seasonal views southwest of Chengdu illustrate the difficulty the-ground visits to each location. On-site visits (multiple visits,
in monitoring peri-urban settlements: the villages are distinct from 2009–2011) confirmed that the only land lost to urbanization was ag-
surrounding cropland during winter and summer (Fig. 2a, c), but ricultural land, and other land cover transitions (e.g. forest to urban
nearly impossible to discern during spring and fall (Fig. 2b, d). Be- land) were negligible. Thus, this work focused specifically on the
cause of the similarity in materials between peri-urban settlements transition from cropland to urban land in each region, mapped for
and urban areas (and thus similarity in spectral and temporal signa- five time periods: 1988–1995, 1996–2000, 2001–2003, 2004–2006,
tures), this work followed the convention used in the geophysical sci- and 2007–2009. In addition, unchanged or ‘stable’ classes such as nat-
ences by including these areas in the urban class during image ural vegetation and water bodies were mapped, as well as agricultural
processing. Within the field of urban studies or planning, however, and urbanized lands that remained unchanged throughout the period
these areas do not function as urban space nor do they have the min- (see Table 2 for class definitions).
imum population size to be designated a city or town. When choosing training sites for changed areas, care was taken to
use Landsat or Google Earth imagery captured from the last year of a
5. Methods given period (e.g. imagery from fall–winter 2006 was used to define
training data for the 2003–2006 period, Table 1). Images from multi-
5.1. Overview of data and methods ple seasons during that year were used to supplement photo-
interpretation as needed.
The following sections describe the steps involved in this re-
search: (a) acquisition, preprocessing, and stacking of all satellite 5.4. Classification algorithms for supervised multi-date composite change
data; (b) collecting representative training exemplars for land cover detection
types in stable and changed areas, (c) classification using the ML, DT,
and SVM algorithms, (d) evaluating algorithm performance, and, final- To monitor urban change across multiple time periods, a ML clas-
ly, (e) accuracy assessment using a stratified-random sample of refer- sifier, boosted DT, and SVM were tested for their ability to exploit the
ence data. These steps are outlined in Fig. 3. spectral and temporal dimensions of the data. While numerous ma-
chine learning algorithms are now available (Rogan et al., 2008), DT
5.2. Satellite data and pre-processing and SVM were selected based on past performance with large, com-
plex datasets (Friedl et al., 2010; Huang et al., 2009). Detailed com-
This research relied on terrain-corrected Level 1T Landsat 30-m res- parisons of the algorithms have been published elsewhere (Huang
olution data (USGS, 2011). Given the quantity of observations necessary
to monitor seasonal and yearly differences in three regions (Table 1), Table 2
this project would not have been feasible without the recent release The classification scheme used in each study area, and the distribution of training ex-
of this valuable archive and the continued collection of Landsat 5 and emplars for each class.

7 during the last decade. Unfortunately, Landsat 7 encountered difficul- Classification Definition Training sites per classa
ties in May, 2003 as a result of the malfunction of the scan-line corrector scheme
Chengdu Xi'An Kunming
(SLC). This failure causes wedge-like data gaps in the ETM+ scenes. Be-
Unchanged, stable classes
cause the radiometric and geometric qualities are not impacted by the
Urban, built-up land Built environment 711 725 750
SLC, Landsat 7 ETM+ scenes acquired after May, 2003, (hereafter, > 50%, including
SLC-off data) have been archived (USGS, 2011). While there have been non-vegetated,
a variety of efforts to ‘gap-fill’ the SLC-off scenes (Masek, 2007; human-constructed
Maxwell, 2004; Zhang et al., 2007), the premise of this research was elements, with
minimum area
that gap-filling may not be necessary given a sufficiently large number > 1800 m2
of scenes (this idea is tested during algorithm evaluation, as described Cropland Crops comprise 1641 3549 1151
below). Given any three Landsat 7 SLC-off images, there is a 90% proba- >60% of total land
bility that >90% scene coverage can be achieved (Storey et al., 2005). cover
Forest, natural vegetation Woody vegetation 413 1301 2678
The dense time stacks method essentially uses a ‘brute force’ approach
with height > 2 m
in which all relatively cloud-free Landsat scenes are provided to the comprises >60%
classification algorithm. Gap areas and clouds were not masked or of total land cover
corrected in any way during processing. Water Rivers, seas, lakes, 137 190 192
For each study area, 37–50 images were selected for the period reservoirs

