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“Translation problems of Specific Terms”

By Mazhitova Aiym
To: Iskakbaeva.A.A

Caspian Public University

With the development of science and technology between countries around the world,
there is a process of exchanging scientific and technical information through officially
registered patents. Patents are an integral part of the activities of modern companies
that are engaged in the development and implementation of new devices and
technologies. In this regard, the transfer of patents is a fairly urgent translation task.
Patent documentation is a scientific and technical text with a clear structure and
abundance of terms, the translation of which very often presents the main difficulty. In
this article, we consider ways that can be used to adequately translation patent
terminological vocabulary. We give the following definition of the term given by S.V.
Grinev-Grinevich: “The term is a nominative special lexical unit (word or phrase),
adopted for the exact name of concepts.” According to the author, the main property
of the term is its meaningful accuracy, i.e. A special concept has exact boundaries
established with the help of scientific definitions - definations for a more complete
understanding. Consider the classification of terms presented by S.V. Grinev-
Grinevich. The basis for the classification is the features of the terms: substantive,
formal, functional, internal and extralinguistic. The author defined the following types
of terms: by category: general scientific and general technical, intersectoral and
special terms. In the classification by content: there are observation terms
characterizing real objects and theoretical terms expressed by abstract concepts that
depend on certain concepts and theories. The next classification is the distribution of
terms in languages for special purposes. A group of scientific terms is revealed in the
field of science, technical terms function in the field of production and technology,
and management terms are highlighted in the administrative and political sphere.
According to the logical category of the concept, which is denoted by the term, the
terms of objects, signs, processes and quantities are distinguished. Of greatest interest
to our study are linguistic classifications. So, according to the formal structure, one-
component and multi-component terms are distinguished. One-component terms or
terms-words in accordance with the morphemic structure are classified into: non-
derivative (single-root): Board Commission; Derivatives (formed from single-root
words and affixes): advance progress, advantage-advantage, advisory - conclusion;
complex (have at least two root morphemes). Terms are expressed by nouns,
adjectives, verbs, participles, participles and adverbs. Multicomponent terms are
terminological phrases formed by adjacency: Application Establishing Priority - a
priority bid; Using prepositions: Preliminary Examination as to practice of the
invention - preliminary examination of the feasibility of the invention and
abbreviation: Pli And ambiguous. The terms of the phrase from a semantic point of
view are divided into - free phrases and stable (phraseological) phrases. Linguistic
classification includes the division of terms into fully motivated, completely
unmotivated, partially motivated and false motivated. According to the source of
occurrence, the terms are distinguished, borrowed, international and hybrid. Linguistic
classification according to stylistic signs is that terminological vocabulary is stratified
into normative terms, professionalisms and jargon. As a result of the analysis of the
use of terms in texts, high-frequency, mid-frequency and low-frequency are
distinguished. The problems of translating terminological vocabulary were considered
by famous scientists J.P. Vina and J. Dalberne, Ya.I. Retsker, V.N. Komissarov. J.-P.
Vine and J. Dalburn there are two ways of translating terms: direct translation (literal)
and indirect (indirect) translation. According to the authors, direct translation will
include such techniques as literal translation, tracing and borrowing. If a direct
translation is unacceptable, the translator refers to an indirect translation, it includes
such techniques as equivalence, transposition, adaptation and modulation. Translation
of terms does not cause difficulty if there are appropriate equivalents in reference
books and dictionaries. However, it must be taken into account that the specificity of
the translated text is important. Depending on the context and the area in which the
term is used, it can acquire a completely different meaning. This phenomenon is
called homonymy, i.e. Sound coincidence of two or more language units of different
values. In addition, the processes that impede the process of communication between
specialists include: polysemy, synonymy and antonymy. The polysemy or polysemy
of the term is observed when the terminological unit has several meanings as a result
of modification and development of the initial meaning of this word. An lexical-
semantic process in which the coincidence of words, morphemes, constructions and
phraseological units is called synonymy. Antonymy is characterized as the semantic
opposition of words, and antonyms as words with the opposite meaning. However, in
most cases, when translating terms, the translator is faced with such a problem as the
absence of a lexical equivalent. A way out is the use of translation transformations.
When considering the terminological concepts presented in the collection "Notebooks
of new terms No. 6" edited by S.I. Simanovsky revealed that the bulk of the terms are
represented by phrases. Also in patent texts, the abbreviation is widely used to denote
terminological concepts. The main technique for translating terms in the collection is a
descriptive translation or explication, this is due to the fact that patent vocabulary is a
specific area in which the processes of new inventions are recorded. Due to
differences in the structure of English and Russian, this technique is the most
acceptable. For example: Copyright - the exclusive right to reproduce or copy a
literary, intellectual or artwork. The translation of patent terms is carried out by
selecting lexical equivalents, for example: Appended claims - the attached claims;
Family List - a list of patents-analogues. An example of translating terms in patents
using translation transformation is tracing when the structure of the initial lexical unit
is preserved in the translation language: negative limitations - negative signs (claims),
aggregative invention - aggregative invention. Translation by transliteration and
transcription, characterized by borrowing a sound or graphic form of a word with a
meaning from the original language. This technique is used to translate patent terms
with proper names: Jepson Claims - Jepson's invention formula, Markush claim -
Markush's claims. In the process of translating patent vocabulary, it is also necessary
to take into account that the presence of pseudo-international and international terms
is an integral part of any term system. The danger lies in the fact that the translator can
use a term that matches the form of English when translating into Russian. In
translation, they are called “false friends of the translator”. In this regard, it is always
necessary to check the meaning and connotations. Thus, in accordance with the
analysis, we can conclude that the main problems in translating terms are the presence
of such phenomena as homonymy, polysemy, synonymy and antonymy. In this
regard, the translator should always focus on the area in which the terms are translated
in order to avoid distortion of the meaning of the translated text and gross errors.
Having examined the terminological vocabulary presented in the collection
“Notebooks of new terms No. 6” edited by S.I. Simanovsky, we can conclude that the
translation of the terms was carried out mainly through a descriptive technique. The
following methods by frequency of use in translation are the selection of lexical
correspondences and tracing. There is also a translation of terms by transcription and

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