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Name: Lopez, Cristina Joy M.

Section: 1 Ms. Aurelle Gonzalez

I will consider market niche among the other strategy options since offering a lower price
and different product are quite common where others can still imitate the product and might lose
money. A special niche because it has less competition, offers unique quality, is more cost-
effective, and can enjoy more brand loyalty because they are under-served, or every hotel and
resort does not have this kind of offer (Hotel and Resort, 2019). 
Many people are using social media, I will utilize and promote it in every social media
platform to be recognized and shared by other people. For example, I would offer a pet-friendly
hotel where it has pet food, water bowls, and play areas that can improve the experience of the
guest and that can increase brand loyalty. 

The service, food and beverages of Avelino Resort and Hotel in Pangasinan 

Every time we go home to the province we always go to this hotel and resort because
their service is good and fast that gives us satisfaction, their friendly staff, the price is affordable,
give discounts, and the free food every morning. In short, every time we go there all the service
and product, they offer are consistent and that made us go back again there. 
The advice that I would give to the future hospitality managers based on the experience
of why my family is loyal to that hotel and resort are:
 Listen to your guests and staff as well 
 Communicate with your guests with a good and friendly attitude because first
impressions always last. 
 Offer discounts or incentives that would make them come back 
 Give them good, fast, and right service 

Not only the manager should be a part of decision making. All of you should be a team
even the employees because the more people are part of the decision making there would be a lot
of ideas, it will improve the relationship in the workplace, we can express our opinions, we get to
learn from each other, the problem can be easily addressed since we have more solutions, it will
improve our morale, we will become more responsible, it would help us to grow, and make the
company successful. 

Hotel and Resort. (2019, October 9). Increase your hotel's visibility through niche market
opportunities. HotelREZ.

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