1988 to 2010 (Table 1). For all scenes, pre-processing included check- Changed classes
ing geometric accuracy of all scenes (minor modifications were nec- Cropland to urban 1988–1995 Productive or fallow 192 323 128
essary for one scene), as well as data stacking to place all scenes in Cropland to urban 1996–2000 cropland converted 301 244 324
a single composite dataset. Radiometric normalization was not per- Cropland to urban 2001–2003 to built-up land 285 200 113
Cropland to urban 2004–2006 comprised of >50% 309 343 235
formed, since this step is not required when images are analyzed si-
Cropland to urban 2007–2009 human-constructed 437 234 402
multaneously rather than individually (Song et al., 2001). In elements with
addition, data transformations for testing input features were also minimum area
performed at this stage (discussed in Section 5.5). Finally, all scenes > 1800 m2
were stacked and used as input to the classifier to detect changed Total 4426 7109 5973

areas for the five periods of interest. The idea here is that information a
Each training site is one pixel in size, or 900 m2.
A. Schneider / Remote Sensing of Environment 124 (2012) 689–704 695

Table 3 Huang et al., 2009). The decision tree algorithm selected for comparison
The number of input features (i.e. bands) for each combination of Landsat imagery, is C4.5, a mature and extensively tested algorithm (Friedl et al., 2010;
NDVI, and band metrics tested in each study area.
Quinlan, 1993). Decision-tree construction is intuitive: the training
Case Input features Chengdu Xi'An Kunming data is split in a recursive manner into increasingly homogeneous sub-
1 All Landsat data 222 246 300 sets based on statistical tests applied to the feature values (the satellite
2 All Landsat data, NDVI, metricsa 343 371 434 data). In C4.5, the statistical test at each split is based on reducing entro-
3 All Landsat data, metrics 306 330 384 py in descendent nodes by maximizing the information gain ratio
4 All Landsat data, NDVI 259 287 350
(Quinlan, 1996). After the tree has been estimated, tested, and ‘pruned’
5 All NDVI, all metrics 121 125 134
6 All NDVI 37 41 50 to eliminate over-fitting to the training data, the decision rules are ap-
7 All Landsat data, no SLC-off data 120 114 150 plied to the entire image to produce a classified map. The efficacy of
8 Top 50% of all featuresb 172 186 217 DT increases significantly with the addition of boosting, an ensemble
9 Top 25% of all featuresb 86 93 109 classification technique that improves class discrimination by estimat-
10 Top 10% of all featuresb 34 37 43
ing multiple classifiers while forcing the classifier to focus on difficult
Abbreviations: NDVI — normalized difference vegetation index, SLC-off — scan line classes (Quinlan, 1996). The final classification is produced by an
a accuracy-weighted vote across the classifications (Quinlan, 1996).
Band metrics included yearly mean, maxima and minima for each spectral band for
years 2000, 2003, 2006, and 2009. Boosting has been shown to be an equivalent of additive logistic re-
Top features were determined for the case 2 inputs for each study area using variable gression (Collins et al., 2002; Friedman et al., 2000), and as a result,
importance estimated by the Random Forests algorithm (Breiman, 2001). probabilities of class membership can be assigned for each class at
every pixel. While a newer version of C4.5 is now available (C5.0),
testing showed that the differences between the algorithms were
et al., 2009; Lippitt et al., 2008), hence the purpose of this work was to in processing time and tree size; error rates were roughly equivalent.
determine if one method was superior at handling (1) the particular com- SVM employ optimization algorithms to determine the location of
plexity of heterogeneous cities and settlements, and (2) multi-temporal decision boundaries that produce the optimal separation of classes in
class signatures. The following section provides a brief description of the training data (Vapnik, 1995). The decision surface between clas-
each classifier (please see Tso & Mather, 2001; Quinlan, 1993, and ses is often called the optimal hyperplane, and the support vectors
Chang & Lin, 2001, for additional information). are those data points closest to the hyperplane. In a two-class pattern
ML is a widely-used parametric classifier that relies on the second- recognition problem, the SVM selects the linear decision boundary
order statistics of a Gaussian probability density function model for that leaves the greatest margin between the two classes (the margin
each class. Training data are used to estimate the mean vector and co- is defined as the sum of the distances to the hyperplane from the clos-
variance matrix, and a discriminant function is then calculated for est points of the two classes). SVM have been adapted to handle non-
each class. The class with the highest value is selected for the final linear boundaries between classes through the use of kernal func-
classified map. ML is often selected for algorithm comparison be- tions; the non-linear kernals transform the training data into higher
cause, if the probability distribution of each class is indeed Gaussian, dimensional feature space where linear class separation is then possi-
it is a robust, optimal classifier (Tso & Mather, 2001). ble (Huang et al., 2002). This work followed the recommendations of
DT and SVM algorithms, on the other hand, offer several advantages Huang et al. (2009) by training the SVM with a Gaussian radial basis
over traditional classifiers: they are both derived from statistical learn- function (for a comprehensive review, see Burges, 1998; Huang et
ing theory, are non-parametric, and have been shown to be superior to al., 2002; Foody & Mathur, 2004). While the SVM is a binary classifier
traditional Bayesian methods for discriminating complex, hierarchical in its simplest form, it can handle multi-class problem by combining
patterns in satellite data (Friedl & Brodley, 1997; Hansen et al., 1996; several binary SVM classifiers using by creating a binary classifier

