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MR. & MRS.

AAIS 2023


CLAUDINE: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! I am Claudine Andrea Teodosio, and it is my privilege
to be joined by my co-emcee

EJ: Erwil John Arao

C & E: in becoming your Masters of Ceremony for this special occasion, “The Coronation and Sash
Pinning for the Mr. & Ms. AAIS 2023

E: With the theme “Creating a Legacy of Love: Honoring the Contributions of AAIS Parents.”

C: To our beloved students, vigorous candidates and their supportive families, faculty and staff,
outstanding judges, our dearest School Directress Dr. Milagros J. Baloro and School President Dir. Joel J.
Baloro, Jr., whom this event would not be possible without their never-ending support, a very pleasant
afternoon to everyone.

E: At this moment, this event will now be formally started with the Processional of our candidates, their
family members, faculty and staff. To be followed by the Entrance of Colors, which will be headed by Mr.
Angel Salac.


C: Opening the Processional are our lovely female candidates, starting from the Junior High School
Department, Ms. Anna Marie Mamerto, representing Grade 9-Rutherford.

E: Up next is from the Preschool Department, representing Kinder-Bacon: Ms. Pauline Rose Daval Santos

C: Next, we have Ms. Glory Fe Martinez from the Senior High School Department, for Grade 11 STEM-

E: Up next is Ms. Reah Lampitoc, from the Junior High School Department, Grade 8-Pascal.

C: And now, we have Ms. Raquel Aromin from the Junior High School Department, representing Grade

E: Next is Ms. Aster J. Vermon, representing 11 HUMSS-Aurelius from the Senior High School

C: Now, let us call on Ms. Juliet Erfe from 11 ABM-Adam Smith, Senior High School Department.

E: Up next is Ms. Leah Merano from the Elementary Department, representing Grade 6-Galileo.

C: And now, we call on Ms. Bibeth del Rosario from the Elementary Department, Grade 1-Pasteur.

E: Next is Ms. Israelle Pambid, representing Grade 4-Anderson from the Elementary Department.

C: Now, may we have our dashing male candidates. Starting with Mr. Carlos Aquino Jr., from HUMSS 11-
Aurelius of the Senior High School Department.

E: Next is Mr. Mokamad Ali Abdulah, representing Prep-Jenner, from the Preschool Department.

C: And finally, Mr. Ben Brillo from the Junior High School Department, Grade 8-Pascal.


C: Thank you very much, Mr. Salac and AAIS OUTFIT 1126. Now, let us wholeheartedly sing the
Philippine National Anthem, along with the Doxology, to be performed by Himig AAIS, proudly led by
Mr. Sherwin Kim Castano.


E: Thank you, Himig AAIS & Mr. Castano. Let us now listen to the inspiring messages that our dear School
President, Dir. Joel J. Baloro, Jr., has to share with us.


C: Thank you so much, Sir Joel. We would like to welcome Ms. Beverly Alawas, for the Introduction of
the Judges for this event.


E: Thank you, Ms. Alawas. Now, let us find out how these lovely candidates will be judged for their
performance throughout this event. Let us call on Ms. Kareen Gelilio, as she presents the Criteria for


C: Thank you, Ms. Gelilio! Let us now witness how talented our candidates are in this Production
Number, while they are rocking their AAIS Shirts! Let’s give them a round of applause!


E: What an amazing performance from our candidates! Can you give them another round of applause?

Let us also sit back and watch another mesmerizing performance, this time from the selected
Grade 10 students. In a short while, we will meet our candidates as they run the walk in their Casual
Attire. A round of applause for them, please!


C: Thank you, our dear Grade 10 students! The show of the overflowing talents of our students doesn’t
end here. This time, we gladly welcome the selected Grade 12 students for the Intermission Number
they had prepared. Let us also take this time to watch the Candidate strut in their Sports Wear. Kindly
give a big hand to them, everyone!


E: Thank you for your delightful performance, Grade 12 students! On another note, we have also seen
with our own eyes the charm of each Candidate in their Casual and Sports Wear. It’s not yet even the
main event, but the atmosphere is already ablaze!

C: Couldn’t have said it better myself, partner. At this moment, may we call on Mrs. Bernadette Berroy,
the Officer-in-Charge of the Junior High School Department, to introduce our esteemed guest speaker.



E: Thank you very much to our admirable Guest Speaker, Ms. Modino.

C: Let me take this time to share with you this plaque of appreciation, which will be awarded to our dear

E: Now is the one of the most-awaited parts of this evening. It is our great honor to welcome the
Candidates back as they present their dapper and alluring selves, rocking their Formal Wear. And this
presentation would not be complete without the romantic serenade to be offered by the selected Grade
12 students.


C: Now let’s give a big hand to the Grade 12 students and, of course, our Candidates! Wow, our
Candidates look incredible, don’t they? We are lucky to have seen this side of theirs.
At this point, we would like to give due recognition to our Board of Judges for taking the time to
evaluate our Candidates. May we call on once again our dear School President, Dir. Joel J. Baloro Jr., to
award the Tokens of Appreciation to our Board of Judges. Let’s give him a round of applause.


E: And now, this is the moment of truth, the moment we’ve all been waiting for.

C: After careful assessment of the Candidates’ performances all throughout this event, the Judges have
finally arrived at their verdict. Hold on to your seats, as the winners for the different areas in this
competition will now be revealed. With this, may we request the presence of our beloved School
Directress, Dr. Milagros J. Baloro, alongside with our School President Dir. Joel J. Baloro, Jr., for the
Giving of Awards and the Pinning of the Sashes to our dear Candidates.

E: Congratulations to everyone! The entire AAIS Community is with you in celebrating your triumph in
this function. Let us take this time to listen to the Thanksgiving Message from our School Directress, Dr.
Milagros J. Baloro. Kindly give her a big hand, everyone!


C: Thank you very much, Dr. Baloro! At this moment, let us present to you Ms. Faye Pagaduan Marcial,
Miss AAS 2018, as she takes her reminisces her unforgettable experiences in her Traditional Walk, and as
we welcome the newly-hailed Mr & Ms AAIS 2023. Let us give her a round of applause!


E: As we are nearing the end of this event, let us spiritually conclude this program with the Closing
Prayer, which will be led by Mr. Cyrill Cadano.


C: Thank you, Mr. Cadano. As we now close this chapter, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude
to all the Candidates, their family members, and everyone in the audience for taking the time to carry
out this event with us. We wouldn’t have done this without your untiring support to Army’s Angels
Integrated School. We hope to see you again, with the same support and enthusiasm, next time! May
God Bless you on your way home tonight. This is Claudine Andrea G. Teodosio…

E: And Erwil John Arao

C & E: your Masters or Ceremony, signing off.

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