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2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik


My Daily Struggles
A blog devoted to the actors and public policy issues involved in the 1998 District of Columbia Court of Appeals
decision in Freedman v. D.C. Department of Human Rights, an employment discrimination case.

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My Daily Struggles
W E D N E S D A Y, D E C E M B E R 0 2 , 2 0 0 9

Desperation in the Final Weeks Top Stories

Chalk this up to my paranoid schizophrenia, but I recall feeling, back in

KudoSurf Me!
the fall of 1991, during the final weeks of my employment at the D.C.
law firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, that the surveillance of
Blog Archive
me by firm managers became especially intense.
▼  2020 (1)
I felt that the scrutiny became ever more deep and obsessive as it ▼  April (1)
related to the manager of my apartment building, Elaine Wranik (now The (Suicidal-) Depressive
deceased) and the assistant manager, Mal Eno. Whatever happened to Position: A Scientifica...
Mal Eno?
►  2016 (9)
Recall that in August 1989 a coworker at Akin Gump (Stacey Schaar) said ►  2015 (23)
to me at work: "We're all afraid of you. We're all afraid you're going to
►  2014 (60)
buy a gun, bring it in, and shoot everybody. Even the manager of your
apartment building (Elaine Wranik) is afraid of you." ►  2013 (134)
►  2012 (476)
In the late summer and fall of 1991 -- coincidentally, at about the time
►  2011 (1049)
Bob Strauss withdrew from the partnership to become U.S. Ambassador
to the Soviet Union -- I formed several bizarre ideas. ►  2010 (1341)
►  2009 (305)
I formed the belief that Elaine Wranik started to go through my trash. ►  2008 (106)
My supervisor and coworkers started using words and phrases from
documents that I had thrown in the trash. I thought at the time: "These ►  2007 (174)
people are desperate for information. What on earth are they looking ►  2005 (10)
for?" ►  2004 (64)
►  1971 (1)
I formed the belief that Elaine Wranik was coming into my apartment at
odd times, for example, on weekends, when I was out; or early in the ►  1970 (1)
morning when I used to go out on my morning jog. (I used to jog about
50 minutes every weekday morning before I went to work.)

I formed the belief that Elaine Wranik told Akin Gump about the
pornography I looked at; the fact that she had found what appeared to
be DNA stains on my sheets early in the morning (after I masturbated--
yes, I admit it, I was the Bill Clinton of paralegals years before it
became fashionable to be "Bill Clinton"). I wasn't offended or ashamed. I 1/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

was deeply curious. I thought: "These people are crazy. And these
people are managing a major law firm?"

Maybe some day I will find out what was going on. What was happening
at Akin Gump in 1991 after Bob Strauss left? I've always thought there
was a "story behind the story."

I think one of the factors in my job termination was the following. I've
never told anybody about this before. During the summer of 1991 I
began to play with the heads of Akin Gump's managers. I started to
leave humorous (and not so humorous) notes on a table in my
apartment. I believed that Elaine Wranik read the notes and reported
back to Akin Gump what she learned. Some of the notes may have been
disturbing to my supervisor, Chris Robertson. I had opened up a channel
of communication with Akin Gump's senior managers over which Chris
Robertson had no control. From the beginning of our work relationship I
believed that Chris Robertson felt a lot of job insecurity -- especially in
relation to me. I believed that the notes I was leaving for Elaine Wranik
("the carrier pigeon," as I used to think of her) were getting Chris
Robertson very nervous.

I am psychotic, so I can say this. At the termination meeting on October

29, 1991, I had an idea of reference about the notes I was leaving for
Elaine Wranik in my apartment building. I was in Dennis Race's office.
Personnel Director Laurel Digweed got up from her chair to leave the
office. Laurel Digweed took a piece of paper and put it on Dennis Race's
desk -- I perceived Laurel Digweed's behavior in placing the paper on
Dennis Race's desk as dramatic, affected, and ceremonious. I had the
paranoid impression that Laurel Digweed was mimicking my behavior of
leaving notes on my table at home. I thought: "So this is what this is all
about? I drove Chris Robertson crazy with the notes I was leaving!" In
any event, that was the idea of reference I experienced at about noon
on Tuesday October 29, 1991 in Dennis Race's office -- almost exactly 18
years ago.

Posted by My Daily Struggles at 1:56 PM 2 comments

T H U R S D A Y, D E C E M B E R 0 3 , 2 0 0 9

Significant Moments: Pornography

In the meantime Ellsberg continued reading his documents and thinking
about the "lessons of Vietnam," and concluded that the lies and
deception were systematic, not just the aberrations of particular
Presidents or the result of errors of judgment. The intelligence
estimates, he concluded, despite his earlier feelings about inaccurate
reporting from the field were "remarkably accurate." He had become
privy to a new secret.

That ultimate secret seemed to have something to do with the nature of

secrecy itself. He could verge on the rhapsodic when he spoke about 2/42
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what the possession of secrets could do to the possessor, about the safes
within safes, the clearances above Top Secret, the secrets within secrets
that he had discovered in the inner chambers of the Pentagon. People in
Washington derived kicks from having access to information from those
inner chambers, achieved a kind of euphoria from knowing things that
were not known by others. He would later say that his own fascination
with them might have some relation to a parallel fascination with
pornography. For years he had collected pornography, and his
apartment was full of the stuff. Now he also possessed the hardcore
information about the war, the pornography of Vietnam. Was the
language suggestive: disclosure, revelation, protection, penetration?
Peter Schrag, Test of Loyalty.

Chalk this up to my paranoid schizophrenia, but I recall feeling, back in

the fall of 1991, during the final weeks of my employment at the D.C.
law firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, that the surveillance of
me by firm managers became especially intense.

I felt that the scrutiny became ever more deep and obsessive as it
related to the manager of my apartment building, Elaine Wranik (now
deceased) and the assistant manager, Mal Eno. Whatever happened to
Mal Eno?

Recall that in August 1989 a coworker at Akin Gump (Stacey Schaar) said
to me at work: "We're all afraid of you. We're all afraid you're going to
buy a gun, bring it in, and shoot everybody. Even the manager of your
apartment building (Elaine Wranik) is afraid of you."

In the late summer and fall of 1991 -- coincidentally, at about the time
Bob Strauss withdrew from the partnership to become U.S. Ambassador
to the Soviet Union -- I formed several bizarre ideas.

I formed the belief that Elaine Wranik started to go through my trash.

My supervisor and coworkers started using words and phrases from
documents that I had thrown in the trash. I thought at the time: "These
people are desperate for information. What on earth are they looking

I formed the belief that Elaine Wranik was coming into my apartment at
odd times, for example, on weekends, when I was out; or early in the
morning when I used to go out on my morning jog. (I used to jog about
50 minutes every weekday morning before I went to work.)

I formed the belief that Elaine Wranik told Akin Gump about the
pornography I looked at; the fact that she had found what appeared
to be DNA stains on my sheets early in the morning (after I
masturbated--yes, I admit it, I was the Bill Clinton of paralegals years
before it became fashionable to be "Bill Clinton"). I wasn't offended or
ashamed. I was deeply curious. I thought: "These people are crazy. And
these people are managing a major law firm?" 3/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

Maybe some day I will find out what was going on. What was happening
at Akin Gump in 1991 after Bob Strauss left? I've always thought there
was a "story behind the story."

I think one of the factors in my job termination was the following. I've
never told anybody about this before. During the summer of 1991 I
began to play with the heads of Akin Gump's managers. I started to
leave humorous (and not so humorous) notes on a table in my
apartment. I believed that Elaine Wranik read the notes and reported
back to Akin Gump what she learned. Some of the notes may have been
disturbing to my supervisor, Chris Robertson. I had opened up a channel
of communication with Akin Gump's senior managers over which Chris
Robertson had no control. From the beginning of our work relationship I
believed that Chris Robertson felt a lot of job insecurity -- especially in
relation to me. I believed that the notes I was leaving for Elaine Wranik
("the carrier pigeon," as I used to think of her) were getting Chris
Robertson very nervous.

I am psychotic, so I can say this. At the termination meeting on October

29, 1991, I had an idea of reference about the notes I was leaving for
Elaine Wranik in my apartment building. I was in Dennis Race's office.
Personnel Director Laurel Digweed got up from her chair to leave the
office. Laurel Digweed took a piece of paper and put it on Dennis Race's
desk -- I perceived Laurel Digweed's behavior in placing the paper on
Dennis Race's desk as dramatic, affected, and ceremonious. I had the
paranoid impression that Laurel Digweed was mimicking my behavior of
leaving notes on my table at home. I thought: "So this is what this is all
about? I drove Chris Robertson crazy with the notes I was leaving!" In
any event, that was the idea of reference I experienced at about noon
on Tuesday October 29, 1991 in Dennis Race's office -- almost exactly 18
years ago.

Posted by My Daily Struggles at 2:00 PM 0 comments

M O N D A Y, A P R I L 1 9 , 2 0 1 0

U.S. Secret Service -- Letter 12/11/97

December 11, 1997
3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008-4530

Phillip C. Leadroot, S.A.

U.S. Secret Service
Washington, DC 20036

Dear Mr. Leadroot:

Several of my past letters to you refered to Elayne Wranik, the resident 4/42
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manager of my apartment building (3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW,

Washington, DC) during the period 1986 to 1992.

Elayne Wranik is now deceased. However, I believe that Elayne Wranik

had a daughter who lived in Maryland. A few years ago (in the early
1990's), Elayne Wranik had knee replacement surgery, and convalesced
at her daughter's home for a few months: Elayne Wranik and her
daughter therefore were in close contact and communication for some
period of time. The daughter may have information about her mother's
activities that may be of interest to the U.S. Secret Service.

Former 3801 Connecticut Avenue employee, Mal Eno, has information

about the personal background of Elayne Wranik. Mal Eno and Elayne
Wranik used to share the front office at 3801.

Current 3801 Connecticut Avenue employee, Elizabeth Joyce (front desk

manager), has been employed at the building since the late 1980's.


Gary Freedman

Posted by My Daily Struggles at 1:57 PM 0 comments

T U E S D A Y, M A R C H 0 6 , 2 0 1 2

Letter to U.S. Secret Service: 2/21/96

February 21, 1996
3801 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008-4530

Philip C. Leadroot
Special Agent
U.S. Secret Service
Washington Field Office

Dear Mr. Leadroot:

As you know one of my paranoid beliefs is that Akin Gump had an

informal agreement with the former manager of my apartment building,
Elayne Wranik, whereby Elayne Wranik, without my consent, entered my
apartment every morning, inspected the contents of the apartment, and
reported her findings back to someone at Akin Gump.

I believe that this activity was ongoing during the period of at least late
March 1989 until early February 1992.