Fig. 4. Multi-temporal trajectories of urban areas, forests/natural vegetation, and one ‘change class’ (areas that were converted from cropland to built-up land circa 2003–2006) in
Xi'An, derived from Landsat NDVI images spanning August, 1999 to January, 2010. Years 2001 and 2003 were omitted due to insufficient data. To illustrate these trends, the Landsat
data were corrected to surface reflectance using LEDAPS (Masek, 2007). Similar temporal trajectories were observed in Chengdu and Kunming.
696 A. Schneider / Remote Sensing of Environment 124 (2012) 689–704

for each possible pair of classes. The SVM classification was per- and test the three classifiers, thus making it possible to assess the relative
formed using LIBSVM developed by Chang & Lin (2001). performance and consistency of the algorithms across the study areas.
To evaluate the impact of feature selection (both the addition of
5.5. Evaluation criteria and experimental design transformed features and reduction of inputs), a series of experiments
was devised in which different combinations of bands were tested as
Criteria for evaluating the performance of classification algorithms input to each classifier. The first experiment used all available Landsat
include assessing (1) the impact of feature selection, (2) the effects of scenes as input (Table 3, case 1); this experiment was treated as the
noise, and (3) the impact of training set size on classification accuracy, ‘control’ since the majority of change detection methods use raw,
as well as (4) the interpretability/reliability of the results (Rogan et al., untransformed data as input. In the second set of experiments, the
2008). This study focused on three of these criteria; the impact of train- Landsat data were augmented with transformed features to produce
ing set size was not assessed directly because of evidence showing that an expanded dataset for each study area (cases 2–4). The foundation
DT and SVM performance improves when additional training data are for this approach comes from recent studies with multi-temporal data
provided (Huang et al., 2009; Lippitt et al., 2008; McIver & Friedl, (e.g. MODIS) that exploit band metrics to increase classification accuracy
2001). The complexity and inter-/intra-annual variability of the real- in global land cover mapping (Friedl et al., 2002; Hansen et al., 2005;
world Chinese landscape necessitates a large number of exemplars, Schneider et al., 2010). In this research, the normalized difference vege-
thus any sites collected should therefore be used during processing. tation index (NDVI) for each date and annual band metrics were both
The impact of training set variability was minimized, however, through tested as additional inputs. While it may seem counter-intuitive to use
the use of randomized subsets during cross-validation. NDVI to discriminate urban features, the temporal differences in NDVI
To assess the remaining criteria, traditional accuracy measures were are particularly effective for distinguishing the removal of vegetation
estimated using a ten-fold cross-validation of the sites collected for each that accompanies urban expansion (Stefanov et al., 2001). Moreover,
city. A random stratification procedure was used to produce ten unique NDVI signatures for natural vegetation and urban areas (2000–2010) re-
datasets for training (80%) and testing (20%) (note that all sites were col- veal that the cover types are separable through time by differences in
lected as one-pixel samples to prevent spatial autocorrelation effects dur- the amplitude, timing, and frequency of peak greenness (Fig. 4). Fig. 4
ing cross-validation) (Friedl et al., 2000). The accuracy measures for each also illustrates the unique temporal trend for areas that became urban-
classification were then averaged to calculate mean accuracy rates across ized during the 2003–2006 period (red dashed line). Prior to conversion,
the ten classifications. The same training and test data were used to train these areas followed the bi-modal vegetation cycle characteristic of

