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RemoteTech Guide

This is a guide with step-by-step instructions on how to use RemoteTech. RemoteTech is a web-based
application that connects our technicians to our service fleet. You will be able to track your
everyday progress and information in this application. This is a vital application that needs to be
used every day. Since this is web-based, you may access RemoteTech on your computer or mobile
phone. To access RemoteTech, simply open any internet browser and enter the below website URL
to access it. As you use this application it will autosave your progress as you make any entries into
the call.

Website URL: Company: Circle5

Table of contents

Technician Expectations for RemoteTech .................................................................................................................. 2

Call Summary Preview ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
How to log in ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Dispatch to call .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Arrive to call ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Depart (Completing) Call ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Problem & Repair Codes ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Reschedule Call ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
Release Hold Calls ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Changing the Wrong Machine ................................................................................................................................... 12
Transferring calls to other technicians ....................................................................................................................... 13
How to Change your password................................................................................................................................... 14
Tools – Item Lookup ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Tools – Call Search ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
Creating calls .................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Call Types ........................................................................................................................................................................... 18
RemoteTech Guide

Technician Expectations for RemoteTech

• All calls in your queue are your responsibility. You are required to ensure follow-up and
timely completion of all service calls in your queue. Communication is key if you need help,
just ask.
• Whatever RemoteTech shows as dispatch should reflect what you are actually doing. If
you are dispatched to a machine at a location, that should reflect where you are at. Do not
stay dispatched if you need to travel somewhere else, unless instructed to do so by your
manager or if you need to go to lunch during the middle of a call.
• Ensure you are dispatched during work hours 8 am – 5 pm. If you are not dispatched,
contacting your manager or sending an email to to have a call
created or you may create an unknown call for work-releated tasks. Or to quickly let them
know you are going to lunch.
• Plan and keep track of your schedule. Ensure you have work to do each day and plan the
next day by the end of the day before. If not, you will need to discuss this with your manager
or dispatch.
• Call customers with an ETA within an hour of receiving a service call. Calling customers,
you may be able to assist by phone, ensure the customer will be open before your arrival, or
the customer may have fixed it. It will also provide a general sense of urgency.
• 4-hour response time. Response time starts when you dispatch to the call, not when you
arrive. The call received can be looked up under the “Call” Section in the expanded view. All
calls pending should be attended to. If it requires time, the call will need to be put on hold.
• Enter the start and end odometer when dispatching to and arriving at calls.
• Double-check the serial numbers of the machine you are working on. If the machine
serial number does not match, please refer to Page 12 “Changing the Wrong Machine”
• Meters are required. If you receive a meter error, you may bypass by entering “force”
(without quotes) into the “Remarks” field.
• Problem and Repair codes are required in the P/R section. It is required that a Problem
and Repair field is entered. Multiple entries are allowed. This is required and allows auto
invoicing for admin so invoicing of each call does not need to be done manually.
• Under Misc > Notes, please provide detailed notes of work. These notes communicate
your work. This helps others troubleshoot machines efficiently. ***Please caution that these
notes are shown to customers on reports. Please keep it professional***
• Do not close complete or close any calls if there are still things that need to be done.
Reschedule if there is still pending work to be done. Only close and complete calls if the
problem is fixed.
• If you need to leave, need more time, escalate, need parts, take the machine for
repair, or the customer is closed, you will need to reschedule the call. Your actions in
RemoteTech should reflect your current work and schedule and the statuses of the machines
assigned to you.

RemoteTech Guide

• Create calls as an “Unknown Equipment/Item”, to track work outside of not working on

machines. Approved work types are Shop trips & Meetings. Any other reasons will need
manager or dispatch approval.
• If you do not know what to do, communicate with your manager or dispatch for

RemoteTech Guide

Call Summary Preview

RemoteTech Guide

How to log in
This section is to help you log in to RemoteTech.

