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April 25, 2022

Mr. Anthony Garwood
Dinthill Technical High School
St. Catherine
Dear Mr. Garwood
The purpose of this letter is to inform you about an incident that happened this morning in the
MT Workshop. A student by the name of Shakeem Wilson got into an accident while using the
drill press, he was drilling metal and a friend of his by the name of Kyle Gilpin threw a paper at
him he looked around to see who it was and accidentally put his hand on the metal he then pulled
the handwheel causing him to drill a hole into his hand Darnell Ewart and Mr. Hopwood
immediately rushed him to the school nurse's where he was later taken to the hospital where he is
being treated for his injury, this all happened between 9:30am to 10:45am

10 Safety Rules
1. NO PLAYING in the Workshop

2. NO EATING in the Workshop

3. ALWAYS wear PPE gear when working on a machine

4. ALWAYS keep the workshop clean W
5. DONT run in the workshop

6. NEVER work alone in the workshop

7. MAKE sure to follow all the teacher's instructions

8. ALWAYS be slow when working with machines

9. NO playing with the machines in the workshop

10. TURN the machines off before cleaning it

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