I used to leave documents on table in my apartment for Elayne Wranik,

based on my paranoid belief that she was engaging in the above- 5/42
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described activity. I believed that I was making use of her as a carrier-

pigeon in order to allow me to communicate with Akin Gump

I enclose the original version of one such document (which is inside a

protective envelope). A xerox copy is also attached for your review. This
particular document is from early September 1991. A forensic analysis of
the original document (in the protective envelope) should disclose only
my fingerprints or forensic evidence. A forensic analysis should disclose
no evidence pertaining to apartment manager Elayne Wranik, or then
assistant manager Mal Eno (who, I believe, also entered my apartment
on occasion). To the best of my knowledge, only I handled the

You will note that the document refers to a “strategy” involving some
type of computer training; the document records my paranoid ideas of
reference in connection with a conversation I had had with legal
assistant David Berkowitz. (I intentionally used to make the notes seem
really crazy.  I felt that if the notes were being communicated back to
Akin Gump, the crazier the note, the more likely I would get a
discernible reaction).

Oddly, only days later, on September11, 1991, my supervisor, Christine

Robertson, held a special meeting that she called a “Hoechst Strategy
Meeting.” I had the paranoid belief at the time that the supervisor's
Hoechst Strategy Meeting was called on September 11, 1991 as
retaliation for the enclosed note that I had left in my apartment.

I have enclosed a computer disc that contains a document that discusses

the Hoechst Strategy Meeting held on September 11, 1991. The
document was prepared for review by my psychiatrist in April 1993.

If Elayne Wranik did in fact inspect my apartment daily, what did she

Did she ever see any dangerous or deadly weapons? The Secret Service
has a right to know.

Did any of my notes or other documents contain threats on any Secret

Service protectees? The Secret Service has a right to know.


Gary Freedman

Posted by My Daily Struggles at 9:10 AM 0 comments

T H U R S D A Y, J U L Y 2 8 , 2 0 1 1

Akin Gump: Two Creative Pieces from 1991 6/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

During my employment at the law firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer &
Feld I formed the belief that the manager of my apartment building
entered my apartment surreptitiously every morning, looked around,
and reported back to Akin Gump managers what she saw. I used to leave
messages for Elaine Wranik to read, many of which were humorous. 
The messages were psychologically revealing, I suppose.  I found Akin
Gump's surveillance to be ridiculous and humorous.  My paranoia was
not associated with anger and a potential for violence; any assessing
psychiatrist would have seen that.

The following are two creative pieces I wrote in the summer and early
fall of 1991, months before my employment was terminated on October
29, 1991, at a time when, according to Akin Gump's senior managers, I
showed signs of severe mental disturbance.  The first writing has a note
at the top of the page addressed to Elaine Wranik.  Akin Gump's
managers were my "good audience."


(This is all crap, but I figure "Why waste a good audience?")

A man had the unusual ability--some would call it an annoying

predilection--to transform his everyday experiences into a dramatic
interplay of elemental forces.  By means of this ability the trivial and
bland became the grand and heroic; the benign and innocuous rose to
the level of the sufferings of Lear.  The man's creative imagination gave
form to a gallery of characters.

Of this a second man observed: The man's transformations represent an

escapist's retreat from boredom, a paranoiac's refuge from the cares of
the real world.  His fantasies reflect a Walter Mitty-like accommodation
with ineffectually.

Concerning the first man and his detractor a third man observed: In
assigning the first man the role of Walter Mitty, is not the second man,
by implication, assuming the role of Thurber, whose creative
imagination gave form to Mitty?  And through his momentary implicit
dual transformation, does not the second man himself become a Mitty-
like character?

Thus, in the end, in this one instance, it became difficult to distinguish

between the man of talent, the critic, and the escapist.


I recall that I thought of the following piece while I was visiting my

sister during the Jewish High Holidays in 1991.  In that year Rosh
Hashanah fell on September 9, 1991.  On about September 11, 1991,
while working at Akin Gump, my supervisor, Chris Robertson, held a 7/42
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luncheon meeting (designated a “Hoechst Strategy Meeting”)  in the

12th floor conference room.  The undercurrent of jealousy at the
meeting may have been a reaction, in part, to the following writing,
which I had left on a table in my apartment for Elaine Wranik to read
and report back to Akin Gump management.  According to Kernberg a
cohesive group may vent hostility on an outsider based on envy: envy of
his individuality, his thinking, and his rationality.  (The following
introduction is part of the writing I left on the table for Elaine Wranik
to read.)

In the attached creative piece the manifest content relates to the

scapegoat identification, whereas the latent content relates to the hero
identification.  This duality may reflect a split in the ego between the
scapegoat/hero identifications, or a split relating to guilt and
narcissism.  The author's role as scapegoat/hero, which he seems to
have assumed in his environment, may relate back to the earliest stage
of development**, the oral stage, where the central issues are the
infant's fear of harm to the mother (guilt) and the infant's reparative
fantasies, the purpose of which is to expiate the memory of harm to the
mother and which are possible precursors of grandiose, narcissistic
fantasies in adulthood.  The piece may reflect, fundamentally an oral
disturbance and its vicissitudes.  The piece, if fully analyzed in
connection with Freud's interpretation of the hero myth in Group
Psychology, sheds light on its author's earliest relationship with the
mother and its author's later relationship with the father vis-a-vis
mother and sibling, and its author's relationship with co-workers vis-a-
vis employer--and ultimately how each of these paired relationships
relate to each other.

**Assumes a form of alloplastic adaptation in which the external world is

pressed into the service of the ego in order to combat instinctual

[The following is the text of the parable.]

There lived a man whose idiosyncrasies and peculiar manner aroused

the suspicion and curiosity of his fellows. In response to everything the
man did people cynically asked: "Why does he do that? What is his
motive?" The man's behavior, born of inner confusion, raised suspicions
in others, which, in turn, compounded his confusion.

The man resolved to put his fellows' minds at ease, and his own mind,
by writing the story of his life, thereby explaining himself to himself and
explaining himself to those with whom he interacted. The man
disseminated his story to his fellows.

Instead of allaying doubt, however, the story raised even more

questions. Some suspected the man had committed a crime and sought
through this means to conceal his great misdeed. Moreover, these
people said the writing of the story was itself evidence of the man's
mendacity and was therefore a criminal act irrespective of the severity 8/42
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of any past wrongful actions. Others said the man wanted to

compensate, or overcompensate, for a poor self-image by creating a
grandiloquent delineation of himself. Still others said he sought to
satisfy the exigency of his longing for greatness by emulating the forms
of the masters.

Troubled by his fellows' endless suspicions, the man decided to write a

second story to explain why he had written the first story. But it
occurred to him that a second story would raise more questions. People
would likely ask: "Why a second story? Did he not tell us everything he
needed to say in the first story?" Might not a second story simply serve
to call attention to possible omissions in the first story, leading people
to conclude that the man had intentionally omitted material facts in an
attempt to deceive? Yet worse, if the second story should contradict
some small detail in the first story people might interpret these
inconsistent statements as deliberate lies.

Thus, the man would be compelled to write a third story to explain why
he had written the second story. The third story would, in turn, call for
a fourth story, he thought, and the fourth story, a fifth. The man could
foresee no end to his need to explain himself. He then decided to
transform his dilemma into a parable--a parable that would set forth
the absurdity of his existence and thereby settle for all time the
confusion in his mind and in the minds of his fellows. The man's parable
read as follows:

"There lived a man whose idiosyncrasies and peculiar manner aroused

the suspicion and curiosity of his fellows. . . . "

Posted by My Daily Struggles at 11:36 AM 3 comments

T U E S D A Y, M A R C H 1 5 , 2 0 1 1

The Break-in: For The Record

The D.C. Office of Corporation Counsel cited the following incident in
its Reply Brief in Freedman v. D.C. Department of Human Rights,
D.C.C.A. no. 96-CV-961 (Sept. 1, 1998).

"Freedman believes that in early January 1990 “employees or members

of the firm gained access to [his] apartment without [his] knowledge or
consent. These individuals, [Freedman] believes, inspected many of the
books in [his] apartment and, armed with a video camera, took a video
film of [his] apartment. [Freedman] believes that a copy of that video
film was sent to [his] sister. R. 344. Freedman claims that the unlawful
entry into his apartment was done with the knowledge and consent of
the firm’s management committee. R. 344."

For the record I would like to add the following facts.  The facts prove
nothing, but to my addled brain they support my paranoid perceptions. 9/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik


2.  I took a vacation from my job at the law firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss,
Hauer & Feld the last week of December 1989.   Firm records would
confirm that.  I didn't go anywhere.  But I cleaned up my apartment,
which for the first time in a long time was in a presentable condition. 
My paranoid theory?  The resident manager at 3801 Connecticut Avenue
where I live (Elaine Wranik) contacted her Akin Gump contact and
advised that I had cleaned my apartment.   The law firm personnel
entered my apartment on January 2, 1990, inspected it, and made a
videotape of the apartment.

3.  In the period immediately after January 2, 1990 I noticed that

coworkers used words and phrases that seemed to correspond to titles
of books in my apartment.

4. The week following my job termination, in early November 1991, the

3801 building engineer (Pius Cookson) entered my apartment to do some
repairs.  During the repair job Elaine Wranik entered my apartment.  I
got into a heated argument with her about my refrigerator.  At the
height of the argument I blurted out, "My sister still has that
videotape."  Elaine Wranik responded angrily, "I have pictures of my
own."  I found it interesting that she didn't question what I said, such as,
"Videotape?  What videotape?  What are you talking about?"  It was my
perception that she knew exactly what I was talking about.

Incidentally, the assistant manager at 3801 in 1991 was a woman named

Mal Eno.  Mal Eno must have a story to tell about the goings on with Akin
Gump.  I'm sure she knows all about it.

Another thing.  In the early 1990s Elaine Wranik had knee replacement
surgery.  She recuperated at her daughter's home.  I think her daughter
lived on the Maryland Eastern Shore.  Mothers and daughters tend to

Posted by My Daily Struggles at 4:33 PM 0 comments

T H U R S D A Y, N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 0 9

U.S. Capitol Police -- Letter No. 6

August 22, 1998
3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008-4530

Stephan J. Horan, S.A.

United States Capitol Police
Threat Assessment Section
Room 605 10/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

119 D Street, NE
Washington, DC 20510-7218

Dear Mr. Horan:

I submit facts concerning an additional person who may have

information of use to federal law enforcement.

The individual's name is John [last name unknown]. He was employed as

an engineer in my apartment building (3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW)
during the period of about 1991-1992, and worked for building manager
Elayne Wranik (now deceased). The current building manager, John
Reuss, may be able to provide you additional information about him.

He apparently continues to live in my neighborhood (Cleveland Park); I

still see him occasionally. Just last month (July 1998) he stopped me on
the street, a few blocks from my building, and said: "Are you keeping
those people straight at 3801?" I said: "Yea. But it's not easy." I have seen
him driving a truck; the logo on the truck suggests he may do plumbing

I have a specific recollection that in the period days after my job

termination (late October-early November 1991) I was talking to Elayne
Wranik in her office about my job termination and John said: "No good
deed goes unpunished."

He made negative comments about Elayne Wranik to me on a number of

occasions; it was John who said to me in mid-1992: "Did you hear the
news? Elayne got fired."

