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SAMPLE PAPER - 1 Class 10 - Science ‘Time Allowed: 3 hours General Instructions: 1. This question paper consists of 39 questions in 5 sections. 2. All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice is provided in some questions. A student is expected to attempt only one of these questions. ). Section A consists of 20 objective type questions carrying 1 mark each, . Section B consists of 6 Very Short questions carrying 02 marks each. Answers to these questions should inthe range of 30 to 50 words Section C consists of 7 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each. Answers to these questions should in the range of 50 to 80 words. Section D consists of 3 Long Answer type questions carying 05 marks each, Answer to these questions should be in the range of 80 to 120 words. Section E consists of 3 source-based case-based units of assessment of 04 marks each with sub-parts Section A “The positions of the pointer of the two ammeters Ay and Ap, and two voltmeters Vi and V2 available inthe (1) laboratory are shown in the given figure. For an experiment to study the dependence of the current on the potential difference across a resistor, the student would prefer a) ammeter Ay and volemeter Vi ’b) ammeter Az and voltmeter V2 ©) ammeter A, and voltmeter Vi ) ammeter A, and voltmeter V2 2. The component ofa chromosome that controls heredity is, a) Histones ) Proteins ©) RNA ) DNA 3. How does a gaseous exchange take place in woody plants? ) Epidermal cells ) Stem hair ©) Lenticels 6) Root hair 4 “Magnetic field lines determine 4) Only the direction of magnetic field. ©) Only the relative strength of the magnetic field, >) Both the direction and the relative strength of magnetic field. 4) The shape of magnetic field Which of the following property is generally shown by metals? A. Electrical conduction B. Sonorous in nature C. Dullness D, Ductility a) Aand B ©) All ofthese Match the following with the correct response: (® Alcohol b) Aand ) A,BandD Aldehyde |t=cno (il) Ketone lo -OH (iv) Haloalkane 2) (=), i) - (A), a) -(@), Gv) - (©) ©). @)- @, (i) - @), (it) - (©), Gv) - (0) ‘Toothpastes are generally a) natural ) basic Syphilis is caused by a) Mosquito ©) Parasite An aqueous solution with pH-zera is, a) Amphoteric ©) Alkaline 5) @-@, (4) - ©, (al) - ©). @v)- &) @)- ©.) - ) Gi) -@, Gv) -(@) ) acidie @) neutral ) Virus ) Bacteria ) Neutral @) Acidic ‘Which among the following statements are true for unisexual flowers? i. They possess both stamen and pistil ii, They possess either stamen or pistil iil. They exhibit cross pollination iv, Unisexual flowers possessing only stamens cannot produce fruits 2) (it) and (iv) 9 Wand Gv) ») Gi, (i) and i) ©, Gi) and ww) “Two pea plants one with round green seeds (RRyy) and another with wrinkled yellow (rt) seeds produce Fy (1) progeny that have round, yellow (Rr¥y) seeds. When F plants are selfed, the F progeny will have new ‘combination of characters. Choose the new combination from the following i. Round, yellow Round, green ‘Wrinkled, yellow iv. Wrinkled, green a) (and (iv) ») Gand Git) ©) Gi) and Gi) ® @and Gi) How much energy is consumed when a current of 5 ampere flows through the filament of a heater having a resistance of 100 ols for two hours? Express i in joules. 1s x 1084 bas x 1085 O18 x 1075 4) None ofthese When red, blue and green light coming parallel to principal axis fal on convex lens, they will converge on the axis at: 2) one point >) three different points ©) None ofthese 4) two different points ‘When ion nails placed in copper sulphate solution fora few hours the blue colour of solution will a) Remain blue ») Change to colourless ©) Change to pink €) Change to green “The inner lining of stomach is protected by one of the following from hydrochloric acid. Choose the correct one a) Salivary amylase ») Pepsin 2) Mucus ©) Bile ‘Ina flower, the parts that produce male and female gametes (germ cells) are a) stamen and style ») filament and stigma 6) anther and ovary 4) stamen and anther Assertion (A): A compass nee i placed near a current-carrying wire. The deflection ofthe compass needle ‘decreases when the compass needle is displaced away from the wire. Reason (R): Strength of a magnetic field decreases a one moves away fom a current-canying conductor 2) Both A and Rare tue and Ris the comect _b) Both A and R are rue but Ris not the explanation of A. comet explanation of A. 6) Ais