Session III

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Kai Oakley

Session III

A Question to Consider:
Is economics the most important thing in life?
Answer- No. Just because it is a crucial part of our life does not make it the most important thing in our
life. In other cultures, it is common to negotiate for what you are buying. In the states, we are less used to
that in our culture. If you want a free grill cover, bring Mr. Litwins Wife with you.

Text Analysis:
1. What does Marx say is the most critical thing in life?
Answer- He thinks economics is the most important thing. Because his whole worldview is built
on it.

2. Why does Marx think economics is the most important thing in life?
Answer- Since Marx is a humanist and does not believe in God, economics is his “god.” It's his
savior; it's all he has.

3. Why is Marx's economic worldview self-contradictory?

Answer- In an athiestic view we are all meaningless. If you dont believe in God then if nothing
matters then why does it matter if we are all equil? There is no stander in what is good or evil.

Cultural Anylisis:
3. How is are view of economics simurla to Marx’s view?
Answer- people idloze it. Economics being are main thing we realy on.

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