John will also remember the assistant manager at 3801, Mal Eno, who
used to share the office with Elayne Wranik.


Gary Freedman

Posted by My Daily Struggles at 1:50 PM 0 comments

T H U R S D A Y, N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 1 1

SSA Claim: Evidence of Sincerity of Delusional

May 7, 1993
3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20008

Fay E. Peterson
Disability Claims Examiner 11/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

District of Columbia
Rehabilitation Services Administration
Disability Determination Division
P.O. Box 37608
Washington, DC  20013

RE:  Disability Claim xxx xx xxxx

Dear Ms. Peterson:

Enclosed is a copy of handwritten notes I left in my apartment on the

morning of Friday October 25, 1991 prior to going to work.  The notes
are addressed to "Ms. Wranik," the then manager of my apartment

The notes establish that I had formed the belief while employed at Akin
Gump that Ms. Wranik used to inspect my apartment building every
morning and report her findings back to management of the firm.  These
notes establish that this stated belief is not a recent fabrication on my


Gary Freedman

It seems probable that the contents of the notes addressed to Wranik

discussed issues pertinent to the harassment complaint I lodged against
my supervisor Chris Robertson and other personnel.  I lodged that
harassment complaint on the afternoon of Wednesday October 23,
1991.  On Thursday morning I was summoned by Dennis Race to speak
with him and Malcolm Lassman in Mr. Race's office.  On Friday October
25, 1991 (the same date as the above referenced notes to Wranik) my
supervisor wrote a retaliatory memo to Dennis Race.

Posted by My Daily Struggles at 10:57 AM 0 comments

M O N D A Y, N O V E M B E R 2 8 , 2 0 1 1

Akin Gump: Harassment Complaint --

Contemporaneous Notes
The following document is five pages of handwritten notes that I
prepared and placed on a table in my apartment at 3801 Connecticut
Avenue on the morning of Friday October 25, 1991 under the influence
of my paranoid belief that the apartment manager, Elaine Wranik,
routinely entered my apartment and reported her findings back to my
employer. It was the previous morning, Thursday October 24, 1991, that
I met with two attorney managers at Akin Gump, Dennis M. Race and 12/42
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Malcolm Lassman, to offer a complaint of harassment (I have previously

submitted two pages of the notes to the U.S. Social Security
Administration in connection with my disability claim.)

If Akin Gump’s managers had been apprised by Elaine Wranik of the

existence of the enclosed notes, might the notes not help explain the
seeming sudden change in Dennis Race’s attitude toward me in the
period immediately following my meeting with him and Malcolm
Lassman on October 24, 1991.  I transmitted to my sister, Mrs. Estelle
Jacobson, on September 26, 1992 a letter detailing the events at the
time of my job termination. The letter to my sister discusses what
appeared to be a sudden shift in Dennis Race’s attitude in the period
after my meeting with him on October 24, 1991.

I forwarded a copy of the notes to the FBI under cover letter dated
February 3, 1995.

Ms. Wranik--

There were a few things I couldn't tell Mr. Lassman and Mr. Race
yesterday, Oct 24, because I would appear insane.  I see certain things--
chalk it up to paranoia or reality testing.

--I believe that on October 2, [1991] Mr. Lassman had a particularly

difficult telephone conversation with my sister, that my sister became
hysterical, and that the incident that afternoon with one of the legal
assistants was an attempt to enrage me in an effort to counteract my
sister's behavior earlier in the day.  (Earlier that day a few people were
saying, "She's crazy"--which I inferred to relate to my sister.

--The afternoon I was offered chocolate I believe there had been some
communication with Jesse Raben either earlier that day or previous
day.  It was that day that I had changed my computer password to

-- I believe that on Wed July 3 1991 there was some communication with
an outside party that reflected negatively on the masculinity of a male
employee in litigation support.  There was an attempt that day to
adduce evidence of my "gayness."  Hence, my appointment calendar
entry re "Desire to play a small room, instead of the big theater."

--It was my perception that the harassment became excruciatingly

intense in April 1990, beginning just a few days after the Anti-
Defamation League would have received a letter I sent re: Anti-Semitic
harassment.  I inferred that management must have alerted the Anti-
Defamation League in advance, requesting that the organization inform
the firm of any communications I might have with it.

--On the issue of my perceptiveness: It is my belief that Mr. J.D. Neary

met with Dr. Palombo on Monday, April 16, 1990. 13/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

--The incident on the elevator with Mr. Eisenstat occurred shortly after I
changed my computer password to "shanepisk."  I think he just thought I
was a crackpot.  -- No harm, no foul, guy.

--Also--here are some impressions I had while meeting with Mr. Race &
Mr. Lassman.  They are simply impressions, not firm conclusions.  Maybe
a psychiatrist could determine just how paranoid these impressions are.

--Mr. Race's reference to the fact that Mr. Eisenstat is "intense" --

possible meaning -- reference to "in tents, intense, in tenths" --
reference to John Falk.  Attempt to arouse, or determine the existence
of homosexual anxiety, which is material on the issue of the nature of
my perceptions.

--Mr. Race's reference to fact that my office on 9th floor was across
from recruiting. = possible attempt to gently remind me that he is
chairman of the hiring committee to determine whether that arouses
anxiety in me.

-- Mr. Race's reference to possibility that Mr. Eisenstat had some

problem with his wife.  Attempt to determine existence of Oedipal

--Both Mr. Lassman & Mr. Race seemed to get mildly excited when I
mentioned Paul Wageman, as if they were keenly interested in what I
had to say about him.

--Mr. Lassman seemed impressed with my analysis of "July."  I noted that

the previous evening my sister's voice seemed to catch when she
mentioned the word "summer."  (And I wondered why?)

-- Mr. Lassman seemed particularly interested to see whether my voice

caught on any words.  He seemed to very mildly reflex when I used
words with possible double meanings.  (I had noticed the same thing
about Mr. Segal the previous afternoon.) (Mr. Segal seemed to note my
use of word roof - just why, I don't know.)  Maybe because he's always
thinking real estate!)  (Just between you and me, Ms. Wranik, I think Mr.
Race is an OK guy--I realize it's a business decision).

"I just want to come in the office and work."

"I spoke with her for 15-20 minutes."

"It requires concentration."  (concentration camp?)

A Shengold Limerick

A mouse named Ulysses was housed in a cage

by the things he could see you could call him a sage 14/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

The scientists tested him

but he always bested them

He sized up their cues like a gauge.

Posted by My Daily Struggles at 11:28 AM 6 comments

T H U R S D A Y, A U G U S T 1 1 , 2 0 1 1

GW Psych Testing: Concern About Fraud

I was administered comprehensive psychological testing by the George
Washington University Medical Center in May 1994 by Yu-Ling Han. 
During the summer of 1994 my then treating psychiatrist Dimitrios
Georgopoulos, M.D. reviewed the test report with me.  I asked him for
a copy of the test report.  He said he would make a copy and give it to
me.  Weeks passed and I never got the report as promised.  I asked for
the test report again.  Again, Dr. Georgopoulos promised to provide a
copy but never did.  This interaction continued for the next two years. 
In April 1996 I submitted the following formal written request to Dr.
Georgopoulos.  In fact, what happened was that after Dr. Georgopoulos
completed his residency program at the end of June 1996, he left a
copy of the report in an envelope at the receptionist's desk in the
psychiatry department for me to pick up.  I found Dr. Georgopoulos'
behavior to be suspicious: an act of concealment. Why did it take him
two years to provide a copy of the test report?  The test report failed
to disclose that I suffered from any psychiatric disorder or psychotic
thought processes, a fact that was inconsistent with Dr. Georgopoulos's
medical recommendation that I take anti-psychotic medication.

A second peculiarity.  At the psychological testing with Dr. Ramin

Mojtabai in March 1996 I reported an incident that occurred between
me and the manager of my apartment building Elaine Wranik in early
November 1991.  I reported that I got into a heated argument with
Elaine Wranik at the height of which I threatened her.  I said, "My sister
still has that video tape."  Elaine Wranik seemed immediately to know
what I was talking about and replied, "I have pictures of my own." 
Oddly, she didn't say, "Videotape?  What videotape?  What are you
talking about?"  Dr. Mojtabai omitted that incident from his test report,
a fact that I discuss in the letter below.

April 19, 1996

3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW #136
Washington, DC  20008-4530

D. Georgopoulos, MD
Dept. Psychiatry
GW Univ. Med. Ctr.
2150 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC  20037 15/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

Dear Dr. Georgopoulos:

This will constitute formal written notice per the client access provision
of the District of Columbia Mental Health Information Act, D.C. Code
Section 6-2041, that I wish to obtain copies of the following documents
in the custody the George Washington University Medical Center.

(a.)  all raw data pertaining to psychological testing administered by Yu-

Ling Han in May 1994 (including but not limited to raw data pertaining
to the Rorschach test and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

(b.)  report prepared by Yu-Ling Han that summarizes the results of the
psychological testing administered in May 1994;

(c.) all raw data pertaining to psychological testing administered by

Ramin Mojtabai, M.D. in March 1996;

(d.)  report prepared by Ramin Mojtabai, M.D. that summarizes the

results of the psychological testing administered in March 1996,

I would like to forward the above-referenced documents to the U.S.

Department of Justice and/or the U.S. Social Security Administration so
that these agencies might review the test data and possibly undertake
an independent analysis of the test data.

At this time I would like to state the following concerns regarding the
test report prepared by Ramin Mojtabai, M.D., which you reviewed with 
me at our consultation on Wednesday April 17, 1996.  Specifically, I
believe that Dr. Mojtabai consistently used negative or ambiguous test
results, consistent with either normality or psychosis, to conclude that I
suffer from a psychotic condition.  Dr. Mojtabai’s conclusions therefore
raise issues of concern for both the U.S. Social Security Administration
and federal law enforcement officials relating, respectively, to (a.) my
continued eligibility for disability benefits, and (b.) my potential for
violence and mental capacity in the event I were to be prosecuted for a
crime of violence.  Dr. Mojtabai’s statements “are consistent with” my
continued eligibility for Social Security disability payments and
“consistent with” a psychotic mental state that might preclude or
impair my prosecution for a crime of violence,.

1.  I am concerned by Dr. Mojtabai’s statement that the results of the

Wisconsin Scales of Psychosis Proneness (WSPP), which were within the
normal range (6 nonperseverative errors), are nonetheless consistent
with the existence of a delusional disorder.  By analogy, negative EEG
results may not necessarily rule out a neurological disorder; but it would
be overstating the case to say that negative EEG results are consistent
with the existence of a neurological disorder.  I am concerned that
negative findings that are consistent with either normality or pathology
are used by Dr. Mojtabai to support the existence of pathology. 16/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

2.  I am concerned about Dr. Mojtabai’s statement that the WSPP results
are consistent with the prior Rorschach and MMPI results--and therefore
support the existence of a delusional disorder when in fact the prior
administered Rorschach and MMPI failed to yield any diagnosis and did
not indicate any psychotic thought processes.  Indeed, Yu-Ling Han
expressly states in the 1994 test report that I might have lied on the
tests in order to conceal my paranoia, which clearly indicates that the
tests failed to disclose paranoia  One wonders how normal range WSPP
results that are consistent with the prior normal range Rorschach and
MMPI can nonetheless support the existence of a delusional disorder.