tue but Ris false. @) A is false but Ris rue Assertion (A): During electrolysis of a concentrated aqueous solution of sodium chloride, hydrogen is produced atthe anode and chlorine gas i produced atthe eathode. Reason (R): Jons get attracted to oppositely charged electrodes a) Both A and Rare true and Ris the correct __b) Both A and R are true but Ris not the explanation of A. correct explanation of A. ©) Ais true but R is false. d) Ais false but R is true. Assertion (A): Antheorozoids of Funaria show chemotropic movement. Reason (R): This sa paratonic movement of locomation, 2) Both A and Rare tue and Ris the comect _b) Both A and R are true but Ris not the explanation of A correct explanation of A. ©) Ais true but R is false. d) Ais false but R is true. Assertion (A): Animals adopt different strategies to survive in hostile environments. ‘Reason (R): Praying mantis is green in colour which merges with plant foliage. a) Both A and Rare true and R isthe comect _b) Both A and R are true but Ris not the explanation of A. correct explanation of A. ©) Ais true but R is false. d) Ais false but R is true. Section B ‘Writ the chemical equations forthe following chemical reactions and name the carbone compound obtained 1 Reaction of acidified potassium dichromate solution with ethanol on heating i. Reaction of sodium metal with ethanol iii, Reaction of concentrated sulphuric acid with ethanol at 443 K. oR ‘How would you name the following compounds? i. CH-CH -Br ‘What are the functions of the relay, motor and sensory neurons in a reflex response? ‘What will happen if we kill ll the organisms of one trophic level? Briefly describe the biotic components ofan ecosystem. i. Inrefraction of light through a rectangular glass slab, the emergent ray is parallel to the direction of the Incident ray. Why? Ji, What happens when a light ray is incident normally on one ofthe faces of a rectangular glass slab? oR An object is placed at 2F in front of a convex lens. What is the Position ii Size i. nature of image? Draw the structures of the following compounds: Bromopentane Section © A student adds water to a substance X taken in beaker. He feels the beaker turning hot and a hissing sound is. ‘produced. Why does this happen? Write a chemical equation forthe reaction. State the type ofthis reaction. 28. i. Name the spherical mirror used as: a. shaving mirror b. Rear view mirror in vehicles « Reflection in search-light. Ji, Write any three difference between a teal and a virtual image. 29. Answer the following by carefully studying the figure: 1. Identify the image shown above. abel in the figure the ovary, oviduct, uterus, vagina tate the functions of the labeled parts in partb. oR [Name one sexually transmitted disease each caused due to bacterial infected and viral infection. How ean these prevented? 30, 1. Write the function ofeach ofthe following parts of human eye : comea, iis, crystalline len, ciliary muscles. (31 2. Millions of people ofthe developing countries of world are suffering from corneal blindness. These people can be cured by replacing the defective comea with the cornea of a donated eye, A charitable society of your city has organised a campaign in your neighbourhood in order to create awareness about this fact. If you are asked to participate in this mission how would you contribute in this noble cause? 1. State the objective of organising such campaigns. 2. List two arguments which you would give to motivate the people to donate their eyes after death. 3. List two values which are developed inthe persons who actively participate and contribute in such progeamme. State one characteristic each of the chemical reaction which takes place when: i. Dilute hydrochloric acid is added to sodium carbonate. {i Lemon juice is added gradually to potassium permanganate solution. 1, Dilute sulphuric acta is added to the barium chloride solution. iv. Quick lime is treated with water. +. Wax is burned in the form of a candle. {In pea plant, round seed is dominant over the wrinkled. Ifa cross is carried out between these two plants, give [3] answer tothe following questions. |. Mention the genes forthe traits of parents. i, State the trait of Fy hybrids lil. Write the ratio of Fp progeny obtained from this cross. What is the name of the cross? oR {In human beings, the statistical probability of getting either a male or female child is 50:50. Give a suitable ‘explanation for this. ‘ in many ways is similar to the human eye, stil, there are some basic differences in image formation [3] between the two. Explain. Section D |. How do you classify elements into metals and non-metals on the basis oftheir electronic configuration? US] ‘Choose metal and non-metal out ofthe following: TAP BEC ED BE fi, What type of bond will be formed if ‘A’ combines with 'B” b.