1. Open any internet browser (Safari, Chrome, etc…)

2. Enter the following website URL:
3. Enter your username and password
4. Enter the company: Circle5
5. Click on “Login”

RemoteTech Guide

Dispatch to call
This section is to guide you on how to dispatch to a call before heading to the customer to enter your
start odometer. This will also set a timestamp of when you dispatched.

Please note: Only pending calls can be dispatched. Also, you may edit your start odometer under
the summary of the call. Click on the Labor section and you may edit the “Start Odometer” field.

1. Login
2. On the main screen, click on the call number (5-digit link on the left) of the call you wish to
dispatch to.
3. In the Labor section towards the right, click on “Dispatch”
4. Enter your vehicle’s start odometer.
5. Hit “Ok”
6. Begin driving to your customer.

RemoteTech Guide

Arrive to call
This section is to guide you on how to set the call you dispatched to as arrived. This will provide you a
timestamp of your arrival and where you enter your ending odometer.

Please note: Only calls that are dispatched can be set to arrive. Also, you may edit your end
odometer under the summary of the call. Click on the Labor section and you may edit the “End
Odometer” field.

1. When you have arrived at your customer.

2. On the main screen, click on the call number (5-digit link on the left) of the call you wish to
access details for.
3. In the labor section towards the right, click on “Arrive”
4. Enter your vehicle’s end odometer.
5. Hit “Ok”

RemoteTech Guide

Depart (Completing) Call

Required fields and data to complete/reschedule a call:
• Items (IF APPLICABLE) • P/R – Problem & Repair Codes
• Meters • Misc - Notes
1. On the main screen, click on the call number (5-digit link on the left) of the call you wish to
depart from.
2. Double-check the ID/Serial number matches the machine you are working on.
3. At the top of the window, go to “Items”
4. Hit “Add”
5. Search by name or enter the part number of the part/items used.
6. Click on the item or part number that populates.
7. Enter, the quantity amount used.
8. Hit “Ok”
9. Click on “Meters”
10. Click on the field to the right of “B/W”
11. Under “Display” enter the meter displayed on the machine Status Page.
12. If you run into an error, verify the machine ID/Serial number.
13. Under “Remarks” enter “force” (without quotes). This will force the meter and bypass the error.
14. Repeat steps 10-13 for “Color” & “Total” meters
15. Click on “P/R”
16. Click on the drop-down menu of “Choose problem”
17. Select appropriate Problems
18. Click on the drop-down menu of “Choose repair”
19. Choose the appropriate repair code(s). Refer to the next page for details of the available
“Problem” & “Repair” Codes.
20. Click on “Misc”
21. Click on the section under “Remarks”
22. Enter the description of the service you rendered. Please be as descriptive as possible. You
may enter jam codes and frequency. This section will help you and your team members
understand what was done for future reference.
• Please Note: It is hard to remember a call 2 months from now. Since then you may have
done hundreds of calls. This section will help you and your colleagues understand what
was done so we can save time and not repeat what was done. Please take time on this
23. Click on “Summary”
24. Click on “Depart” to the right of the “Labor” section
25. Choose “Complete” or “Reschedule”
26. To complete/close call, choose “Complete”
27. Click on “Close”
28. Review the “Service Call Summary”
29. Click on “Complete” at the bottom.
30. You will be redirected to the Main call screen and your call will be complete to be invoiced by