Of additional concern is the fact that Yu-Ling Han singled out an

elevated paranoia scale on the 1994 MMPI to conclude a tendency
toward paranoia and suspiciousness in my interpersonal relations;  Yu-
Ling Han’s procedure is directly inconsistent with the recommendations
of experts in the field of psychological testing, who caution that an
elevated score on the MMPI paranoia scale 1/ should not be used to
infer paranoia since an elevated paranoia scale in itself is also
consistent with healthy inquisitiveness and skepticism.  See Anastasia,
A. Psychological Testing (see Appendix A, attached).  One assumes that
any good lawyer (or FBI agent) would have an elevated score on the
MMPI paranoia scale.

3.  See Letter to the U.S. Secret Service dated January 6, 1995
(attached).  I am concerned that Dr. Mojtabai omitted material facts
concerning an interaction I had with the former manager of my
apartment building, Elaine Wranik, during the week of November 4,
1991.  I took care to explain these facts to Dr. Mojtabai, but he chose to
ignore them in his written report; he reported only that portion of my
belief system that supported the existence of a delusional disorder.


Gary Freedman
1/  Cf. Tarter, R.E. and Perley, R. N. “Clinical and Perceptual
Characteristics of Paranoids and Paranoid Schizophrenics.”  J. Clin.
Psychol. 31: 42-44 (1975) (see Appendix A to this letter).  The study
found that paranoid schizophrenics score in a characteristic,
multidimensional fashion on the MMPI.

[Appendices A and B omitted].

Posted by My Daily Struggles at 10:38 AM 3 comments

T H U R S D A Y, J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 1

Social Security Initial Claim -- Lack of Deception 17/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

June 15, 1993

3801 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008

Paul G. Yessler, MD
2501 Calvert Street, NW
Suite 101
Washington, DC 20008

RE: Social Security Disability Psychiatric Evaluation xxx-xx-xxxx

Dear Dr. Yessler:

Enclosed is a copy of five pages of handwritten notes that I prepared in

late October 1991 under the influence of my belief that the then
manager of my apartment building, Ms. Elaine Wranik, inspected the
apartment daily and reported her findings back to management of my
former employer, Akin Gump. I left the notes in a prominent place in my
Apartment to be reviewed by Ms. Wranik, in the period immediately
prior to my job termination, on October 29, 1991.

I also left for Ms. Wranik the enclosed page from a text on shamanism. 
The comparison of my psychology with that of a “medicine man” is
evidence of bizarre ideation.

Both the content of the writing and my motive in writing the document
may evidence a grave personality disturbance not inconsistent with a
diagnosis DSM-III 295.32 (Schizophrenia, stable paranoid type, chronic),
which renders me unemployable. See, Spitzer, R.L., et al., DSM-III-R
Case Book, at 28-30 (American Psychiatric Press: 1989)  (discussing a
patient suffering from a systematized delusion of a conspiracy of


Gary Freedman

The documents I submitted to Dr. Yessler were all prepared prior to my

job termination at a time when I had no idea I would be terminated,
and much less, terminated for mental health reasons that might qualify
me for disability benefits.

Uncannily, the enclosed page from a text on shamanism was from a

book edited by Gertrude R. Ticho, M.D. According to my former
employer, the law firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, it was Dr.
Ticho who advised the firm in late October 1991 that I appeared to
have serious mental problems that might be associated with a risk of
violence. I did not learn the identity of Akin Gump’s psychiatric
consultant until I received the Initial Determination (dated June 30,
1993) from the D.C. Department of Human Rights that identified Dr. 18/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

Ticho as Akin Gump’s psychiatric consultation. The text is The

Psychoanalytic Study of Society, vol. 7, Edited by W. Muensterberger
with A.H. Esman and . B. Boyer (New Haven: Yale University Press,
1976), Gertrude R. Ticho, M.D., Washington, D.C., contributing editor.

The issue of Shamanism arises in my book, Significant Moments:

      One of Freud's basic psychoanalytic strategies is to hide his face and

act as a blank screen. This self-effacing performance encourages the
patient to . . .
Ken Frieden, Freud's Dream of Interpretation.
      . . . initiate and dominate the stage . . .
Rosemary H. Balsam, Neutrality and Loewald's Metaphor of Theater.
            . . . to transfer his or her emotional attachments onto Freud in
a first step toward working through childhood complexes.
Ken Frieden, Freud's Dream of Interpretation.
      The analyst . . .
Rosemary H. Balsam, Neutrality and Loewald's Metaphor of Theater.
         . . . sits quietly, . . .
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy.
              . . . watches the play, while being in his mind also a co-actor.
Rosemary H. Balsam, Neutrality and Loewald's Metaphor of Theater.
      The analytic psychodrama leaves Freud's image an enigma, because
within the walls of his office he surrenders his identity to the phantoms
that haunt his patients . . .
Ken Frieden, Freud's Dream of Interpretation.
                     . . . continually . . .
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy.
                               . . . attending to the form of the moment of
communication while bearing in mind the whole session as it echoes and
repeats the form of the patient's life drama—
Rosemary H. Balsam, Neutrality and Loewald's Metaphor of Theater.
      Transference to a shaman is an ancient, worldwide technique of
healing, widely studied by anthropologists and scholars of the history of
religion. Shamanism preceded psychoanalysis and will survive it; it is the
purest form of dynamic psychiatry.
Harold Bloom, The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages.
      Freud might have founded psychoanalysis, but he did so, consciously
or not, on much older foundations laid by practicing shamans
throughout the world and over the millenia.
Michael Ripinsky-Naxon, The Nature of Shamanism.
      We are concerned here, in particular, . . .
Richard Day and Ronald H. Davidson, Magic and Healing: An
Ethnopsychoanalytic Examination.
           . . . at this moment in our journey. . .
Radio Interview of President William Jefferson Clinton by CBS News
(December 11, 1999).
                     . . .with the individuals . . .
Richard Day and Ronald H. Davidson, Magic and Healing: An
Ethnopsychoanalytic Examination.
                             . . . who have been . . . 19/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

K.R. Eissler, Talent and Genius.

                                     . . . referred to as “lightening conductors of
common anxiety”—medicine men, sorcerers, shamans—who articulate a
personal reformulation through the role of healer and who seek, by the
alleviation of group anxiety, their own sense of identity and security.
Richard Day and Ronald H. Davidson, Magic and Healing: An
Ethnopsychoanalytic Examination.
      To both . . .
Isaac Deutscher, Marc Chagall and the Jewish Imagination.
         . . . the analyst and . . .
Leonard Shengold, Soul Murder (“Insight as Metaphor”).
                . . . the Shaman . . .
Jack London, The Son of the Wolf.
                       . . . metaphor is essential.
Isaac Deutscher, Marc Chagall and the Jewish Imagination.
      The shaman conveys metaphors addressed to the spirit world
through drumming, chants, dance, myths, drama, or more
appropriately, psychodrama . . .
Michael Ripinsky-Naxon, The Nature of Shamanism.
         . . . and by means of this . . .
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy.
                  . . . fills the void wrought in the texture of existence by the
incomprehensible experience of suffering. He serves as the link . . .
Charles Ducey, The Life History and Creative Psychopathology of the
                            . . . that connects mystery to mystery, the known
with the unknown . . .
Leonard Shengold, Soul Murder.
                                     . . . and straight away, that is to say, out of
himself, . . .
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Genealogy of Morals.
      . . . the shaman . . .
Jack London, The Law of Life.
               . . . creates . . .
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Genealogy of Morals.
                     . . . a metaphorical bridge . . .
Leonard Shengold, Soul Murder.
                                . . . between the everyday human world and the
realm of the ineffable, the unconscious, or, in his subjective belief, the
supernatural, and like Persephone he inhabits both worlds. He must
experience the alien within himself as a prerequisite for interpreting
and conferring significance upon the suffering of those who consult him
for help against illness or misfortune. The personal experience of the
alien, which resembles a mental disorder, is a major source of the
apparent effectiveness of his form of psychotherapy, as it encourages
the development of a greater than normal psychological sensitivity for
his ever-renewed attempts to heal himself and his culture mates.
Charles Ducey, The Life History and Creative Psychopathology of the
      To put it in a nutshell:
Pawel Dybel, The Dilemmas of Psychoanalytic Interpretation. 20/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

      The shaman, . . .

Charles Ducey, The Life History and Creative Psychopathology of the
           . . . the man of magic . . .
Richard Day and Ronald H. Davidson, Magic and Healing: An
Ethnopsychoanalytic Examination.
                    . . . so singularly capable of suffering, . . .
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy.
                               . . . is ill for conventional reasons and in a
conventional way; his conflicts are simply unusually intense; he is like
everyone else, only more so.
George Devereux, Normal and Abnormal.

Posted by My Daily Struggles at 10:21 AM 0 comments

F R I D A Y, J A N U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 1 2

Akin Gump Surveillance: Pattern of Suspicious

The following are three pages of handwritten notes that I prepared
immediately after I was fired from my job as a paralegal at the law
firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld on October 29, 1991.  During
my employment I did not keep a diary of daily events.  After the
termination I wrote down everything I could remember, sometimes
trying to discern patterns of behavior.  The following notes look for a
pattern in the behavior of my direct supervisor, Chris Robertson.  

I can't say for sure now, but it's possible I wrote these notes during my
employment at the firm, sometime in October 1991, and that I left
them in a prominent place in my apartment for Elaine Wranik to see.  I
had the paranoid suspicion that apartment manager Wranik inspected
my apartment surreptitiously every day after I left for work and
reported her findings to Akin Gump's managers.  These notes would
have enraged Akin Gump's supervisors.  The fact that I did not "name
names" in the following notes (namely, Lutheria Harrison and Katherine
Harkness) is circumstantial evidence that I did not write these notes
solely for my reference, but rather wrote the notes with the intent
that Elaine Wranik would read the notes and report this information to
Akin Gump's managers.  That is, it appears that I was trying to avoid
antagonizing specific employees out of fear that I might invite

1.  April 16, 1990

Inference: J.D. Neary meets with Dr. Palombo

Outcome:  Chris Robertson calls staff meeting.  She appears unusually

agitated.  Her voice drops when she mentions J.D.  Peculiarity--Monday 21/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

afternoon staff meeting.

2.  April 2, 1991

First meeting with Dr. Lewis Winkler.  Upon returning to office, Chris
Robertson advises she is calling a staff meeting on April 3, 1991 to train
coders on Hoechst.