Fig. 5. The top 25% of the features for each study area as determined by the variable importance measure from random forests (Breiman, 2001). The selection frequency is illustrated
as both raw counts (left graph) and percentages (right graph); for the latter, the frequency was normalized by the number of features available for each category. The plots display
the selection frequency stratified by Landsat band (top row), time period (middle row), and season (bottom row).
A. Schneider / Remote Sensing of Environment 124 (2012) 689–704 697

cropland, but after 2003, the NDVI signal drops, and follows the pattern process, random forests (RF) were then used to define a subset of var-
within established urban areas. While the classification algorithms may iables considered critical for classification (cases 8–10). RF – a variant
be adept at handling complex class signatures, it was hypothesized that of ensemble decision trees (Breiman, 2001) – have seen increased use
the addition of NDVI would help ‘nudge’ the classifier to detect these in remote sensing for their ability to highlight variables considered
temporal differences (Friedl et al., 2002). important in a given classification (Guo et al., 2011; Pal, 2005). RF
In addition to NDVI, annual band metrics for the years 2000, 2003, have been favored over principal components analysis due to their
2006, and 2009 were also included. To do this, >4 Landsat scenes cap- explicit estimation of variable importance, as well as their increased
tured during one year were transformed into annual means, maxima, flexibility with large datasets, speed in processing, and lack of as-
and minima for each spectral band and NDVI. Annual metrics provide sumptions on data distribution (Menze et al., 2009). The RF algorithm
a more generalized feature space to the classification algorithm by cap- draws a series of bootstrap samples from the training data to con-
turing the salient features of phenological variation without reference to struct a large number of trees (a ‘forest’ of trees). Each tree is grown
time of year, and have been shown to perform as well as time-sequential with a randomized set of predictors, a portion of which have been
image composites in mapping land cover (Hansen et al., 2005). randomly permuted. This follows the idea that a random permutation
In the third set of experiments, the impact of missing or reduced- of a feature mimics the absence of that feature from the model. The
quality data was tested by using subsets of the Landsat bands, NDVI measure of feature importance, then, is the difference between pre-
and band metrics (cases 5–7). To provide an objective selection diction accuracy (i.e., the number of observations correctly classified)

Fig. 6. Results of the cross-validation assessment for each combination of Landsat imagery and transformed features (NDVI, band metrics) using the maximum likelihood classifier
(top row), boosted decision trees (middle row), and support vector machines (bottom row). For these tests, the training exemplars used to create the maps were randomly split ten
times to produce training (80%) and testing (20%) datasets; the results from the ten classifications were then averaged to estimate mean overall accuracy and class accuracy.
698 A. Schneider / Remote Sensing of Environment 124 (2012) 689–704

before and after permuting the feature, averaged over all trees 6. Results
(Breiman, 2001). Thus, a high decrease in accuracy denotes the im-
portance of that feature. 6.1. Feature importance determined by random forests
An ensemble of 1000 trees was grown by the RF algorithm
(implemented in Matlab, Jaiantilal, 2009) using the ‘all Landsat, While the primary goal of the RF analysis was to identify feature
NDVI, metrics’ subset (case 2) for each study area. The features were subsets for classification, several interesting conclusions can be
then ranked in order of importance according to the overall decrease drawn from the RF results. The results in Fig. 5 are presented as the
in accuracy offered by that feature across all classes. From these rank- frequency with which an input feature appears ranked in the top
ings, the top 10, top 25 and top 50% of features were selected for each 25% ranking, stratified according to Landsat band, time period, and
city to create cases 8–10 (Table 3). season (note that the patterns in the top 25% of features were repre-
Finally, three additional analyses were used to test map accuracy sentative of those in the top 10 and top 50% subsets as well).
and to supplement the cross-validation assessment. First, the land The results show that certain Landsat bands play a more important
cover change maps (following final edits, spatial filtering, etc.) were role than others in classification (Fig. 5, top row). For example, the
assessed for accuracy using an independent set of reference data. A near-infrared wavelength (Landsat band 4) is highlighted as important
stratified-random sample of >200 points was selected for each city, more often than other bands in Chengdu and Xi'An, while the visible
and Landsat and Google Earth VHR times series imagery were wavelengths (Landsat bands 1–3) are selected as important in Kun-
assessed to label the points. Second, the effect of missing data (here, ming. This result is likely due to the dominant land cover type in each
the SLC-off data gaps) was further examined by comparing the per- region: Chengdu and Xi'An are both primarily agricultural outside the
pixel confidence estimates from the classification output against the core city, while Kunming is dominated by evergreen forest. The near-
number of high-quality values in the Landsat band stack for each infrared appears to play an important role for inter- and intra-year
city. Third, the maps were analyzed to determine the ability of the crop variations, but less so for areas where the spectral response does
classifier to accurately map peri-urban settlements. not change. Interestingly, the NDVI and band metrics are important