RemoteTech Guide

Problem & Repair Codes

Code Description Code Description
BRP Broken Part ADE Adjusted Electronically
CFG Configuration Problem ADM Adjusted Mechanically
CNP Customer Network Problem AST Needs Assistance
ERR Error code displayed CDP Could not duplicate problem
FUS Fuser needs replacement CFG Changed Machine Config/Setting
FWU Firmware update needed CLN Cleaned
GEN General Service Needed CSW Change Software Setting
INS Install Machine DEF Defective cartridge
INT Intermittent Problem DEL Delivered cartridges
JAM Paper Jamming EIT Escalated to Customer IT
MET Meter Collection HPF Replaced HP Fuser
NOI Making Noise INP Inspected
NOP No Problem Found Cannot Duplicate INS Installed equipment
OTH Other Failure JAM Removed Jam
PCQ Poor Copy Quality LOA Loaner Installed
PIC Pick up empty toner MET Meters Collected
PMK PM/Maintenance kit needed MKR Replaced maintenance kit
PRN Printing Issue MSP Escalated to Circle IT
SCN Scanning Problem NMT Needs more time
SWP Software Problem PHO Phone Fix
TNR Toner cartridge causing problem PIC Picked up empties
TON Toner installed PTC Performed Total Call
WIL Will Call- Parts, Accessories, Equipment. PUE Picked up empty toners
PUV Picked Items from Vendor
REM Remote Fix
REP Replace the entire device
ROP Replace Other Part
RPP Replaced Part
RPT Replaced Toner
UFW Updated firmware
UPD Updated printer drivers

RemoteTech Guide

Reschedule Call
This section will guide you on how to reschedule a call.

1. From step 25 of the previous section “Depart (Complete) call”, Choose the “Reschedule”
2. Click on the Dropdown menu to the right of “Incomplete Code”
3. Choose the appropriate code:

Code Description
CCL Customer Closed No Access
DNA DOWN Needs Assistance
DNP DOWN Needs Parts
NA Needs Assistance
NMT Needs More Time
NP Needs Parts
NR Needs Research

4. Depending on the reason for the incompletion of the call, click on the section below
“Incomplete remarks”
5. Enter the description of the reason for the incompletion of the call.
• Please note: the remarks you enter will be added to the description of the call upon
closing the call. This helps Parts/dispatch departments know what is needed or what
the status is.
6. If incompletion of call for parts, Click “Add”
7. Enter the Part description or part number to search the parts needed.
8. Enter the correct quantity amount needed
9. Click “Ok”
10. Click “Close” on the top right-hand corner

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RemoteTech Guide

Release Hold Calls

In this section, you will be able to release calls on Hold.

Please note: “On Hold (Waiting for Parts)” cannot be released. Please contact the Parts department
on ETA or for the call to be released.

1. Login
2. On the main screen, click on the call number (5-digit link on the left) of the call on hold.
3. At the top links, click on “Holds”
4. Click on “Release”
5. You may now dispatch to the call.

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RemoteTech Guide

Changing the Wrong Machine

In this section, you may work on a machine that is called in by the customer incorrectly. This section
describes instructions on how to change the machine you are working on to the correct machine ID.

Please note: You may only change to another device machine that is registered to that customer's
location. If the customer has multiple locations and the machine is assigned to a different location,
you may need to call dispatch for further assistance.

1. On the main screen, click on the call number (5-digit link on the left) of the call.
2. Under the “Summary” of the call, scroll down until you see the 5-digit Asset/ID number.
3. Click on the “Change” button.

4. Hit the “Clear” button next to the equipment (Not the customer).

5. Hit the “Find” button.

6. Search the correct machine by Asset/ID, Serial Number, or Machine Model.

7. Click on the correct machine and hit “Ok”.

Please note: If the machine does not show up, the machine may belong to a different customer's
physical address location. You will need to contact dispatch for assistance

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RemoteTech Guide

Transferring calls to other technicians

You may transfer calls amongst other technicians, please communicate with each team member first
before transferring.

Please note: Call transfers are for pending calls only. You cannot transfer calls if the calls are

Transfering calls to other technicians

1. Log in
2. Click into the call to access the “Call Summary” page.
3. In the call summary, under the Technician Section choose the “Reassign” Button.

4. Under the “New Technician” drop down, choose the technician you would like to transfer the
call to.

5. Press “Ok”

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RemoteTech Guide

How to Change your password

This section is to help you change your password.