April 3, 1991

2 4/10 hour meeting re Hoechst coding appears to have been

prematurely and hastily called in that a number of important issues re
data base have not been worked out with attorneys such as agreed on
list of document types.  There seem to be many double entendres
relating to my session with Dr. Winkler the previous day.  Cynthia Hogue
make a comment about David Callet that can be interpreted as mildly
ridiculing him.  (Perhaps David Callet said something favorable about
me, possibly in connection with my session with Dr. Winkler?).

3.  August 8, 1991

Inference: Telephone conversation between Dr. Winkler and Malcolm

Lassman.  Possible comment by Dr. Winkler that he couldn't understand
why I terminated my work with him since I had told him I was
enthusiastic about working with him.

Outcome: Reference by litigation support employee [Lutheria Harrison]

to word "rude" -- possibly related to Dr. Winkler.  After 5:00 PM Chris
Robertson says to me, "I spoke with Maryellen Connor about your
working on Hoechst chem analysis; she said she was enthusiastic about
your working on the project."

4.  August 30, 1991

Inference: Telephone conversation between Dr. Palombo and Malcolm


Outcome:  Telephone call to me from Chris Robertson re: plans she has
to have me enter Hoechst chem analysis in "Notebook."  Her tone of
voice is affectedly professional.  References to me as guinea pig, use of
term "bugs," data conversion, scroll down and scan, "It will be better for
you" (Miriam Chilton?), "fine tuning" (phrase used by Dr. Palombo).

5.  October 2, 1991

Inference:  Telephone conversation between sister and Malcolm Lassman

(Met with Dr. Brown on October 1, 1991).  Sister becomes hysterical or
enraged? 22/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

Outcome:  Meeting with legal assistant in her office [Katherine

Harkness].  Perception of sexual harassment.  Inference that legal
assistant is attempting to enrage me.  Uses M.O. typically used by Chris
Robertson, namely, first plant idea that I am more valuable than other
employees.  Intent: "Feel free to have a temper tantrum!"

Posted by My Daily Struggles at 8:55 AM 9 comments

M O N D A Y, J A N U A R Y 0 9 , 2 0 1 2

Akin Gump Surveillance: Apartment Manager

While I worked at the law firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld I
used to leave notes in a prominent place in my apartment based on my
paranoid belief that the manager of my building, Elaine Wranik,
inspected my apartment surreptitiously every day and reported to Akin
Gump what she saw.

Here is one brief note I left for Elaine Wranik during the summer of

Ms. Wranik--

Your's is a noble calling -- the surveillance of the criminal element.

Posted by My Daily Struggles at 8:52 AM 0 comments

T H U R S D A Y, J A N U A R Y 0 7 , 2 0 1 0

Seweryn Bialer and Robert S. Strauss, Esq. -- A

Seweryn Bialer (born November 3, 1926, in Berlin, Germany) is an
emeritus professor of political science at Columbia University and an
expert on the Communist parties of the Soviet Union and Poland. He
was the Director of Columbia's Research Institute on International

In June 1991, Robert S. Strauss, Esq. was nominated to the post of U.S.
Ambassador to the Soviet Union by then-President George H.W. Bush.

I believed at that time that the manager of my apartment building,

Elaine Wranik (now deceased), used to enter my apartment every
morning surreptitiously, examine it, then report her findings back to
Akin Gump. I took opportunistic advantage of what I believed was going
on. I started to write notes to Elaine Wranik every day directed at Akin
Gump management. On a day in June 1991 I left Elaine Wranik a note
telling her that Robert Strauss should contact Professor Seweryn Bialer 23/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

at Columbia, a Soviet expert whom I had seen on TV. I formed the

impression that Bob Strauss indeed contacted Professor Bialer.
Litigation Support employees were going around saying "Thank you"
"Thank you" that morning.

July 1, 1997
3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008-4530

George Rupp
Office of the President
Columbia University
116th Street & Broadway
New York, NY 10027

RE: Weapons Possession - Intent to Inflict Grievous Bodily Harm/Possible

Intent to Commit Murder - D.C. Corporation Counsel Affirmation -
Possible Concealment of State and/or Federal Weapons Law Violations

Dear President Rupp:

During the period March 1988 to October 1991 I was employed as a legal
assistant in the Washington, DC office of the law firm of Akin, Gump,
Strauss, Hauer & Feld ("Akin Gump"). Attorney managers at Akin Gump
terminated my employment effective October 29, 1991 upon
determining, in consultation with a psychiatrist, that a complaint of
harassment I had lodged against several co-workers was attributable to
a psychiatric symptom ("ideas of reference") prominent in the psychotic
disorders and typically associated with a risk of violent behavior. See
Freedman v. D.C. Dept. of Human Rights, D.C. Superior Court no. MPA
95-14 (final order issued June 10, 1996). In the period immediately after
my job termination senior Akin Gump managers determined that it was
advisable to secure the office of my direct supervisor against a possible
homicidal assault, which it was feared I might commit.

In pleadings filed in the District of Columbia Superior Court, the District

of Columbia Office of Corporation Counsel (Charles F.C. Ruff, Esq.)
affirmed that Akin Gump personnel had geniune concerns that I might
have had plans to procure firearms for an unlawful purpose and
possessed the intent to inflict grievous bodily harm or commit murder.
Mr. Ruff currently serves as chief White House Counsel to President
Clinton (telephone no.: 202 456 1414).

I have been under investigation by the U.S. Secret Service as a potential

security risk to President Clinton, and was interrogated at the
Washington Field Office by Special Agent Philip C. Leadroot (202 435-
5100) as recently as February 1996, about 16 months ago. Questioning
by Mr. Leadroot centered on the issue of presidential assassination.

I believe that there is a remote possibility that Akin Gump's attorney 24/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

managers may have communicated with Professor Seweryn Bialer,

Ruggles Professor of Political Science & Director of the Research
Institute on International Change, Columbia University, in about June
1991, at the time Robert S. Strauss was nominated by then President
Bush to the post of Ambassador to the Soviet Union. I have formed the
(unsubstantiated) belief that Professor Bialer may have spoken with
Robert S. Strauss concerning issues within his field of expertise, namely
the Soviet system and its leaders, including his knowledge of the
personality of then Soviet President Gorbachev.

If any such communications did occur, and if any Akin Gump attorneys
(including Robert S. Strauss) referred to me, Professor Bialer may
possess information pertinent to a criminal investigation conducted by
the U.S. Secret Service during the period December 1994 to February
1995 relating to the security of the President of the United States.

I request that you counsel Professor Bialer to disclose to the Federal

Bureau of Investigation (David M. Bowie, Supervisory Special Agent,
Washington Field Office, 202 252 7801) any information concerning any
communications he may have had with Akin Gump's attorney managers
(including Robert S. Strauss) that may be pertinent to the above-
referenced criminal investigation. Akin Gump attorneys who may have
communicated with Professor Bialer include Earl L. Segal, Robert S.
Strauss, Malcolm Lassman, or Laurence J. Hoffman (managing partner),
among others.

Enclosed are some additional documents that provide background to the

matters discussed in this letter.

Be advised: President Clinton's own lawyer, chief White House Counsel

Charles F.C. Ruff, is talking real guns, real bullets, real brain tissue.


Gary Freedman

Posted by My Daily Struggles at 1:57 PM 1 comments

S A T U R D A Y, M A Y 0 1 , 2 0 1 0

Paranoid Thinking: June 2000

June 21, 2000
3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW #136
Washington, DC 20008-4530

Nancy Shaffer, Ph.D.

Community Mental Health Center
Washington, DC 20007

Dear Dr. Shaffer: 25/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

In order to assist you in your evaluation, I submit the following thoughts

about certain tenants in my building. Some of the thoughts are

Genevieve V. Topliff (537-0551) Apt. 137 (known as "Toppie") [now


Next-door neighbor. Elderly (80+). Has resided at same address since at

least August 1983, when I moved in at 136.

Friendly with Elizabeth Joyce, [retired as of 2003; resides in Silver

Spring, MD] the apartment front-desk manager.

Used to have a roommate of about the same age, named Bernice Stiles
[now deceased]. Stiles died about four years ago, following a long
illness. Was hospitalized at Sibley Hospital. Stiles lived with Topliff since
at least 1983. Stiles worked for years at the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI). I retrieved from the trash a copy of "The Informant"
addressed to Bernice Stiles: Official Newsletter of the Society of FBI

I believe that Topliff and Stiles must have seen former resident manager
Elaine Wranik enter my apartment every day, after I had gone to work.

Topliff and Stiles helped raise a young girl named Esther, who is now
married and lives elsewhere. Esther has a young child of her own now.
Esther was about eight years old in 1983.

I had a specific paranoid impression about Esther. On the morning of

October 13, 1994, as I was leaving my apartment for my first oral
argument before the D.C. Court of Appeals (before Judges Ferren, Terry,
and Mack) I looked over at Esther who was at the doorway of her
apartment (137). She had a look of horror on her face when she saw me.
October 13, 1994 was just a few days after I had sent a letter to the FBI
Washington Field Office: a letter that contained references to the
President of the United States, a letter that was ultimately referred to
the U.S. Secret Service for investigation. I met with the Secret Service
in mid-December of 1994. I connected Esther's demeanor to the fact
that I had written a strange letter to the FBI. I had no idea as of
October 13, 1994 that the FBI would take any action in regard to the

Gerald (Postow?) Apt. 137 [now deceased]

Tenant appears to suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder and has

memory problems. On several occasions I have seen him at his door
obsessively concerned about whether his door is locked. He has asked
me on several occasions, when he saw me wearing a "Penn" t-shirt
whether I went to Penn. He would routinely say, "I have a niece who 26/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

went to Penn."

I believe his father was a medical doctor. I chatted with him on one
occasion in the lobby of the building. Tenant lives in a one-bedroom

On one occasion some time ago he chatted with another tenant,

Lawrence O'Sullivan. The two had shared cigarettes on a previous

Lawrence O'Sullivan (966-9673)

Tenant is young with bleached hair. He has worked as a messenger.

Tenant is an occasional patron at the Cleveland Park Public Library. He
uses the computer at the library. Head librarian Brian Brown may know
who he is.

Tenant is from Canada (Montreal). Native language appears to be

French. Mentioned that he used to do research at McGill University in
Montreal (and used computer there). Said that paternal grandfather was
an engineer(?), accomplished in his profession.

Front desk manager Elizabeth Joyce is friendly with him. She appears to
know about his family background. Joyce recently said to tenant Dawn
White: "He's been having problems with his parents." (Evidence of
confidential relationship?)

Isabelle Fine (363-2536 ? -- listing for I. Fine)

Elderly woman who is friendly with tenant Dawn White. Usually drinks
coffee and has doughnut in lobby of apartment building in morning:
chats with White.

Oddity: I had conversation with Fine on Friday morning June 17, 2000.
During course of conversation she volunteered the comment: "You don't
drive." I thought, "how did she know that?"