Fig. 7. A series of panels showing the performance of the maximum likelihood classifier, boosted decision trees, and support vector machines for three hard-to-classify areas of
change: multi-period urban expansion in near Kunming's core (top row), development of a town nucleus outside Chengdu (middle row), and urban expansion into villages and
settlements in Xi'An (bottom row). These maps were produced using the ‘all Landsat, NDVI, metrics’ (case 2) as input to the DT and SVM, while the ML was run using ‘all Landsat,
no SLC-off’ data (case 7). For reference, Google Earth imagery (~ 4 m resolution, far left) and Landsat data (30 m resolution, the short-wave infrared, near-infrared, and red wave-
lengths are set to R-G-B) are shown.
A. Schneider / Remote Sensing of Environment 124 (2012) 689–704 699

features across all study areas, often weighing in as heavily as the other algorithms outperform the ML classifier, but the difference between
top bands for each city. the DT and SVM is again negligible.
With respect to time period, features from all years appear in the top While the cross-validation revealed that, in general, the SVM per-
ranking of important inputs for all study areas (Fig. 5, middle row). A formed as well or slightly better than the DT algorithm, examination
slightly greater number of features from the two early periods of the maps in Fig. 7 provides a different story. A final map was pro-
(1988–1995; 1996–2000) are considered critical for classification, de- duced for each city using each of the three classifiers and the full set
spite the small number of inputs available in the 1980s–90s. However, of training data as input. The results indicate that DT provide the best re-
the raw count of features also reveals that the number of bands consid- sults for each city: the size and shape of urban features are in good
ered important for classification is influenced by the number of inputs agreement with the expected morphology of each region, and there
for those categories. Each study area had a greater number of features are no noticeable artifacts from the input data. In contrast, the SVM con-
in the 2001–2003 and 2007–2010 periods, and these periods appear sistently produced a striping effect as a result of misclassification of the
more often in the top rankings when judged by frequency alone. SLC-off gap areas. In Kunming and Chengdu, the striping is noticeable
Finally, the results for season indicate that images during certain across all of the study area, while in Xi'An, only the eastern and western
times of year appear in the list of important features more often than scene edges (not pictured) suffered from the deleterious effects of the
others (Fig. 5, bottom row). The results suggest that some seasons SLC-off data inputs. Fig. 7 also reveals that the ML classifier does not
played a fairly important role during classification despite a small num- achieve useable map results. The ML either does not classify areas of
ber of inputs. In Kunming, for example, images from the summer change (error of omission, top two), or conversely, or it over-classifies
weighed in more heavily than other seasons (Fig. 5i), although only a one of the change classes (significant errors of commission).
few inputs were available from June, July and August. Finally, the results of the accuracy assessment using independent
reference data confirm that the DT map results are indeed superior
6.2. Which supervised classification algorithm performs best given dense to those from the SVM. The overall accuracy rates for the final DT
temporal data stacks? maps were 90.3, 89.9, and 92.7% for Chengdu, Xi'An, and Kunming, re-
spectively, while the maps produced with SVM had overall accuracies
The pooled cross-validation results reveal two major trends re- of 58.3, 82.6, and 78.2%.
garding classifier performance (Fig. 6). First, both the DT and SVM
outperformed the ML in terms of overall accuracy (Fig. 6a–c); the re- 6.3. Does the addition of transformed features increase overall accuracy?
sults for the two machine learning approaches (83–92%) are marked-
ly higher than for the ML classifier (63–82%), regardless of the input Relative to the original stack of Landsat imagery, the use of band