‘A’ combines with 'E°? ©.'C! combines with 'E"? 4."D’ combines with E°? oR 1. What is meant by the reactivity series of metals? Arrange the following metals in an increasing order of their reactivities towards water: Zinc, iron, magnesium, Sodium 4i, Hydrogen is not a metal but still it has been assigned a place in the reactivity series of metals. Why? ili, Name one metal more reactive and another less reactive than hydrogen. iv. Name one metal which displaces copper from copper sulphate solution and one which does not. v. Name one metal which displaces silver from silver nitrate solution and one which does not. ‘Describe the process of urine formation in kidneys. OR Discuss the mechanism of respiration in human beings. a. Name and state the rule to find the direction of force experienced by a current-carrying straight conductor (51 placed in a magnetic field which is perpendicular to it. », Draw a well labelled diagram of an electric motor. Section E Read the text carefully and answer the questions: How do we express electric current? Electric current is defined by the amount of charge flowing through a particular area in unit time. In other words, itis the rate of flow of electric charges. In circuits using metallic wires, electrons constitute the flow of charges. However, electrons were not known at the time when the phenomenon of electricity was first observed. So, electric current was considered to be the flow of positive ‘charges and the direction of flow of positive charges was taken to be the direction of electric current. Conventionally, in an electric circuit, the direction of electric current is taken as opposite to the direction of the flow of electrons, which are negative charges. () Tfanet charge Q, flows across any cross-section of a conductor in time t, then the current I, through the cross-section is given by which formula? (i) What is che SI unit of electric charge? It is equivalent to how many numbers of electrons? oR ‘The electric current is expressed in which unit? Define the unit used to measure electric current. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: Animals have a nervous system for controlling and coordinating the activities ofthe body. But plants have neither a nervous system nor muscles. So, how do they respond to stimuli? When we touch the leaves of a chui- ‘mul (the “sensitive” or ‘touch-me-not” plant of the Mimosa family), they begin to fold up and droop. When a seed germinates, the root goes down, the stem comes up into the ait. What happens? Firstly, the leaves of the sensitive plant move very quickly in response to touch, ‘There is no growth involved in this mavernent, On the other hand, the directional movement ofa seedling is, caused by growth. If itis prevented from growing, it will not show any movement. ‘Write the types of movement. Give an example of a plant hormone that promotes growth, ‘What is the function of the nervous system? oR How is the movement of leaves of the sensitive plant different from the movement of a shoot towards light Read the text carefully and answer the questions: roy A scale for measuring hydronium ion in a solution is called the pH seale. The pH of a neutral solution is 7. A ‘value of less than 7 on the pH scale represents an acidic solution. As the pH value, inereases from 7 to 14 it represents OH- ion concentration in solution ie a basic solution. ‘What is the pH range of the Human Body? ‘The strength of acid and bases depends on which factor? Ifthe pH of soll X is 7.5 while that of soll Y is 4.5, then which soil should be treated with powdered chalk to adjust its pH? oR Tooth decay starts when the pH of the mouth is lower than which pH? Solution SAMPLE PAPER -1 Class 10 - Science Section A (@) ammeter Az and voltmeter Vi Explanation: We should select instruments without any zero error. (@ Dna Explanation: Heredity isthe passing on of traits from parents to their offspring, either through asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction; the offspring cells or organisms acquire the genetic information oftheir parents. Heertable tats are known tobe passed from