Tugas Inggris Neng Jeli Essay CHF

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Name : Neng Jeli

NPM : A22032
Class : Sukabumi
English Assigment

Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive Heart Failure Congestive heart failure is an older name for heart failure.
Congestive heart failure takes place when the heart is unable to maintain an adequate circulation
of blood in the bodily tissues or to pump out the venous blood returned to it by the veins
(Merriam-Webster). The heart is split into two distinct pumping structures, the right side of the
heart and the left side of the heart. Appropriate cardiac performance involves each ventricle to
extract even quantities of blood over intervals. If the volume of blood reimbursed to the heart
develops more than both ventricles can manage, the heart can no longer be an efficient pump.
Circumstances that trigger heart failure might involve one or both of the heart’s…show more
Diastolic dysfunction is a problem with the ventricle’s ability to relax and fill. Mixed systolic and
diastolic dysfunction is a combination of the two defects (Williams and Hopper).
Thesis Statement

Nowadays, there is a wide range of methods involving the use of surgical interventions or
medicinal drugs that allow mitigating the consequences of the disease (Gandhi, Mosleh, & Myers, 2014).
Nevertheless, when it comes to reducing readmission rates in patients with congestive heart failure, it can
be important to assess the effectiveness of additional methods such as a healthy diet aimed at
normalization of body mass index in patients having weight problems.

Taking into consideration the fact that the effects of healthy eating on readmission rates have not
been addressed in many studies that are available nowadays, it is necessary to extend the knowledge on
the topic and define if there are the links between keeping to a special diet on a daily basis without
exemptions and the possibility of readmissions in patients with congestive heart failure and increased

As it follows from the previous section, the necessity to study the effects of healthy eating on
readmission rates is extremely important as the results can be considered both by healthcare specialists
and patients suffering from congestive heart failure with underlying body mass problems. The proposed
research is aimed at studying the connection between the degree of compliance with the special diet and
possibilities of readmission in overweight patients older than 40 suffering from congestive heart failure.

Congestive heart failure contributes to a high number of readmission cases in elderly patients and
accounts to up to a quarter of all hospitalization expenditure. Medical scientists have noted that
congestive heart failure is not only a common indication of hospitalization in elderly patients but is also
linked to early deaths and a high immortality rate among these patients (Rosamond Wet al. 2008, pp146).

This study will interrogate the rates of readmission as compared to admission in a local hospital
with a bed capacity of 300 patients. The study will only focus on elderly 65 and above regardless of sex,
race, ethnicity, socio eco, status in life etc. admitted only with CHF and reasons ranges from non-
compliance of med, no diet modification, smoking, and alcohol.

No younger population or any less than 65 y/o. The research will narrow down to the readmission
and admission rates for the period between January 2010 and March 2011 as well as the relevant data
that will facilitate the development of a case management strategy (Krumholz et al 2000, pp 476).

The prevalence of congestive Heart Failure is on the increase both in the united states and all over
the world, and it is the leading cause of hospitalization in the elderly population. Congestive Heart Failure
is a progressive disease generally seen in the elderly, which of not properly managed, can lead to repeated
hospital admissions or death. Heart failure means that the heart muscle is weakened. A Weakened heart
muscle mau not be strong enough to pump an adequate amount of blood out of its chambers.





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