band combination. These results confirm previous studies that metrics and NDVI provided modest improvement in both overall ac-
showed higher rates of accuracy can be achieved with machine learn- curacy and class accuracy when used in conjunction with the DT or
ing approaches (Lippitt et al., 2008). Given the high degree of spatial SVM algorithms. The increase in accuracy was as high as 0.5–2.0% in
and temporal variability, the large, noisy datasets, and the complexity the pooled results; however the results at the individual city level
of the change detection problem in each study area, the low accuracy showed increases of 1–4% across both the DT and SVM algorithms
rates for the ML algorithm are to be expected. (Fig. 6). This result indicates that the addition of transformed data
Second, the results reveal only minor differences in overall accuracy can be advantageous in producing high accuracy maps.
between the DT and SVM algorithms. For the band combinations that With respect to the ML classifier, the added information from the
include all Landsat data (cases 1–4), both classifiers achieve a mean transformed bands was not helpful. Rather, the highest overall accuracy
overall accuracy of 92% across the three city sample. Looking more for each city (89.4, 74.6, and 76.8% for Chengdu, Xi'An and Kunming,
closely at the individual city results, the overall accuracy from the
SVM is higher than those achieved by the DT, but the difference is
never more than 0.7 percentage points across the case 1–4 band inputs.
The cross-validation results were assessed further to understand
how each algorithm performed at the class level. For ease of compar-
ison, the class accuracies for the three cities were pooled into ‘stable’
classes (Fig. 6d–f) and ‘change’ classes (Fig. 6g–i). The assumption
here is that the change classes provided added variability that
makes these areas more difficult to classify. Evaluating the class-
level results therefore offers a more nuanced view of classifier perfor-
mance than overall accuracy.
Not surprisingly, the results at the class level corroborate the overall
accuracy results: the DT and SVM performed better than the ML classi-
fier. The mean accuracies for the stable classes (including agriculture,
forest, urban areas and water) are nearly identical to the overall accura-
cy results (91–92% for cases 1–4), with some added variability as indi-
cated by the increase in the error bars for all feature combinations.
This variability can be traced to the class results for Chengdu: the exem-
plars for agriculture in this region included a wide range of spectral sig-
natures due to the different cropping systems and cycles in the region,
and as a result, the accuracy across the cross-validation runs varied sub-
stantially for this class (68–95%). The remaining stable classes had rela-
tively low variability across validation runs for all cities.
All three classifiers had more difficulty with the change classes than
the stable classes, as indicated in the accuracy rates (79–82% for cases
1–4). Note that several of the cross-validation runs could not be run
for the ML, due to the small number of training sites in the change clas- Fig. 8. Visualization of the location and number of missing features in the full Landsat
ses relative to the number of band inputs. Both machine learning image stack (300 bands) for Anning, a satellite city near Kunming, China.
A. Schneider / Remote Sensing of Environment 124 (2012) 689–704
Fig. 9. Box plots showing the range, median, minimum and maximum accuracies per pixel (y-axis) according to the number of Landsat observations (x-axis, binned in 5-band increments) used as input to the classifier for that pixel. Here,
‘accuracy’ is determined using the per-pixel confidence values from the decision tree classification. The band stacks for Chengdu, Xi'An and Kunming differed in size (222, 246, and 300 features, respectively). A low number on the x-axis is
indicative of a pixel with a large amount of missing data due to the Scan Line Corrector (SLC)-off problem in Landsat 7 data acquired after 2003.
A. Schneider / Remote Sensing of Environment 124 (2012) 689–704 701

