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December Test Series (2022-23)

Class XI
Psychology (SET A)
Time – 90 Minutes Max Marks – 70
General instructions:
• All questions are compulsory, and answers should be brief and to the point.
• Marks for each question are indicated against it.
• Question Nos. 1-4 in Section A are objective type questions carrying one mark each.
Youare requested to answer them as directed.
• Question Nos. 5-9 in Section B are very short answer type questions carrying two
markseach. Answer to each question should not exceed 30 words.
• Question Nos. 10-13 in Section C are short answer type I questions carrying three
markseach. Answer to each question should not exceed 60 words.
• Question Nos. 14-16 in Section D are short answer type II questions carrying four
markseach. Answer to each question should not exceed 100 words.
• Question Nos. 17-18 in Section E are long answer type questions carrying six marks
each.Answer to each question should not exceed 200 words.


1. Hoping is an example of Gross Motor Skills. True/False 1


A momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli is called echoic memory. (T/F) 1

2. Episodic memory contains biographical details. (T/F) 1

3. Another type of thought mind of the outside world. 1

(a) Algorithms (b) Heuristics (c) Images (d) Concepts

4. Changes that follow an orderly sequence and are largely dictated by the genetic blueprint which produces
commonalities on our growth and development is called __________________________ 1


5. What is the development course in a new born in grasp reflex? 2

6. Explain physical development during early childhood. 2

7. Describe a fugue state. 2


What is Amnesia?

8. Define mental set. 2

9. What is functional fixedness? 2


10. What is Attachment? How it facilitates child's healthy development? Give experimental evidence. 3
11. Discuss special kind of egocentrism among adolescents. 3

12. Why is divergent thinking important in creative thinking process? 3

13. Describe the kinds of control processes proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin. 3


14. Discuss any two major concerns in adolescent years. 4


What are the challenges faced by individuals on entry to adulthood?

15. Discuss relationship between judgement and decision-making. 4

16. How does information travel from one store to another? Explain with reference to control processes. 4


17. “Adolescence is a period of making choices pressure careers building of self and uncertainties.” Describe the
psychological changes and the problems that an adolescent may go through during this period of life. (3+3=6)

18. How is language acquired in human being? 6


How does reasoning help in problem solving?

December Test Series (2022-23)
Class XI
Psychology (SET B)
Time – 90 Minutes Max Marks – 70
General instructions:
• All questions are compulsory, and answers should be brief and to the point.
• Marks for each question are indicated against it.
• Question No. 1-4 in Section A are objective type questions carrying one mark each.
Youare requested to answer them as directed.
• Question No. 5-9 in Section B are very short answer type questions carrying two
markseach. Answer to each question should not exceed 30 words.
• Question Nos. 10-13 in Section C are short answer type I questions carrying three
markseach. Answer to each question should not exceed 60 words.
• Question Nos. 14-16 in Section D are short answer type II questions carrying four
markseach. Answer to each question should not exceed 100 words.
• Question Nos. 17-18 in Section E are long answer type questions carrying six marks
each.Answer to each question should not exceed 200 words.


1. Children's tendency for focusing on the single characteristic of an event is called ______________________

2. The level of processing view was proposed by ____________________________ and

____________________________ in 1973. 1


A term to denote maximum and efficient use of the capacity of long-term memory through organisation of
concepts in a hierarchical network is called:

(a) Cognitive economy (b) Cognitive map (c) Cognitive learning (d) Cognition

3. Noam Chomsky pioneered: 1

(a) Nativist theory of language acquisition

(b) Linguistic relativity hypothesis

(c) Combination of conditioning theory

(d) Verbal learning theory

4. Systematic and logical thinking during adolescence according to Piaget is called _____________ reasoning.


5. Describe any two reflexes in the new born. 2

6. Explain physical development during early childhood. 2

7. What is working memory? 2

8. What is judgement? 2


Mention two major obstacles to solving a problem.

9. What do you mean by creative thinking? 2


10. Describe implicit memory in detail. 3

11. Suggest certain ways to improve your memory with reference to Chapter Human Memory of your textbook.

12. Differentiate with examples between (any one) 3

a. Convergent and Divergent thinking

b. Inductive and Deductive reasoning

13. Discuss any two major challenges faced by adolescents. 3


14. Define reasoning. Explain inductive reasoning with example. 4

15. Differentiate between episodic and semantic memory. 4

16. Discuss the old age in detail. 4


Describe how development takes place in childhood.


17. Examine the life span perspective on development. Why is stage of adolescence called the period of storm
and stress? Discuss 6

18. Why does forgetting takes place.? Explain using theories of forgetting. 6


How is information processed in Stage model of Memory?

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