Fine sometimes chats with Mary Blum, another elderly tenant. Blum was
aware of details about some sexual assault that Dawn White was
involved with somehow, some time ago (evidence of confidential

Dawn F. White (363-5687)

Elderly tenant. Friendly with front-desk manager Elizabeth Joyce. Joyce

appears to share information about tenants with White. (e.g.,
"Lawrence has been having problems with his parents." see above). 27/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

White is friendly with another elderly female tenant named "Pam." They
sometimes lunch and shop together.

I believe White has had Elizabeth Joyce to her apartment.

White is originally from Boston area. Has relatives in Florida whom she
visits at Christmas.

Bob and Wife. [both now deceased]

Husband and wife who live on 8th or ninth floor. Have lived in building
since at least 1990. Appear to be mentally-challenged. They routinely
made lewd sexual gestures at me in 1990 when I worked at Akin, Gump.
I once called Bob a "faggot"; he seemed unfazed.

Wife will sometimes stare continuously at my genital region as I walk

down the street.

Mystery Man (tenant in 900) [moved away]

Middle-aged man. No visible means of support.

Failed to send in his 2000 census form on time. Census worker Gail
Crawford had to make a personal visit.

Appeared to be friendly with former Apartment manager John Reuss.

Paranoid idea about tenant: Tenant never says hello. But on one
occasion, the day I received opinion from Court of Appeals (September
1989) that I had lost my case, I happened to see him walking down
street and he said hello. I had the paranoid idea that his reaction was a
gloating response.

Stanley Schmulewitz (244-7538)

Former president of tenants association. Nebbish-like. Appears to be

retired. I have the feeling that he knows all about me.

Occasionally chats with another tenant, Jack DeLorenzo, an elderly man

who is a retired government lawyer. I have chatted with DeLorenzo.
DeLorenzo is originally from Buffalo, NY.

Once saw Schmulewitz greet Isabelle Fine: "Happy Passover.


Daniel Ellsberg (Apt. 146) [moved in 2003]

Have suspicion that he now recognizes me. My suspicion has arisen in 28/42
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only about the last year-and-a-half.

Resides with his wife, Patricia. I remember reading in 1971 when the
whole Pentagon Papers thing blew up that Ellsberg's wife was the
daughter of the toy manufacturer, Marx (toy trains). I often wonder,
"what the hell are they doing living here? Did her father disown her or

The Introduction of Jeffrey Masson's most recent book (has a picture of

an emperor penguin on the cover) acknowledges his friend "Daniel
Ellsberg" -- I don't know if it's the same Ellsberg.

David Grady, Esq. (686-6689) [still resides at 3801]

Attorney who practices law at law firm of Hogan & Hartson while I was
employed as a temporary (from 9/85 to 2/88).

Has resided at 3801 since at least 1990. No longer engages in lewd


\William ("Bill") Bianco, Esq.

Attorney at Akin Gump. Was hired in 1990, while I worked there (from
3/88 to 10/91). Had recently graduated Harvard Law School. Lived in
building only a brief time, no longer tenant.

Bianco would have rented his apartment from Elaine Wranik, the former
manager (1986 to 1992).

It was Wranik (now deceased) who used to inspect my apartment every

day and report her findings back to her contact at Akin Gump.

Richard ("Dick") Stanke

Tenant in building in the year 1989. Worked as telephone computer

systems ("System 89") person at Akin Gump. My office space in 1989 was
near his office. See Brief of Appellee District of Columbia Freedman v.
D.C. Dept. Human Rights, No. 96-CV-961, at pages 8-9 (citing record on
appeal at 341).

During the period March 20 through October 23, 1989, Freedman

believes that he was being covertly observed by a computer systems
manager at the law firm. According to Freedman, this individual would
watch while Freedman was engaged in conversations with others and
then go into his office and close his door to report "to a third party what
he observed." R. 341.

Stanke would have known Elaine Wranik, then resident manager at 29/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

Stanke's apartment, at 3801. Stanke got married in 1989; his wife was a

Library Patron

For a number of years I have had the idea that a patron at the Cleveland
Park Public Library knows who I am. He visits the library frequently and
checks out a lot of books.

He is middle-aged, tall, thin, balding -- dresses casually, but has an

intellectual air. Gives the impression that he is highly intelligent. Tends
to have a few words for Pauline Jones, the book check-out person. No
visible means of support. Appears to spend a lot of time reading.

I think he lives at the Kennedy-Warren apartments at 3100 Connecticut


Coincidentally, E. Barrett Prettyman, Jr., Esq. also resides at the

Kennedy-Warren. Prettyman is the former Inspector General for the
District Government and a partner at Hogan & Hartson, a law firm
where I used to work. Prettyman is former president of the Faulkner-Pen
Committee, an organization that awards authors for outstanding books.

On Saturday June 17, 2000 I saw patron return a single book: a novel
titled "Rhapsody" by an author named Elizabeth Haydon.

Two additional persons about whom I have paranoid ideas of reference.


Matthews is a local anchor woman on WJLA-TV (channel 7). About two

years ago I was walking down Connecticut Avenue at about Porter
Street; the studio is located a few blocks north on Connecticut.
Matthews was walking north on Connecticut and appeared to recognize
me. It was at about lunch time.

She looked at me intently and, I would say, admiringly. That struck me

as very odd. I wondered how she could possibly know me.

I subsequently found out the following facts about Matthews:

She is married to Chris Matthews, a nationally-prominent reporter and

political commentator. Just a few weeks ago Chris Matthews filled in for
Dave Bloom on the weekend Today Show on NBC, from the New York
symbolism.html 30/42
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Kathleen Matthews is a graduate of Stanford University; Mrs. Hillary

Rodham Clinton's daughter currently attends Stanford. On occasion,
Matthews interviews prominent persons; she may have interviewed Mrs.
Clinton at some time.


[I disavow, as of May 1, 2010, all of the statements about Steve Rudin.

 It is my belief that all of the following statements about Mr. Rudin are
pure, baseless paranoia.]

Rudin is a meteorologist on WUSA-TV. I have seen him in the Dupont

Circle area on a number of occasions. I believe he recognizes me.
Although, I also believe he is homosexual, and may have spotted me for
other reasons.

I had earlier formed the opinion that Akin Gump may have been referred
to Rudin by someone at the station who was aware of Rudin's sexual
orientation; I had formed the opinion that Akin Gump was curious about
why a young, good-looking homosexual was able to get along well with
his coworkers. I believe the referring reporter was an African-American
reporter name Bruce (?), who had done a story in the fall of 1995 about
black persons who have problems with cab drivers who refuse to stop
and pick them up.

Coincidentally, when I was a student at Penn State I took a class in

introductory meteorology taught by Dr. Joel Myers, a nationally-
prominent meteorologist and President of Accu-Weather. Myers and I
attended the same high school in Philadelphia, Central High School.
Myers' father, Herb Myers, was a friend (and lodge brother?) of my
uncle, Lewis Freedman (now deceased). I do not know where Rudin
attended college. They say that one in four meteorologists in the U.S. is
a graduate of Penn State.

It is a recurring feature of my paranoia that persons who seem to

recognize me tend to be connected in some way, however tenuous, with
other persons with whom I have some connection.

Coincidentally, Robert Strauss used to be an FBI agent. Maybe he

spotted qualities in me -- shrewd, observant -- or just plain paranoid.


Gary Freedman

Posted by My Daily Struggles at 2:39 PM 0 comments

F R I D A Y, A P R I L 0 9 , 2 0 1 0 31/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

Informed Consent Statement -- Albert H. Taub, M.D.

-- Complaint to D.C. Board of Medicine
In August 1998 my then treating psychiatrist Albert H. Taub, M.D. (D.C.
Department of Mental Health) recommended that I take the anti-
psychotic medication Zyprexa.  I refused to take the medication unless
Dr. Taub signed the following informed consent statement that I
prepared.  Dr. Taub refused to sign the statement, whereupon I filed a
complaint with the D.C. Board of Medicine against Dr. Taub.  In
response to the complaint instituted by the D.C. Medical Board Dr. Taub
explained, in a letter to the Medical Board dated February 22, 1999, his
refusal to sign what he termed my "manifesto," and stated that I
suffered from severe mental illness of longstanding duration, which he
diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenia.  In Dr. Taub's opinion, therefore,
the following statement is the product of a person with the disabling
psychotic mental illness, paranoid schizophrenia.

August 17, 1998 (revised 8/22/98)

3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008-4530

Albert H. Taub, M.D.

Attending Physician
Community Mental Health Center (North)
Washington, DC 20007

RE: Patient no. 230923 -- Social Security Disability Claim no. xxx xx xxxx

Dear Dr. Taub:

I have reviewed your recommendation that I take the drug "Xyprexa." I

have learned that the medication is a neuroleptic (anti-psychotic) that
is frequently (though not exclusively) prescribed for schizophrenia or
any severe mental illness in which disturbed thought processes are

In order to preserve my legal rights, I believe I must ask you to prepare

and sign a statement that includes the following points, so that, in the
event I take the medication, no incorrect inferences will be drawn at
some later time concerning the specific indications that prompted your
prescription. The following points delimit the purpose of the
prescription to exclude facts or issues relating to litigation in which I am
currently involved, and related matters.

You may want to review this matter with the D.C. Office of Corporation
Counsel (Charles L. Reischel, Esq.) prior to preparing the statement.
The telephone number of the Corporation Counsel's Office at 441 Fourth
Street, NW (One Judiciary Square), 20001, is (202) 727-6252.

Statement of Albert H. Taub, M.D., Made in Contemplation of Medical 32/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik


1. Mr. Freedman's belief that he was subjected to unlawful employment

discrimination by employees and managers of the law firm of Akin,
Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld ("Akin Gump"), where Mr. Freedman was
employed from June 13, 1988 to October 29, 1991, is a rational belief,
or opinion, and is not the product of a mental disturbance.

2. Mr. Freedman's belief that his job termination by Akin Gump,

effective October 29, 1991, was unlawful under the D.C. Human Rights
Act of 1977 is a rational belief, or opinion, and is not the product of a
mental disturbance.

3. Mr. Freedman's belief that he was subjected to a hostile,

intimidating, or offensive work environment during the entirety of his
tenure at Akin Gump (1988-1991) is a rational belief, or opinion, and is
not the product of a mental disturbance.

4. Mr. Freedman's belief that attorney managers of Akin Gump, including

managing partner Laurence J. Hoffman, Esq. and hiring partner Dennis
M. Race, Esq. (among others) conspired to defame him, and did in fact
defame him, specifically with regard to the issues of Mr. Freedman's
mental health, stability (potential for violence), employment history at
Akin Gump, and suitability for employment is a rational belief, or
opinion, and is not the product of a mental disturbance.

5. Mr. Freedman's belief that his sister Mrs. Estelle Jacobson had
clandestine communications with Akin Gump attorney manager Malcolm
Lassman, Esq., dating as far back as the year 1989, is a rational belief,
or opinion, that is based on statements made by Mrs. Jacobson to Mr.
Freedman in about September 1989 and is not the product of a mental

6. Mr. Freedman's belief that the resident manager of his apartment

building (3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC), Elayne Wranik
(now deceased), unlawfully permitted persons associated with Akin
Gump, in January 1990, to gain access to Mr. Freedman's apartment,
inspect the apartment's contents, and videotape the apartment is a
rational belief, or opinion, that is based in part on statements made by
Elayne Wranik to Mr. Freedman during the week of about November 4,
1991, and is not the product of a mental disturbance.