1. Login to RemoteTech
2. At the top, click on “Change password”
3. Enter your current password in the field to the right of “Old password”
4. Enter your desired new password in the field to the right of the “New password”
5. Re-enter the same desired password to the field to the right of the “Confirm password”
6. Click on “Ok”

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RemoteTech Guide

Tools – Item Lookup

In this section, you will be able to look up part numbers to check if “Irvine Main” has it in stock. You
may also look up the cost of the part to provide parts cost for Billable customers. This tool can guide
you on the availability of the part to provide a more accurate ETA for rescheduling parts. Please
contact the Parts department to confirm part(s) are in stock and may request to ship out as soon as

1. Login to RemoteTech
2. At the top, click on “Tools” at the main call screen
3. Click on “Item Lookup”
4. Enter the desired part description or part number in the field to the right of the “Search”
5. Click on “Search”
6. A list of all parts will populate
7. Click on “View” to the right of the desired part
8. Additional information of the part will populate
• You may see if the part is in stock in “Irvine Main”
o Please call the Parts department to confirm if parts are in stock and may
provide the customer a more precise ETA if parts are available.
• You can check the price of the part
9. Click “Ok” when finished. This will lead you back to the “Tools” menu

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RemoteTech Guide

Tools – Call Search

In this section, you will be instructed on how to use “Call Search”. This section is useful when finding
information on call history, Machine information, Customer information, etc. You can use this section
to verify the machine Serial Number and/or ID number.

1. Login to RemoteTech
2. Click on “Tools” at the top of the page.
3. Click on “Call Search”
4. Under “Search Calls”, you can filter by Technician, Territory, or by Status of calls.
5. Under “Dates” you may filter by Today, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, All, or Custom Dates.
• If you choose “Custom Dates”, you will need to edit the “From” and “To” dates range.
6. Under “Location” you may filter by customer, hit “Find” and search by customer name,
address, city, customer number.
7. Under “Equipment” you may filter by equipment Serial number, Asset/ID, Model.
8. When all fields are populated, you may hit “Search”.
9. A list of all service calls will be generated.
10. You may click on “View” to view more information about the call.
• Please note: These calls are for viewing purposes and are not editable.

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RemoteTech Guide

Creating calls
This section will provide instructions on how to create calls. This can be used to create your Lunch
call or calls requested by customers while on site.

Please note: Please consult lead or dispatch to create non-serialized calls to shop. You cannot
create and dispatch to shop calls as a first call in the morning.

1. Login to RemoteTech
2. Click on “Tools” at the top of the page.
3. Click on “Create Call”
4. Choose the appropriate “Call Type” by clicking on the drop-down options. Please refer to the
next page for a list of “Call Types” and descriptions.
5. Enter the Caller information, Name & Phone number (If possible)
6. Enter the Description of the reason for the service call. There is a limit of 255 characters.
7. Click on “Find” under the “Equipment/Item” section.
8. Enter the machine Asset ID/Serial number.
• Please note: In case you do not know the machine ID/Serial number, you may choose
“Find” under the “Location” section and locate the customer. Then, hit “Find” under
the “Equipment/Item” section. You may search by machine model, when choosing the
model, you may click on the machine ID and expand for more information, and check
“Location Remarks”.
• You may also use “Unknown Equipment/Item” to generate a non-serialized service call
for shop trips, meetings, or other approved tasks.

9. You may click on “Create Call” on the top right-hand corner of the page to create a call.
10. You will now be redirected to the main call page and you will now have a new “Pending” call
you may dispatch to.

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RemoteTech Guide

Call Types
Code Description
COU Courtesy Follow-Up No Problem
DNP Dead No Power
eInfo Call entered via web
ERR Error Code Message
FAX Fax Problem
FMA FM Audit Installation No Problem
FUS HP Fuser Problem
GEN General SVC No Problem
ICP Inspect For Contract No Problem
INS Install Mach Access/Network
JAM Jamming Problem
KEY Key Op Training No Problem
MET Meter Collection No Problem
NET Network Install Issue
NOI Noise Problem
OPE Operator Error Problem
OTH Other Misc. Problem
PCQ Print Quality Problem
PMK Install PM/MK
REQ Request Task Other
SHP Misc. Shop Trip Other
TEC Tech Assist Escalation Problem
TON Install Toner Cartridge
WEB E-Info Call entered via web

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