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2nd Term Exam, 2022

Name: __________________________ Class: 1__________

Date: __________________ Day: _____________
Subject: Science Total marks:75
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Marks 10 10 10 10 10 10 15

Q no# 1: Choose the best answer /10

1. What protects our sense organ?
A: skin B: teeth
2. What supports and help our head moves?
A: Arms B: Neck
3. How many sense organs does the human body have?
A: 4 B: 5
4. A good example of nutritious food is?
A: burger B: fruits
5. If you are ill, the person you should go to?
A: doctor B: pilot
6. You should always choose to drink?
A: clean water B: fizzy drinks
7. We should wash__________ before eating.
A: hands B: feet
8. Eating unhealthy food can cause diseases like:
A: stomach ache B: fever
9. We follow these for our good health and protection in our daily lives:
A: safety rules B: traffic rules
10. We feel things by:
A: touching B: hearing

Wash Sight Hygiene Germs Choose

Hearing Germs Vaccine World Sneeze

Q no# 2: Fill in the blanks by using these words /10

1.______________ is injected in our body for protection.

2. ______________causes illness in our body.

3. We should ___________our face and hands to protect ourselves from germs causing diseases.

4. We hear sounds using our sense of _______________.

5. We use 5 senses to learn about the __________________ around us.

6. The sense of _________________________help us to see.

7. The sense to taste helps us to __________________________________what to eat.

8. If any object enters in nose, we ________________________________.

9. Staying clean and having good hygiene is one of the ways to protect ourselves from________.

10. ____________________is important because dirt attract germs and diseases.

Q no# 3: ( ) the correct statement and (X) the incorrect one.


N Statement T/F

1 Hairs covers the head

2 Arms helps us to see

3 Skin is the outer covering of our body

4 Arms and legs are included in abdomen

5 We can see our teeth and skin

6 Fresh nutritious food and good hygiene = healthy body

7 Water is not important for maintaining good health

8 Germs cause illness

9 Germs are very big things that can cause diseases

10 The sense of sight helps us learn how things look

Q no#4: write the names of 5 senses /10

1.___________________________ 2. _______________________

3.___________________________ 4. _______________________

Q no# 5: Label each sensory organs with functions /10

Q no. 6: Match the correct options /10

Knees Cover the head

Legs Help to see
Mouth Help bend the legs
Hairs Help to eat and breath
Eyes Help us to move

Q no 7: Write one word answer /15

1. What protects our eyelashes and eyebrows?

Ans. _____________________________________________________________________

2. Name the organ in human body which helps us understand all information from all over

the body

Ans. __________________________________________________________________

3. What habit helps us take good care of our teeth

Ans ___________________________________________________________

4. What is the functions of legs?



5. What is another name of healthy food?

Ans. ______________________________________________________________

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