one generation to the next via DNA, a molecule that encodes genetic information. (© Lenticels Explanation: A lenticel isa porous issue consisting of cells with large intercellular spaces in the bark of woody stems and 1001s, These ralsed pores inthe stem of a woody plant that allows gas exchange between the atmosphere and the intemal tissues. (©) Both the direction and the relative strengh of magnetic Feld Explanation: Magnetic Feld Is the reglon around a magnet where other magnetic material will experience a force. A magnetic field can be graphically represented by magnetic field lines which indicates its strength and direction, @A,BandD Explanation: Metals exhibit electrical conductivity (due to free electrons), sonority (production of ringing sound wien struck) and ductility (ability to be drawn into wires), 0-1, 0) =), Ca)-(@, 0)-@) Explanation: = The general formala of an alcohol is R-OH. 1 The general formula of an aldehyde is R-CHO. 1 The general formula of a ketone is R-CO-R' * The general formula of ahalo-alkane is R-X. (basic Explanation: Toothpaste are generally basic because their function is to react with the excess acid in our mouth and thas ‘prevent tooth decay. (@) Bacteria Explanation: Syphilis isa sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum. ‘The signs and symptoms of syphilis vary depending on which of the four stages i presents (primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary. (@) Acidic Explanation: Lower the pH, greater isthe acidity. The solution with pH = 0 is highly acidic. ©) Gi), (a and (vy Explanation: Unisexual flowers have either male or female sexual organs. Therefore, they cannot self-pollinate and, thus, show cross-pollination, The ovary ofthe female organ develops ino a fruit after fertilization, therefore lowers having stamens ‘cannot produce fruits. 0) and cH) Explanation: “The new combination in, progeny willbe round, yellow, and wrinkled green. The phenotypic aio 9:32: obtained. This can be shown by following Puneite square: moter AYO wy | ow By (b) 18 « 10°F Explanation: Given, 1=50 R= 100 ohm T= 2hours ‘We know that, Energy consumed = P xT ‘Suistiuting the values, Energy consumed = skWh TkWh = 36 x 108) ‘Therefore, SkWh=5 x 3.6 x 108J= 18 x 1085 (b) three cifferent points Explanation: Red, blue, and green lights have different wavelengths so they will be refracted accordingly. So three points of ‘convergence on the principal axis exist. (@) Change vo green Explanation: When ion nal is placed in copper sulphate solution for few hours the blue colour of the solution will change to ‘preen due to dsplacement of copper by iron. Tron displaces copper fom copper sulphate because Iron Is more reactive than ‘copper. Therefore the colour of the copper sulphate solution changes to green. (Mucus Explanation: A layer of mucus along the inner walls of the stomach is vital to protect the cel linings ofthat organ from the highly acidic environment within it (© anther and ovary Explanation: | The anther is part ofthe stamen (male sex organ) that produce pollen (male gamete). ‘© ‘The ovary isan inferior part ofthe pisil (male sex organ) which contains ovule. Female gametophyte develops in the ovule. (@) Both A and R are true and R isthe correct explanation of A. Explanation: Both A and R are tue and Ris the correct explanation of A. (@ Ais false but R iste. Explanation: During electolysis of a concentrated aqueous Solution of sodium chloe. tons ge attracted to oppositely ‘charged electrodes, sodium is produced atthe anode and chlorine gas Is produced atthe cathode. 19. (@) Both A and R are true and R isthe correct explanation of A. Explanation: Both A and R are true and R isthe correct explanation of . 20. (@) Both A and R are true and R isthe correct explanation of A. Explanation: Both A and R are rue and Ris the correct explanation of A. Section B 21. | Reaction of acidified potassium dichromate solution with ethanol on heating gives Ethanotc acid. (CH CHy-OH + 2[0] —+ CH- COOH + H,0 1. Ethanol when react with sodium gives Sodium ethoxide and Hydrogen gas is evalved, 2CH3-CHy-OH + 2Na —+ 2CyH5-ONa + H UL When ethanol treated with concentrated sulphuric acid at 443 K, ethene is formed. (CH CH OH —+ CHs = CH) + H,0 oR 1. CHy-CH, -Br: Bromoethane ii, Methanal: H I H-C=0 Ui, Hex-1-yee: HHH OH aabdd db cwe-n kika 22, 1 Relay neuron: I comects neurons within the central nervous sytem (CNS). 