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Site Visit #2

Date: 17th January, 2023

Site Description: The site visited was located in the Main Ridge a part of Tobago.
The river was located below a bridge. It was was approximately 100-200 meters away
from the main road. It was noticed that the river was surrounded by a lot of trees and
trails such as the Blue Copper Trail. To get to the river there was a small decline that
lead to it.

Figure 1 showing, highlighted with the red pin, the location where results were
collected in the Main Ridge.
Source: Google Maps, 2023

1. To investigate the temperature of the water in the Main Ridge river.

2. To investigate the dissolved oxygen in the Main Ridge river.

3. To investigate the nitrates and phosphates in the Main Ridge river.

4. To investigate the different species aquatic species diversity in the Main Ridge


5. To access the population size of crayfish in the Main Ridge river.


1. The LaMotte testing kit was used to determine the level of nitrates and phosphates

found in the water.

2. The Dissolved Oxygen kit was used to determine the amount of dissolved oxygen

present in the water.

3. An infrared thermometer was used to determine the temperature of the water in the


4. A kick net was used to determine the different aquatic species found in the river.

5. Kick nets were used to capture crayfishes and access the population size.
Table 1 showing the results for the temperature of the water at two points of the
Main Ridge river.

Main Ridge River Temperature (℃)

Point 1 22.2

Point 2 22

Table 2 showing the results for the dissolved oxygen level of the water at two
points of the Main Ridge river.

Main Ridge River Dissolved Oxygen Level (ppm)

Point 1 10

Point 2 30

Table 3 showing the results for the nitrate and phosphate levels of the water at
two points of the Main Ridge river.

Main Ridge River Nitrate Level (ppm) Phosphate Level (ppm)

Point 1 0.3 <0.1

Point 2 0.2 <0.1

Table 4 showing the results for the organisms found at the Main Ridge river.
Scientific Name of Organisms Found Number of Organisms Found

Gerridae/Water Striders 85

Caelifera/Grasshopper 4

 Coleoptera hydrophilidae/ Water Beetle 1

Plecoptera/Stonefly 1

Sialidae/Alderfly 11

Ephemeroptera Larvae/Mayfly (Larvae) 1

Nymphs/Dragonfly (Larvae) 1

Trichoptera/Caddisfly 4

Chiroxiphia Pareola/Blue-backed manakin 1

Ephemeroptera/Mayfly 1

As seen in Table 1, the results for the temperature of the water at point 1 was 22.2℃
and 22℃ at point 2. The average temperature of the Main Ridge river was 22.1℃.

In Table 2, the results for the dissolved oxygen level of the water at point 1 was 10
ppm and 30 ppm at point 2. The average dissolved oxygen level of the Main Ridge
river is 20 ppm.

In Table 3,the results for the nitrate level of the water at point 1 was 0.3 ppm and 0.2
at point 2. The average nitrate level of the Main Ridge river was 0.25 ppm. The
phosphate level of the water at point 1 was <0.1 ppm and <0.1 ppm at point 2. The
average phosphate level of the Main Ridge river was <0.1 ppm.

In Table 4, there were a number of organisms found such as 85 water striders, 4

grasshoppers, 1 water beetle, 1 stone fly, 11 alder flies, 1 mayfly larva. 1 dragonfly
larva. 4 caddisfly, 1 blue-backed manakin and 1 mayfly.

Follow-up Activity:
Bloody Bay river will be visited on Jan 17th 2023 and the same activities would be
carried out.

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