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When did the Second World War end?

What is the capital of Colombia?

Who wrote “Hamlet”?

Who invented the theory of relativity?

What’s 4 x 5 : 2 ?

How many legs does an insect have?

What is water made of?

1. Which of these subjects were your favourite? Which weren’t you keen on? Why?
Geography Modern languages
Religion Music
Chemistry Biology
Computer science P.E. (Physical Education)
History Art
Polish language Physics
2. What did you do/ learn on these subjects?
3. Which of the above subjects should be obligatory and which shouldn’t?
4. Which subjects did you learn the longest and which the shortest?
5. Which of these school subjects would you like to have learnt more?
6. Which subjects do you think are the most important for general education? Why?
7. In which school subjects did you do well? Which were you poor at?
8. In which subjects did you improve over the years?
9. How long are the lessons in Polish schools? Do you think they should be longer or shorter?
10. How long are the breaks? Do you think they should be longer or shorter?
11. What did you do during breaks?
12. How can students use breaks at school effectively?
13. Were there any problems with student discipline? How were they solved?
14. Did you wear a uniform? Do you think uniforms should be obligatory?
15. How is school different form the time when you went to school?
16. Did you go to any extra classes after school? What extra classes do you think are popular
with students nowadays?
dancing classes driving course foreign language course photography course
karate/judo classes cooking classes sports activities
17. Were there any school trips when you went to school? What aim should the school trips
have: integration, entertainment, sightseeing, learning practical skills, …..?

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