1. Motor neuron : Motor nourons carry message from the braia or spinal conto dhe muscles o glands (effector) li, Sensory neuron: Sensory neurons cary information from the sensory organs to bran o spinal cord Le. cettal nervous system (CNS). 25, all organisms of one wophic level are killed then the fod chain would end and ecological balance would be affected- (@) If the hecbivores are killed, the the carnivores would notable be to ge food and would die (©) If carnivores ae killed then the population of herbivores would increase to unsustainable level (6 producers are killed, then the nacient eye in the area would not be completed 24, Biotic components of ecosystem are- (@) Prodiucers- All the green plants have a unique capab lity to symthess organic substance such a sugar and starch by the P rrocess of photosynthesis. Therefore, they are called producer s. (©) Consumers- These ae the living organisms which dep end diet or indirectly on plants for thet food. Consumers may be herbivore, carnivores, and omnivores. (© Decomposers- Decomposers are the organisms which de pend upon the dead and decaying organisms thelr waste mater T hey form important ink between living and non-living components 25, Since refracting surfaces in the glass slab ae parallel and the ray Inside the glass falls at angle r (angle of refraction) due to “which the emergent emeryes at angle i (angle of incidence). Therefore the emergent ray Is parallel the Incident ray. li. The light ray goes undeviated along the same straight line means no refraction occurs. oR ‘When objects placed at 2, i = |. Image Is formed at 2F. Ii. Same size of image as that ofthe objec. Ui Real and inverted, 26. Bromopentane. ‘There are eight structural Isomers possible for bromopentane HOH HOW 2-Bromo-3-methylbutane H | H —Br Ht it —C—H HOH-C-H OH I H 1-Bromo.2, 2dimethyl propane Section © - Calcium oxide reacts with water to form calcium hydroxide, liberating a large amount of heat. This makes the beaker warm, The substance, X, is therefore, Calcium oxide (CaO), (CaQ(6) + HON) > Ca(OH) (aq) + Heat This isa type of a Combination reaction. 28. 1a) Shaving mirror- Concave mitror ) Rear view mistor - Convex mirror ‘© Reflection in searchlight ~ Concave mirror. 18. The thre diferences are: 2) Real image ean be obtained on screen but a virtual image cannot be obcained. by Reflected/Refracted rays actually meet where the real image Is formed while for virwal they only appear to meet. ©) A Real image is always inverted while the virtual image is always erect. 29, 1. The figure represents the female reproductive system, 1. The figure with labelled part sas shown, Ovary ent + Vasina LiL The ovary isthe female primary sex organ that produces ova or eggs. They secrete female hormones oestrogen and progesterone. The oviduct receives the egg released from the ovum and it isthe site of fertilisation. The uterus isa muscular ‘organ where implantation of zygote occurs and it takes cae ofthe developing embryo. The vagina is a muscular tube-tike ‘structure which receives the sperms and through which the baby is delivered. oR ‘Sexually transmitted disease caused due to 1. Bacterial infection is gonorthoea, and ‘2. Viral infection is AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency syndrome). These disease canbe prevented by responsible sexual ‘behaviour such a use of condom during intercourse, etc. 30._ 1. Functions of following parts of human eye are given below 1. Commea - It is a thin membrane which provides 679 of the eye's focussing power 2. Iris - [controls amount of light entering the eye by conirolling the sizeof pupil similar othe aperture of a camera which hhas capacity to decrease or increase the amount of light entering eye 3. Crystalline lens - It helps to focus ight on retina for image formation, 4, Cliary muscles - I contracts and relaxin order to change the Lens shape for focussing image at retina. when it contracts the lens become thicker and when it relaxes the lens become fat. 2. 1. The objective of organising such compaigns is to gulde, educate and help those people who are sufering from corneal blindness that they can be cured by comeal replacement surgery. 2.1, Come to participate in this campaign because, if someone get his vision through your eyes, tis an increible help. 2, As eye is one ofthe most valuable sense organs through which an individual can achieve so many things in hisfher life, 0 ty (0 realise the siuatlon that these people are sufferinng from. 3, The persons who actively participate and contribute in such programme are strong hearted and very much helpful forthe people living in such situations. 