7. Mr. Freedman's belief that his sister, Mrs. Estelle Jacobson, continued
to communicate clandestinely with persons associated with Akin Gump
in the period after Mr. Freedman's job termination, effective October
29, 1991, is a rational belief, or opinion, based on statements made by
Mrs. Jacobson to Mr. Freedman, and is not the product of a mental

8. Mr. Freedman's belief that the psychiatric treatment provided to him

by psychiatry residents at the George Washington University Medical 33/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

Center ("GW"), during the period September 1, 1992 through June 30,
1996, may have fallen below acceptable medical standards (in that
medical doctors misdiagnosed his illness, misprescribed medication, and
failed to take any meaningful or appropriate action to assure the
continuation of his treatment upon his termination by GW), is a rational
belief, or opinion, and is not the product of a mental disturbance.

9. Mr. Freedman's averral that employees of the District of Columbia

provided erroneous or false information to federal law enforcement
authorities that led to the action of federal law enforcement authorities
(U.S. Capitol Police) on August 6, 1998 in visiting Mr. Freedman's home,
frisking him for weapons, and subjecting him to interrogation with
respect to an allegation that Mr. Freedman had threatened (to
employees of the District of Columbia) to commit a crime of violence (a
threat that would constitute a felony under Federal law), is a rational
statement of fact and is not the product of a mental disturbance.
Further, Mr. Freedman's belief that the above-described action of
employees of the District of Columbia (in providing erroneous or false
information about him to Federal law enforcement authorities), may
itself constitute a prosecutable offense committed by employees of the
District of Columbia is a rational belief, or opinion, and is not the
product of a mental disturbance.

10. Mr. Freedman's belief that the action of Stephen D. Quint, M.D.
(D.C. Mental Health Services Administration) in delaying for six weeks
following June 18, 1998 the assignment of Mr. Freedman to a therapist
despite Mr. Freedman's diagnosis (paranoid schizophrenia); and the
action of Dr. Quint in assigning Mr. Freedman to a psychology student
rather than to a psychiatry resident (despite the availability of a
psychiatry resident at the "P Street Clinic") are actions that may be
inconsistent with sound medical practice, constitute a rational belief, or
opinion, and is not the product of a mental disturbance.

11. Mr. Freedman's action in writing a letter to Dr. Quint, which letter is
dated July 27, 1998, that highlights the failure of the D.C. Mental
Health Services Administration to take actions in regard to Mr.
Freedman's case that may be consistent with sound medical practice,
was--despite the reasonable concerns of Federal law enforcement
officers--not the product of a serious mental disturbance. The D.C.
Mental Health Services Administration acknowledges that despite Dr.
Quint's receipt of the letter (on about July 28, 1998), Dr. Quint
proceeded to assign (on about July 30, 1998) Mr. Freedman to a
psychology student (Lisa Osborne) rather than to a psychiatry resident,
notwithstanding the availability of a psychiatry resident at the P Street

12. The D.C. Mental Health Services Administration acknowledges that

Mr. Freedman underwent comprehensive psychological testing in May
1994 performed by GW and that the testing failed to disclose any
psychotic thought processes, any impairment in ego strength, or any
diagnosable mental illness according to DSM-III criteria. The D.C. Mental 34/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

Health Services Administration further acknowledges that the U.S. Social

Security Administration determined that Mr. Freedman became disabled
and not suitable for employment effective October 29, 1991, the date
of his job termination by Akin Gump.

13. The D.C. Mental Health Services Administration acknowledges that

as part of GW's psychiatric assessment of Mr. Freedman in September
1992, Mr. Freedman had a consultation with one of his former treating
psychiatrists, Stanley R. Palombo, M.D., a psychiatrist in private
practice (telephone no. 202 362-6004), who determined that as of
October 2, 1992, Mr. Freedman was fully employable without
restriction. Again, the D.C. Mental Health Services Administration
acknowledges that the U.S. Social Security Administration determined
that Mr. Freedman became disabled and not suitable for employment
effective October 29, 1991, the date of his job termination by Akin

14. The D.C. Mental Health Services Administration acknowledges that

Mr. Freedman's treating psychiatrists at the George Washington
University Medical Center, where he underwent out-patient psychiatric
treatment from 1992 to 1996, determined that Mr. Freedman did not
pose a risk of violence or pose a risk of harm to any person.

15. The D.C. Mental Health Services Administration does not represent
that Mr. Freedman was subjected to unlawful job harassment during his
tenure at Akin Gump. However, Mr. Freedman's obsessive preoccupation
with his employment experience at Akin Gump is consistent with the
psychological sequelae that are known to result from victimization in a
hostile, offensive, or intimidating work environment.

16. It is the opinion of the D.C. Mental Health Services Administration

that the content of Mr. Freedman's beliefs or opinions described above is
not the product of a mental disturbance or the psychiatric symptom
"ideas of reference," notwithstanding the position of the D.C. Office of
Corporation Counsel (Charles L. Reischel, Esq.) taken on behalf of the
D.C. Department of Human Rights in an appeal currently pending before
the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, Freedman v. D.C. Department
of Human Rights, D.C.C.A. no. 96-CV-961.


Gary Freedman

cc: Stephan J. Horan, S.A. [U.S. Capital Police]

August 17, 1998 (revised 8/22/98 and 3/5/99)

3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008-4530

Albert H. Taub, M.D. 35/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

Attending Physician
Community Mental Health Center (North)
Washington, DC 20007

RE: Patient no. 230923 -- Social Security Disability Claim no. xxx xx xxxx

Dear Dr. Taub:

I have reviewed your recommendation that I take the drug "Xyprexa." I

have learned that the medication is a neuroleptic (anti-psychotic) that
is frequently (though not exclusively) prescribed for schizophrenia or
any severe mental illness in which disturbed thought processes are

In order to preserve my legal rights, I believe I must ask you to prepare

and sign a statement that includes the following points, so that, in the
event I take the medication, no incorrect inferences will be drawn at
some later time concerning the specific indications that prompted your
prescription. The following points delimit the purpose of the
prescription to exclude facts or issues relating to litigation in which I am
currently involved, and related matters.

You may want to review this matter with the D.C. Office of Corporation
Counsel (Charles L. Reischel, Esq.) prior to preparing the statement.
The telephone number of the Corporation Counsel's Office at 441 Fourth
Street, NW (One Judiciary Square), 20001, is (202) 727-6252.

Statement of Albert H. Taub, M.D., Made in Contemplation of Medical


I, Albert H. Taub, M.D., a physician licensed to practice in the District of

Columbia, make the following statement in contemplation of prescribing
anti-psychotic medication to my patient, Gary Freedman, D.C. Mental
Heath Services Administration patient no. 230923. Pursuant to the
psychiatric nomenclature promulgated by the American Psychiatric
Association (DSM-IV), a psychiatrist may offer a professional opinion as
to whether a patient's belief is bizarre or non-bizarre, based solely on
the face of the patient's belief and without reference to extrinsic

1. Mr. Freedman's belief that he was subjected to unlawful employment

discrimination by employees and managers of the law firm of Akin,
Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld ("Akin Gump"), where Mr. Freedman was
employed from June 13, 1988 to October 29, 1991, is a non-bizarre
belief. I can offer no opinion as to whether the belief is the product of a
mental disturbance, and the belief is not material to my
recommendation that Mr. Freedman take anti-psychotic medication.

2. Mr. Freedman's belief that his job termination by Akin Gump,

effective October 29, 1991, was unlawful under the D.C. Human Rights
Act of 1977 is a non-bizarre belief. I can offer no opinion as to whether 36/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

the belief is the product of a mental disturbance, and the belief is not
material to my recommendation that Mr. Freedman take anti-psychotic

3. Mr. Freedman's belief that he was subjected to a hostile,

intimidating, or offensive work environment during the entirety of his
tenure at Akin Gump (1988-1991) is a non-bizarre belief. I can offer no
opinion as to whether the belief is the product of a mental disturbance,
and the belief is not material to my recommendation that Mr. Freedman
take anti-psychotic medication.

4. Mr. Freedman's belief that attorney managers of Akin Gump, including

managing partner Laurence J. Hoffman, Esq. and hiring partner Dennis
M. Race, Esq. (among others) conspired to defame him, and did in fact
defame him, specifically with regard to the issues of Mr. Freedman's
mental health, stability (potential for violence), employment history at
Akin Gump, and suitability for employment is a non-bizarre belief. I can
offer no opinion as to whether the belief is the product of a mental
disturbance, and the belief is not material to my recommendation that
Mr. Freedman take anti-psychotic medication.

5. Mr. Freedman's belief that his sister Mrs. Estelle Jacobson had
clandestine communications with Akin Gump attorney manager Malcolm
Lassman, Esq., dating as far back as the year 1989, is a non-bizarre
belief, or opinion, that is based on statements made by Mrs. Jacobson
to Mr. Freedman in about September 1989. I can offer no opinion as to
whether the belief is the product of a mental disturbance, and the
belief is not material to my recommendation that Mr. Freedman take
anti-psychotic medication.

6. Mr. Freedman's belief that the resident manager of his apartment

building (3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC), Elayne Wranik
(now deceased), unlawfully permitted persons associated with Akin
Gump, in January 1990, to gain access to Mr. Freedman's apartment,
inspect the apartment's contents, and videotape the apartment is a non-
bizarre belief, or opinion, that is based in part on statements made by
Elayne Wranik to Mr. Freedman during the week of about November 4,
1991. I can offer no opinion as to whether the belief is the product of a
mental disturbance, and the belief is not material to my
recommendation that Mr. Freedman take anti-psychotic medication.

7. Mr. Freedman's belief that his sister, Mrs. Estelle Jacobson, continued
to communicate clandestinely with persons associated with Akin Gump
in the period after Mr. Freedman's job termination, effective October
29, 1991, is a non-bizarre belief, based on statements made by Mrs.
Jacobson to Mr. Freedman. I can offer no opinion as to whether the
belief is the product of a mental disturbance, and the belief is not
material to my recommendation that Mr. Freedman take anti-psychotic

8. Mr. Freedman's belief that the psychiatric treatment provided to him 37/42
2/22/23, 12:19 PM My Daily Struggles: Search results for wranik

by psychiatry residents at the George Washington University Medical

Center ("GW"), during the period September 1, 1992 through June 30,
1996, may have fallen below acceptable medical standards (in that
medical doctors misdiagnosed his illness, misprescribed medication, and
failed to take any meaningful or appropriate action to assure the
continuation of his treatment upon his termination by GW), is a non-
bizarre belief. I can offer no opinion as to whether the belief is the
product of a mental disturbance, and the belief is not material to my
recommendation that Mr. Freedman take anti-psychotic medication.