respectively) was achieved using a reduced number of bands, such as missing observations), and from all seasons when monitoring change
the ‘top 10 percent of all features’ or ‘all NDVI’ options (cases 10 and 6). across multiple periods and classes.
It is not surprising that the ML performed best with only a fraction of To explore the effect of data quality and quantity further, this
the number of inputs, since it is well-established that this algorithm study compared per-pixel accuracy to the number of high-quality
handles the variability of fewer inputs better (Tso & Mather, 2001). Landsat observations used to classify a pixel. Because the number of
The gaps in the SLC-off data also appear to have caused problems for missing observations varies across the SLC-off scenes, these data pro-
the ML; using only transformed inputs or excluding these scenes pro- vide a natural experiment for testing the impact of noisy or missing
duced higher overall accuracy with the ML. data on class accuracy (each SLC-off had ~ 22% missing data in gap
areas located at the scene edges, Fig. 8). The working hypothesis
6.4. What is the impact of data quality and quantity on classifier was that a greater number of high-quality looks (i.e. fewer missing
performance? observations) results in higher overall accuracy. Per-pixel accuracy
was estimated using the confidence measure from the DT output for
The impact of data quality and quantity was assessed by systemati- the ‘all Landsat’ case. The results are shown as box plots in Fig. 9,
cally reducing the input features to those considered critical to classifi- where the y-axis indicates per-pixel accuracy, and the number of in-
cation (cases 5–10). Three trends are worth noting in the results. First, puts is binned in 5-band increments along the x-axis.
reducing the band inputs to NDVI or band metrics only (cases 5 and Although the band stacks for Chengdu, Xi'An and Kunming differed in
6) led to reduced accuracy across the pooled and individual city results size (222, 246, and 300 features, respectively), the overall trend is similar
for both the DT and SVM. For example, the case 6 ‘All NDVI’ subset pro- across the cities and across different classes: fewer missing features re-
duced the lowest accuracies of any of the band combinations, averaging sults in greater per-pixel accuracy, confirming the original hypothesis.
83–84% for overall accuracy, and 65–66% for the pooled change classes. For example, cropland pixels in Xi'An (Fig. 9d), have accuracies >90%
Second, removing the SLC-off scenes (case 7) also caused accuracy to when a large number of observations were available (>165 inputs of a
drop for the DT and SVM. Because the SLC-off scenes make up 40–50% possible 246). The accuracy drops to b50% as the number of observations
of the Landsat data, removing these features resulted in a reduction in drops from 160 to 125. This trend is most pronounced for Xi'An and
accuracy of 6–14%, with a significant impact on the change classes in Chengdu, but less so for Kunming, regardless of the class. The number of
particular. This result confirms that additional data, even SLC-off scenes inputs was greatest for Kunming, so it is possible that a drop in accuracy
with missing observations, are indeed helpful for change detection is not as apparent when extra observations are available.
when a machine learning algorithm is used.
Finally, reducing each expanded data stack to a small number of inputs 6.5. How well do multi-date change detection approaches work in
using the RF importance measure (cases 8–10) produced mixed results. peri-urban environments?
Again, the reduction in number of features caused overall accuracy for
the ML to climb (e.g. from 67% for case 1 to 82% for case 8), but fall consid- Based on the results above, the final maps of land cover change
erably for the DT and SVM algorithms (e.g. dropping from 92% for case 2 produced by the DT were chosen (Fig. 10), and used to assess the ef-
to 87% for case 8). However, a more modest reduction in inputs – such as ficacy of the multi-date composite approach to characterize small
that provided by the ‘top 25’ or ‘top 50 percent of all features’ subsets (cases peri-urban settlements. The large number of settlements (several
8–9) produced accuracies roughly similar to those from the ‘all Landsat, thousand) outside each city makes collecting ground truth data im-
NDVI, metrics’ experiment (case 2). This result suggests that the full practical, and the horizontal positional accuracy of Google Earth
range of features may not be necessary to produce a high quality change VHR imagery (±39.7 m, Potere, 2008) makes pixel-based assessment
detection result. However, close inspection of the results in Fig. 5 provides of these areas unreliable. Instead, the maps were tested for the
strong support for including features from different parts of the spectrum presence/absence of settlements against Google Earth VHR data.
(visible, near-infrared), from all time periods (including periods with Using a stratified-random sample of 60–100 9-km 2 sites for each

Fig. 10. The final maps of land cover change produced in this research for (a) Chengdu, (b) Xi'An, and (c) Kunming, People's Republic of China.
702 A. Schneider / Remote Sensing of Environment 124 (2012) 689–704

