Asig 2 Astronomia

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NOMBRE: Gabriela M Ramos Gerena

FECHA: March 23, 2022

GRUPO: 11-1

1. What produced the helium now present in the sun’s atmosphere? In Jupiter’s
Helium in the sun's atmosphere is produced by sun's nuclear fusion. Jupiter is
produced after a few minutes of the big bang.

2. What produced the iron and heavier elements like gold and silver in Earth’s
core and crust?
Elements heavier than iron are produced by rapid nuclear reactions occurred in
explosions of some massive stars

3. What evidence can you cite that disk of gas and dust are common around
young stars?
We have ample evidence that shows that gas and dust clouds are common
around young stars. We get that evidence by observing the nebulae where new
stars form, and we can see the clouds using different areas of the spectrum

4. According to the solar nebula theory, why is the sun’s equator nearly in the
plane of Earth’s orbit?
Because our planetary system formed in a disk-shaped cloud around the sun

5. Why does the solar nebula theory predict that planetary systems are
If our solar system formed from the disk of gas and dust that surrounded the sun
as it condensed from the interstellar medium, then it is a common process. Most
stars form with disks of gas and dust around them, and planets should form in
such disks

6. Why do astronomers think the solar system formed about 4.6 billion years
the oldest rocks from earth, the moon, and mars have ages over 4 billion years
old, found by radioactive dating. the oldest objects in our solar system are some
meteorites that have ages of 4.6 billion years.

7. If you visited another planetary system, would you be surprised to find planets
older than Earth? Why or why not?
no, because not all solar systems formed at the same time.
8. Why is almost every solid surface in our solar system scarred by craters?
A few of the craters have been formed recently by the steady rain of meteorites
that falls on all the planets in the solar system, but most of the craters appear to
have been formed 4 billion years ago in what is called the heavy
bombardment, as the last of the debris in the solar nebula was swept up by the

9. What is the difference between condensation and accretion?

Condensation is solid grains forming from gas. These grains can grow by
condensation by adding one atom or molecule at a time from the surrounding
gas. Accretion is the sticking together of solid particles. The grains formed and
grown by eventually can collide with other grains and combine through

10. Why don’t Terrestrial planets have rings like the Jovian planets?
Jovian planets have larger mass and their distance from the sun makes them
not as quickly swept away from radiation pressure and solar wind

11. How does the solar nebula theory help you understand the location of
The solar nebula theory tells us where the densest planets will be and where the
lower density planets will be in the solar system. There will be a region where
planets cannot form properly and where gas giants will not form. Also, it
considers the gravitational disturbances from other planets that might rip apart
any planet that may form. Thus, we get the asteroid belt. We also see the Kuiper
Belt beyond the solar system where asteroids are. There are also Lagrange
points where asteroids are stable in planetary orbits.

12. How does the solar nebula theory explain the dramatic density difference
between the Terrestrial and Jovian planets?
Different densities form at different distances because different materials forms
at different distances from the sun.

13. What does the term differentiated mean when applied to a planet? Would
you expect to find that planets are usually differentiated? Why?
Elements separating into different regions of density when the planet is warm
enough. Yes, because stability relations are not identical, and components will
migrate from less stable to conditions to more stable conditions.

14. What processes cleared the nebula away and ended planet building?
Very likely the solar wind during the T-Tauri stage of the star clear the last of of
the gas away or combined with ultraviolet radiation from other stars.

15. What is the difference between the dense hot disks seen around some
stars and the low-density cold debris disks seen around some other stars?
Their densities, temperatures, and locations are different.

16. What evidence can you cite that planets orbit other stars?
Extrasolar planets. The wobble of their rotation is detected by Doppler.

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