1. When lute hydrochloric acd is added to sodium carbonate - Evolution of earbon dioxide gas takes place. |i Lemon juice is added gradually to potassium permanganate solution ~ Change its colour from purple to colourless. Ul When dilute sulphuric acid is added tothe barium chloride solution - Formation of white precipitate of barium sulphate. Iv. Quick lime is trated with water - change in temperature. +, Wax Is bumed in the form af a candle - Change in state from solid to liquid and gas. 4. RR for homozygous pure round. And efor homozygous pure wrinkle pea plat. 1 Rr (hybrid -hecerozygous. Al are round since round is dominant over wrinkled. iil 3:1 (Phenotypic ratio), 1:2:1 (genotypic ratio) The name ofthis cross is monohy/brid cross. oR Inthe male, half numberof the sperms have X-chromosomes andthe other half have Y-chromosome, Le. (22 + X) and (22 +¥), both in equal numbers. But in Feras, all eggs have X chromosome only. Nov, there ae nly «wo chances: perm with X chromosome fusing with egg with X chromosome giving a baby gil (XX) of sperm with ¥ chromosome fusing with egg with X comosome giving a baby boy (XY). Ths, making the statstcal probability 50-50 3. camera in many ways i similar tthe human eye as both eye and camera has convex lens. But, there ae some basic differences {in image formation between the two as follows: |-Tncamera, the distance berween the lens and the screen canbe adjusted but not the foal length ofthe lens. However, in eye, the ciliary muscles adjust the focal length keeping the distance between the lens and the retina constant. The image formed onthe retina is temporary and its impression i recorded inthe bran as memory. However, the image formed onthe fim of camera sa permanent record. Section D | Elements which contain 103 electrons in thelr outermost sell are metal. Elements contalning 4107 electrons in tele ‘valence shell are non-metal. Flectronie configurations BNa(Z=11) = 2,81 Baz =9) = 2,7 Ho(Z=12) = 2,8,2 RD(Z= 15) = 2,8,5 BE(Z=17) = 2,8,7 Hence A and Care metals whereas, B,D and E are non-metal. AL Type of bonds tsmetal and "Bs non-metal so the bond formed wil be fic. 81 B= 2,7 "A" smetal and'E Is non-metal, so the bond formed I one 8, 1B=2,7 ai Tonicbond "C's metal ands non-metal, so the bond formed is iontc. 8, 2E=2,8,7 CRE tonic bond 4° 'isa non-metal and Eis also a non-metal, so the bond formed willbe covalent oR 1. The arrangement of metals in the order of decreasing reactivities is called reactivity series. Increasing order of reaetvity of metal oward water: Ion < 2ine < magnesium < sodium 18 Hydrogen can lose electrons and forms positive ions like metals, Therefore, ithas been placed inthe reactivity series of metals, Ui. Lead is more reactive than hydrogen and copper isles reactive than hydrogen. iv. Zine displaces copper from copper sulphate solution and mercury does not displace copper from copper sulphate solution. -v. Copper displaces silver from silver nitrate solution and gold does not displace silver from silver nitrate solution. 35. Urine is formed in the nephron of kidneys. Nephron isthe structural and functional unit ofthe kidney. Blood at high pressure travels into these tubules by the tuft of blood capillaries called glomerulus contained in Bowman's capsule. ‘Te following steps are involved in the process |. Filtration: Blood enters the glomerulus through the afferent arterioles It passes under high pressure that results inthe filtration of blood. Water and small molecules are forced out of glomerular capillary walls and Bowman’s capsule, Large ‘molecules remain in the blood ofthe glomerulus. 1, Selective reabsorption: Some molecules are selectively reabsorbed into the blaod, The glomerular filtrate Flows through the proximal convoluted tubule, the U-shaped Henle’s loop and distal convoluted tubule, The useful substances such as glucose, amino acids and salts which require energy are reabsorbed by a process called selective reabsorption. Hence, the filtrate now ‘contains urea, some salts and water. Reabsomption of solutes increases the water concentration ofthe filtrate. Water is then reabsorbed into the blood by osmosis. Ui Tubular seeretion: Some nitrogenous waste products like creatinine and some other substances like K* ate removed from the blood by DCT (Distal Convoluted Pubule) and are passed to blood. The urine thus