city, the settlements in the maps and reference data were indepen- The results provide several insights for monitoring urban change
dently counted using a double-blind procedure. which are applicable to future studies:
In the scatter plots in Fig. 11, the samples that fit to the 1:1 line indi- The use of decision trees and support vector machines: First, it is clear
cate cases where the number of settlements in the DT map matches that from the results that advanced machine learning algorithms must be
in the VHR data. Samples below the line represent errors of omission used when dealing with high dimensional data such as dense time sta-
(where the map did not characterize a settlement) and those above cks, large amounts of noisy/missing data, or the complexity of a rapidly
the line indicate errors of commission (where the map falsely depicts urbanizing landscape. While the cross-validation results showed that
a settlement due to misclassification). The results for all three cities both SVM and DT achieve high overall accuracy given this type of prob-
show a tight fit to the 1:1 line and high R2 values (R2 > 0.96), indicating lem, the map results showed that the SVM could not effectively deal
that settlements were characterized correctly in the majority of sample with the gaps in the Landsat SLC-off data. Although SVM have been
sites. Although the total number of villages in each study area sample shown to be extremely successful at handling difficult classification
varied from 762 to 2579, the error rates are low for all three cities. Errors problems, this work revealed a weakness in the SVM approach. SVM
of omission across the total number of villages ranged from 1.0 to 1.8%, are designed to use only the training data that that lie on the edge of
and errors of commission from 0.3 to 2.7%. the class distribution to define class boundaries; all other training data
provide no contribution to the classification analysis (Foody & Mathur,
2004). The striping effect may be a result of the algorithm observing a
7. Discussion and conclusions large numerical difference between gap areas and non-gap areas, and
then using this difference to define the support vectors, and ultimately,
With the release of the Landsat archive, new data sources coming the final class labels. The boosted DT out-performed the SVM since they
online, and the increasing availability of multi-temporal VHR data were able to effectively ‘ignore’ the striping in favor of high quality ob-
from Google Earth, we have entered a new era of remote sensing. Spe- servations. Because the striping issue showed up in the maps and not in
cifically, it is now possible to exploit multi-date observations to map the cross-validation results, this result also points to a potential weak-
land cover change, and to resolve confusion between classes with sim- ness in relying exclusively on cross-validation techniques to test algo-
ilar spectral characteristics. The research in this paper presented a new rithm efficacy.
approach leveraging dense time stacks of Landsat data to monitor urban The importance of seasonal information: This study revealed the need
change across multiple periods. The method was tested in some of the to consider seasonality when attempting to discern urban change. For
most complex urban environments in the world, namely, three metro- many areas of China with high inter- and intra-annual variability in
politan regions in China. There are four main results from this work. land cover types, it is nearly impossible to use medium-resolution
First, the cross-validation accuracies from the final maps averaged data sources to separate land cover classes at just one point in time.
90–94% using DT and SVM, although the DT outperformed both the Areas of bare ground, fallow or post-harvest agriculture, and new con-
SVM and ML algorithms based on visual interpretation of the resulting struction are easily confused with one another at any given time of
maps against VHR reference data. Second, the inclusion of annual year, while vegetated cover in small settlements is also easily confused
band metrics and NDVI as input to the classifier provided a modest in- with surrounding land cover types if assessed at only one time during
crease in overall accuracy of 1–4%, depending on the algorithm and fea- the year.
tures used. Third, the results from the experiments with a significantly While the use of dense time stacks and seasonal information is clear-
reduced number of inputs (cases 7 and 10) to mimic low quality or ly advantageous, there are a few drawbacks to this approach. First, such
missing data caused a decrease in accuracy of 4–7%. Clearly, the infor- large quantities of data can require extra processing time or special com-
mation from additional seasons and additional years is beneficial for ac- puting routines such as parallel processing during classification. Second,
curate mapping of both change and stable classes in urban areas when a and more critically, it can be extremely difficult to find cloud-free data in
multi-date composite change detection approach is used. Finally, the re- the seasons of interest, or during certain decades (i.e. the lack of Landsat
sults showed that >98% of villages >1800 m 2 in size can be reliably coverage in the 1980s–90s). In some areas, a dense time series may sim-
mapped with the new methodology, providing a significant advance- ply not be feasible. This issue points to the need to develop methods that
ment over previous methods that attempted to map peri-urban areas. can exploit multi-sensor data from Landsat-like sensors such as SPOT,

Fig. 11. A comparison of the number of villages in very high resolution Google Earth imagery (reference data, x-axis) to those present in the final land cover change maps (y-axis).
Here, the presence/absence of villages was determined using a sample of 60–100 9-km2 sites (shown as n above).
A. Schneider / Remote Sensing of Environment 124 (2012) 689–704 703

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