Amazing Recent Discoveries

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Jonathan Gray of Adelaide has documented several amazing discoveries
in the Holy Land, beginning in the late seventies, and still going on at the present
time. He has some unusual relics: of the sulphur or brimstone that the Lord God
used to wipe out the sinful city of Gomorrha, as recorded in the Book of Genesis
ch.19. The city was discovered nearby the ruins of Sodom and the other cities on
which the Lord rained down brimstone and fire (burning balls of sulphur like this
one). The sceptics said this account in the Bible of a fiery holocaust was pious
nonsense, until they discovered in 1975 some ancient stone tablets in northern
Syria with some 2,000 inscriptions. These authentic non-Biblical relics, mention
all five cities in the same order as the Bible, and a scholar at Yale University
says: "These tablets re-open the whole question of the historical authority of the
book of Genesis".
The cities are around four thousand years old and have been discovered
only recently, in our own days. They are littered with millions of these balls of
burnt sulphur, which are also embedded in the ruins of buildings, walls and
streets. They vary in size from golf balls to big chunks of several kilograms
weight. They reached a temperature of some 5,000F. degrees! They found
Sodomite spears, totally oxidised (burned) in the ashes, and even a sack of gold
coins that was found to have become gold ash! There was also a plant found,
looking like a succulent fruit, called a colocynth, but actually crystallised into
compacted ash. Now the Israeli Tourist board is offering guided tours through
these sin-sodden cities, oblivious perhaps to the message of God's judgement on
those wicked people.

Also, is the discovery of the actual site of the miraculous crossing of

the Red Sea by the Israelites under the guidance of MOSES, as they crossed for
safety fleeing the Egyptian army. They were told by GOD to go three days
journey from Egypt to Arabia, (the land of Madian) where they would find the
mountain of God (Horeb, or Sinai) to offer sacrifice there. Pharaoh would not let
these Hebrew slaves go, even after the predicted plagues devastated his land. Only
when the first-born in all the land were killed by the angel of God, did he order
Moses to take God's people out, but then he changed his mind and sent a quarter
million of his best armies (according to Jewish historian Flavius Josephus) to
persue them. Such an exodus of over a million slaves meant ruin to the Egyptian
economy, it could not be allowed. Well now we have found the tail end of this
massive army, under the waters of the Red sea! To be precise, it is at the end of
the Wadi Watir mountain gorge, just over half way up the EAST side of the Gulf
of Aqaba, top of the red Sea.
What exactly has been found there? It was in winter of 1978 that Ron
Wyatt and his sons took their cameras and diving gear to the right spot. They went
out about 2.5km to a depth of between 20 and 60 metres, to find chariot wheels
that match those of the tomb of King Tut; some of these wheels were overlaid
with gold, as being perhaps those of the priests at the rear. The Bible even says;
"The Lord took off their chariot wheels"! (Exod 14:25). They found human
skeletons, bones and skulls, even hooves and heads of horses, exactly as the
scriptures revealed it took place 3500 years ago. It is the remains of the Egypian
Army, mightily punished by God. In May of 1998, the scientists with Astronaut
James Irwin, are analysing 62 items retrieved from the RED SEA.
Much more has been found in that Arabian area, including what seems to
be the real Mt. Sinai, the altar probably made and used by Moses, the burnt top
of a mountain, the only peak to contain a bush! They have also found a huge split
rock fifteen metres high, on a thirty-four metre hill, which has an eroded water
channel on both sides. This could well be the rock Moses struck to give water
miraculously to the people in the desert There is room in the area for the camp of
over a million people, and many indications of the fact that this indeed was the
site as recorded in the book of Exodus. An absolutely amazing discovery!
The other major discovery is the oldest and largest relic of human history,
and in a way the most important, for none of us would be here without it! It is
clear after investigation, that the enormous ship they have found 12km south of
the peak of Mt. Ararat in Turkey, near the border of Russia, 750km away from any
main body of water, is indeed the famous ark of Noah. Every detail has been
found to match the Biblical account, including the exact length of 300 cubits (515
feet). Inside there was room for 494 double-decker buses, and not even half would
be needed to contain all the known land animals today. The NASA scientists have
analysed the metal rivets and washers found throughout the huge vessel, and were
amazed to find it contains titanium, which is a space-age metal only discovered in
1936! They even found out the composition of the resin Noah used with sypress
wood, to do a complete interior lamination of the Ark! The details of this
discovery fit not only the details of the Bible, but same story is confirmed by the
fact that there are no less that 600 traditions around the world for a great flood,
even in far away Mexico and Greenland.
This ark reminds us of the fact that the whole world was then very very bad, and was
severely punished after having being warned for a long time. The Good Lord
chose Noah out of the rest of men, and advised him to build this massive boat for
the greatest rescue mission in history. It took him a hundred and twenty years to
build it, while the onlookers even of his own family mocked and ridiculed his
faith in God. They made no provisions and so perished in the flood. Our Lord said
that things would be the same at the time of his second coming. (Luke 17:26).
26 And as it came to pass in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of
man. 27 They did eat and drink, they married wives and were given in marriage,
until the day that Noe entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them
all. 28 Likewise as it came to pass in the days of Lot. They did eat and drink, they
bought and sold, they planted and built. 29 And in the day that Lot went out of
Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. 30 Even
thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man shall be revealed.
The Great Deluge was a figure of Christ building His Holy Catholic Church as the one
ark of salvation, yet it was also an historically demonstrated fact. This discovery
puts the final nail to the coffin of the theory of evolution, for we now know that
every scrap of scientific data fits the Biblical details, and therefore supports
Catholic Tradition. The flood was such an earth-shaking trauma that there was a
stampede to get to the tops of hills, and sure enough they have found the evidence
of this on every continent; graveyards with millions of fossils of both land and
sea animals, all mixed together; men, crocodiles and deep sea fish all found on the
tops of mountains in France, Asia, Africa, Nth & Sth America; massive graves
showing mass extinction and sudden burial all over the world simultaneously!
And now the Ark.
All the above has been documented, and published in Adelaide (J. Gray "The Ark
Conspiracy" and four videos: P.O. Box 3370 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000 ph
o8 8398 3862) and America. The story has now just begun to go all over the
world with various media spreading the word. There is a television production of
all these things coming out very soon, but some enemy scientists are trying to
discredit it all. So much is bound up with the false theory of evolution that these
discoveries will make many people swallow a lot of pride, and some will lose a
lot of money and influence. At least 500 men have obtained their doctorate degree
by doing a thesis on the Piltdown Man, a proven fraud to support the evolution
hoax. These men have taught countless others whose only religion is evolution.
The news of these discoveries is so exciting that even the agnostic T.V. host of "A Current
Affairs", Derryn Hinch, said on the air "It gives me goose pimples"!

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