formed is collected inthe urinary bladder. oR ‘Mechanism of Respiration - It occurs in following steps 4) Breathing - Taking In oxygen and expelling carbondioxide ou Is called breathing, It involves following steps:- () Inhalation - Ibis aking tn oxygen, Ic occurs due to contraction of muscles attached to ribs, This ft ibs and flattens the iapbragm, which increasing the volume of the thoracic cavity. Hence the pressure inside the thoracic cavity decreases and air rushes inside the ngs. (ji) Exhalaton - Is expelling of carbon dioxide. It occurs due to relaxation of muscles atached to ribs and diaphragm Is dome shaped. This decreases the volume of the thoracic cavity and decreases air pressure and expels CO out of the lung, 'b) Exchange of gases - It takes place between the alveol! of lungs and surrounding blood capllaies. Transport of gases in blood - Haemoglobin present in the blood transport. 0p and CO» In blood. Oxygen is ransported from the Jungs to the body cells in the form of oxyhaemoglobin, 4) Oxidation of food - Break down of ghcose molecules which produce energy. It occurs in mitochondria, 36, a # Fleming's leftchand rule ‘= Adjust your hand in such a way that the forefinger points in the direction of magnetic field and the centre finger points inthe direction of current, then thumb gives the direction of force acting on the conductor », Electric motor. 37. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: How do we express electric current? Electric current is defined by the amount of charge flowing through a particular area in unit time, In other words, ics the rate of flow of electric charges. In citcult using metallic wires, electrons constitute te flow of charges. However, electrons were not known at the time when the phenomenon of electricity was first observed. So, electric current was considered to be the flow of postive charges and the direction of flow of positive charges was taken tobe the direction of electic current. Conventionally, in an electtccicult, the direction of elecutc current Is taken as opposite to the direction ofthe flow of elecrons, which are negative charges. () Ifa net charge Q, flows across any cross-section of a conductor in me 't, then the current 'l, through the cross-section 4s given by 1= QT (C-The 1 unit of elec charge ithe coulomb (C), which s equivalent to the charge comtaned in neatly 6 x 10! electons on The electric currents expressed by a uni called ampere (A). One amperes constituted by the flow of one coulomb of charge per second. 38, Read the text carefully and answer the question Animals havea nervous system for controlling and coordinating the activites of the body. But plants have nether a nervous system nor muscles, So, how do they respond to stimull? Wren we tauch the leaves of a chul-mul the “sensitve" or “touch-me- not plant ofthe Mimosa family), they begin to fold up and droop. When a eed germinate, the root goes don, the stem comes ‘up into the ar. What happens? Fis, the leaves of the sensitive plant move very quichy in response to fouch Tee sno growth involved in thls movement. On the other hand, the dectional movement ofa sedling is caused by growth If cis prevented from growing, twill mot show any movement. (0) There are two types of movement: dependent on growth b. independent on growth, (Gi) Auxin isa plant hormone that promotes growth. (i) function ofthe nervous system is to control and coordinate the acuvities of the body. OR “The movernents ofthe leaves ofthe sensitive plant are ouch sensitive and independent of growth while the moverent of the shoot towards light is growth related and known as phototropist, Read the text carefully and answer the questions: A scale for measuring hydronium ion in a solution is called the pH scale. The pH of a neutral solution is 7. A value of less than 7 ‘om the pH scale represents an acidic solution. As the pH value, increases from 7 to 14 it represents OH- fon concentration in solution ie a basi solution, (The pH range of the Human Body is 7 wo 7.8. ("The strength of acids and bases depends onthe number of H* ions produced and the number of OH" ions produced (CuSO is acidic. Hence, it should be treated with powdered chalk to reduce its acidity OR ‘When the pH in the mouth falls below 5:5, tooth decay starts Bacterla present inthe mouth produce acid by degradation ‘of sugar and food particles which rematn inthe mouth after eating.

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