9. Mr. Freedman's averral that employees of the District of Columbia

provided erroneous or false information to federal law enforcement
authorities that led to the action of federal law enforcement authorities
(U.S. Capitol Police) on August 6, 1998 in visiting Mr. Freedman's home,
frisking him for weapons, and subjecting him to interrogation with
respect to an allegation that Mr. Freedman had threatened (to
employees of the District of Columbia) to commit a crime of violence (a
threat that would constitute a felony under Federal law), is a rational
statement of facts about which I have personal knowledge and is not the
product of a mental disturbance. Further, Mr. Freedman's belief that the
above-described action of employees of the District of Columbia (in
providing erroneous or false information about him to Federal law
enforcement authorities), may itself constitute a prosecutable offense
committed by employees of the District of Columbia is a non-bizarre
belief. I can offer no opinion as to whether the belief is the product of a
mental disturbance, and the belief is not material to my
recommendation that Mr. Freedman take anti-psychotic medication.

10. Mr. Freedman's belief that the action of Stephen D. Quint, M.D.
(D.C. Mental Health Services Administration) in delaying for six weeks
following June 18, 1998 the assignment of Mr. Freedman to a therapist
despite Mr. Freedman's diagnosis (paranoid schizophrenia); and the
action of Dr. Quint in assigning Mr. Freedman to a psychology student
rather than to a psychiatry resident (despite the availability of a
psychiatry resident at the "P Street Clinic") are actions that may be
inconsistent with sound medical practice, constitute a non-bizarre
belief. I can offer no opinion as to whether the belief is the product of a
mental disturbance, and the belief is not material to my
recommendation that Mr. Freedman take anti-psychotic medication.

11. Mr. Freedman's action in writing a letter to Dr. Quint, which letter is
dated July 27, 1998, that highlights the failure of the D.C. Mental
Health Services Administration to take actions in regard to Mr.
Freedman's case that may be consistent with sound medical practice,
was--despite the reasonable concerns of Federal law enforcement
officers--not the product of a serious mental disturbance. The D.C.
Mental Health Services Administration acknowledges that despite Dr.
Quint's receipt of the letter (on about July 28, 1998), Dr. Quint
proceeded to assign (on about July 30, 1998) Mr. Freedman to a
psychology student (Lisa Osborne) for once per month counseling
sessions rather than to a psychiatry resident, notwithstanding the 38/42
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availability of a psychiatry resident at the P Street Clinic. Dr. Quint's

actions speak for themselves. 12. I affirm that Mr. Freedman underwent
comprehensive psychological testing in May 1994 performed by GW and
that the testing failed to disclose any psychotic thought processes, any
impairment in ego strength, or any diagnosable mental illness according
to DSM-III criteria. I further affirm that the U.S. Social Security
Administration determined that Mr. Freedman became disabled and not
suitable for employment effective October 29, 1991, the date of his job
termination by Akin Gump.

13. I accept as factual and truthful Mr. Freedman's statement that as

part of GW's psychiatric assessment of Mr. Freedman in September 1992,
Mr. Freedman had a consultation with one of his former treating
psychiatrists, Stanley R. Palombo, M.D., a psychiatrist in private
practice (telephone no. 202 362-6004), who determined that as of
October 2, 1992, Mr. Freedman was fully employable without
restriction. Again, I affirm that the U.S. Social Security Administration
determined that Mr. Freedman became disabled and not suitable for
employment effective October 29, 1991, the date of his job termination
by Akin Gump.

14. I affirm that Mr. Freedman's treating psychiatrists at the George

Washington University Medical Center, where he underwent out-patient
psychiatric treatment from 1992 to 1996, determined that Mr. Freedman
did not pose a risk of violence or pose a risk of harm to any person,
notwithstanding threat assessment inquiries made by the U.S. Secret
Service (Philip C. Leadroot, S.A.) to treating psychiatrist Dimitrios
Georgopoulos, M.D. on two occasions, in early 1995 and early 1996.
GW's clinical assessments of Mr. Freedman's condition are fully
documented in the contemporaneous chart of his treatment maintained
by GW; the chart speaks for itself. Reported concerns about Mr.
Freedman's risk of violence, voiced by any source, that arose prior to his
admission to the P Street Clinic are not material to my current medical

15. I do not represent that Mr. Freedman was subjected to unlawful job
harassment during his tenure at Akin Gump. However, Mr. Freedman's
obsessive preoccupation with his employment experience at Akin Gump
is consistent with the psychological sequelae that are known to result
from victimization in a hostile, offensive, or intimidating work

16. Mr. Freedman's belief that one or more of his treating psychiatrists
(including Stanley R. Palombo, M.D.) unlawfully divulged confidential
mental health information concerning Mr. Freedman's psychiatric
treatment to attorney managers of the law firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss,
Hauer & Feld is a belief that, although not confirmed in fact, was
deemed reasonable by one of Mr. Freedman's coworkers at the said firm
(Patricia A. McNeill). It is my professional opinion that Mr. Freedman's
belief is therefore not idiosyncratic and not bizarre. Indeed, Mr.
Freedman's belief is one that is so common among employed psychiatry 39/42
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patients that, in my professional judgment, it is generally prudent to

exclude such beliefs from diagnostic and medical decisionmaking. I can
offer no opinion as to whether the belief is the product of a mental
disturbance, and the belief is not material to my recommendation that
Mr. Freedman take anti-psychotic medication, notwithstanding the fact
that Mr. Freedman's belief was determined by the District of Columbia
Office of Corporation Counsel (Charles L. Reischel, Esq.) to be material
to establishing that Mr. Freedman's employer had genuine concerns
about Mr. Freedman's mental health and stability. See Freedman v. D.C.
Dept. of Human Rights, D.C.C.A. no. 96-CV-961.

17. I affirm that Mr. Freedman's treating psychiatrist at the P Street

Clinic (during the period November 1996 to June 18, 1998), Dr. Singh,
advised Mr. Freedman on January 19, 1998 that it was the opinion of Dr.
Singh as well as attending physician Stephen D. Quint, M.D. that Mr.
Freedman did not suffer from any mental disorder for which medication
was indicated. See Letter dated January 24, 1998 from Gary Freedman
to Dr. Singh.

18. I affirm that Mr. Freedman's action in providing information to the

District of Columbia Board of Medicine concerning my professional
conduct, which resulted in the action of the Board on January 6, 1999 in
issuing a complaint against me (no. 98-839), was a good faith action;
that the decision of the Board to issue a complaint was based on the
sound discretion of the Board that Mr. Freedman's referral presented
substantial and credible information about possible professional
misconduct that merited further investigation.

19. I affirm that I consult with Mr. Freedman one time per month at the
express request of the U.S. Secret Service. The U.S. Secret Service
requested in August 1998 that the P Street Clinic arrange to have Mr.
Freedman meet with a psychiatrist no less than once per month,
notwithstanding the fact that it is the policy of the P Street Clinic that
patients consult an attending psychiatrist no more than once every
three months. I affirm that my once per month consultations do not
exceed thirty minutes in duration, and that my professional fees are
billed to Maryland Medicare Part B Medical Insurance - Outpatient
Facility Claims. I further affirm that I am aware that the above-
described psychiatric consultation arrangement has the necessary effect
of shifting the burden of psychiatric fees from the U.S. Secret Service to
the U.S. Social Security Administration (Maryland Medicare); the U.S.
Secret Service employs its own psychiatric consultants who might just as
well assess Mr. Freedman on a monthly basis, and who, in fact, as
psychiatrists trained in forensics, are more qualified to conduct a
violence risk assessment than I am.

20. It is my professional judgment that the content of Mr. Freedman's

beliefs or opinions described above are non-bizarre. I can offer no
opinion as to whether the above-described beliefs are the product of a
mental disturbance, notwithstanding the determination made by the
District of Columbia Court of Appeals in Freedman v. D.C. Dept. of 40/42
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Human Rights, docket no. 96-CV-961, that there was no probable cause
to believe that Mr. Freedman's employer, the law firm of Akin, Gump,
Strauss, Hauer & Feld, was motivated to terminate Mr. Freedman's
employment effective October 29, 1991 for any reasons other than
genuine concerns about Mr. Freedman's mental health and stability
(including the potential for violence).

Facts pertinent to the litigation of Mr. Freedman's job termination (see

Freedman v. D.C. Dept. of Human Rights, D.C.C.A. no. 96-CV-961) are
not material to my recommendation that Mr. Freedman take anti-
psychotic medication, notwithstanding the fact that the U.S. Social
Security Administration determined that Mr. Freedman became not
suitable for employment and eligible for disability benefits as of
October 29, 1991, the date of the termination; notwithstanding the fact
that the disability determination made by the SSA was based partly on
facts concerning Mr. Freedman's mental health and stability averred
under oath by Dennis M. Race, Esq. and Laurence J. Hoffman, Esq., both
members of the said firm; and notwithstanding the fact that the SSA has
determined that Mr. Freedman has been continuously disabled and
eligible for benefits since the date of his job termination, effective
October 29, 1991, by reason of psychiatric illness.

It is my professional opinion that Mr. Freedman's current mental

condition is not inconsistent with his continued eligibility for Social
Security disability benefits, notwithstanding all of the statements I have
made herein. I am not aware of any facts about Mr. Freedman's current
condition that are inconsistent with his continued eligibility for
disability benefits paid by the SSA.

(notary's signature and stamp) ______________________________

Albert H. Taub, M.D.

Partial transcript of telephone conversation with former Akin Gump co-

worker Patricia McNeil on the evening of July 1, 1993 concerning
nonconsentual communications between Akin Gump attorney managers
and my treating psychiatrists.

I have provided the D.C. Corporation Counsel (Charles L. Reischel, Esq.;

telephone: (202) 727-6252) a copy of the tape of the conversation.

The following is evidence that the belief described in paragraph 16 of

the "Statement of Albert H. Taub, M.D." is not idiosyncratic: one
criterion for determining whether a belief constitutes rational opinion
or paranoia.
McNeil: Well, the psychiatrists that you were seeing . . . do you know if
they ever talked to your psychiatrists?

Freedman: They wouldn't admit to talking to them. 41/42
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McNeil: Well, what about your, have you talked to your psychiatrist? Do
you have confidence in your psychiatrist? Are you still seeing the same. .

Freedman: I'm seeing a different. . . I'm seeing a psychiatrist right now,

somebody at GW.

McNeil: Oh, 'cause I was getting ready to say, I would change

psychiatrists, 'cause you never know when he may, ah, violated your
confidentiality, violated your rights.

Freedman: Hm-hm.

McNeil: Well, the psychiatrists that you were seeing when you were at
Akin Gump, did he or she ever admit to talking to Akin Gump about you?

Freedman: No, they wouldn't admit it. I thought they were though. I had
that feeling.

McNeil: You have that feeling that they may talk to them.

Freedman: Yea. But they wouldn't admit it, 'cause it's illegal to do that.

McNeil: Right, it is illegal.

Freedman: So, they're not going to admit it.

McNeil: That is something!

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