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Directions for questions 1 to 1 QUANTITATIVE ABILITY HANDOUT (Time and Distance ~ 11) Ref: QAHO1002107 The speed of a boat is 14 kmph in stil water. It travelled 187 km in a river, tumed around, and returned to the starting point in 28 hours. Find the speed ofthe river current. ‘A boat travels 63 km upstream in a river and returns to its staring point. The time taken by the boat to travel upstream is two hours more than the time taken to travel downstream. The speed of the boat in sil wator is 8 times the speed of the stream. Find the speed of the stream Karan rowed 60 km upstream in a river. If his speed instil water were 3 kmph less and the speed of the stream were 3 kmph more, he would have taken 9 moro hours to row tho same. Find his upstream speed, P and @ are two points along a river. Two boats B, and B> started simultaneously from P and Q towards Q and P respectively. if the cistance botwoon thom reduces by 50 km in § hours and both boats travel at the same speed in stl water, find the speed of either boat in still water. {Ath started from a point on a river in his sailboat and rowed in the same direction as the wind. He travelled 80 km in 6 hours and retuned to bis starting point after 10 more hours of rowing against the ‘wind. {1 there were no wind, bow long would he have taken for the entice trip? ‘Aun takes 20 seconds to climb up @ moving ‘escalator and 30 seconds to climb down the same, How long would he take to climb down the escalator ‘whan it's stationary? Bhim took 20 seconds to climb down a descending escalator that had 140 steps. IFhis speed is doubled and that of the escalator is quadrupled, he would take 13 fewer seconds to climb down the same. Find the time taken by him to climb up the descending escalator. Doran took 24 seconds to cimb up an ascending escalator anc 40 seconds to climb down the same, IW the escalator had 120 steps, find the time taken by him to climb down the escalator when it is stationary Solve the following questions. 10, 1" 2 rs 14 15. 16. 7. 18. 19, Jn a 100 m race, A beats B by 20 mand B beats C by 30 m. By how many metres did A beat C? Ina race, Krishna gave Bairam a head start of 600, 1m IF the ratio ofthe speeds of Krishna and Balam is 7: 4 and the race ended ina to, find the length of the race, Ina 100 m rave, A beats B by 80 m or § seconds and B beats C by 30 m. Find the speed of A and the aistance by which A will beat C Ina kilometre race, P beats Q by 100 seconds and Q beats R by 50 seconds. If P beats R by 250 m, find the time R takes to fish the race, Kamal and Sharat start simultaneously from a point (on a circular track of length 1000 m in opposite directions. if they run at speeds of 3 mis and 2 mis, after how much time will they meet for the frst time? Sidgharth, Gautham and Abhimanyu start running simultaneously in the sama direction fram a point on 2 circular track of length 900 m. If their respective speeds are 3 m’s, 6 mis and 9 mis, after how much time wil all three of them meet for the fist time at the starting point? In the above question, if Sidahartn and Abhimanyu run in the same direction while Gautham runs in the opposite direction, when will they meet for the ‘ist time? What ig the angle between the hands of a clock wien the time is 2:30 p.m.? ‘At what time betwoen 4 o'clock and § o'clock, will the hands of a clack (1) coincide with each other? (2) be ina straight ine? () be at right angles? ‘A watch set correctly at 8:00 a.m. on a day shows 30 minutes more than the correct time at 7:00 p.m. ‘on the same day. When the time is 9:00 p.m. on the ‘same day, what s the time shown by the watch? There are 2 analog clocks sat coreecty at 12:00 a.m, ‘One clock gains 3 minutes avery hour and the otrer loses 2 minutes every hour. AMter haw many hours ‘wil both the clocks show the same time for the ist ime? ‘GTriamphantinstiuto of Management Education Pvt. Lid (FAME), 958, Siadansay Complex, Park Lans, Socundsabad 500 03 Allrights reserved, No par ofthis material may be reproduced, i any form or by any means, without permission in wring ‘This course material is only forthe use of bon licenses fanchises and is at for sale (2 pages) ale/lev) fe sudens of Triumphant Insitute of Management Education Pvt. Lid and iss ‘@atioro02107/t 20. In a defective watch, the hands of the watch coincide every 65 minutes, How much time does, the watch gain or lose per day? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS FOR PRACTICE Directions for questions 1 to 5: Solve the following questions. 4. Messi and Neymar start running simultaneously from a point on a circular track of length 900 m in ‘opposite directions with their speeds in the ratio 7 8. Whenever they meet, they exchange their speeds and continue to run, What isthe diference between the distances travelled by them when they meet for the (n#1)" time, ifn is an even number greater than 102 2. There are two identical escalators, one ascending and the other descending at the same speed. A cat climbing the ascending escalator and a rat climbing the descending escalator take the same time to reach the top. The cat takes 70 steps to reach the top and for every 7 steps the cat takes, the rat takes 9 steps, (i) What is the number of steps visible on the escalator? (il) Find the diffrence between the number of Steps travelled by the cat and the rat when they are exactly atthe middle of the escalator 3. () Two robots start running simultaneously from a point A towards B at speeds of 2 mis and 3 mis. Once they reach B, they reverse thelr direction and continue running towards A. After reaching A, they again continue running in the same manner, Le. from A to B, B to A and $0 on. Athow many different points do they meet? (i) Inthe above question. if they start from A and B respectively, at how many diferent points do thoy moot? In a race, A beats B by 30m and B beats C by 50m while C beats D by 60 m. If B is 60% faster than C, by how many motes did A beat D? Two motorcyclists A and B start from a point on 2 circular track of length 600 m and continue moving (on the circular track with speeds of $4 misec and 36 misee respectively. ()Athow many different points do they meet each other, if they travel in opposite directions? (i) At how many different points do they meet each other, if they travel in the same direction? ‘GTriamphantinstiuto of Management Education Pvt. Lid (FAME), 958, Siadansay Complex, Park Lans, Socundsabad 500 03 Allrights reserved, No par ofthis material may be reproduced, i any form or by any means, without permission in wring ‘This course material is only forthe use of bon licenses fanchises and is at for sale (2 pages) ale/lev) fe sudens of Triumphant Insitute of Management Education Pvt. Lid and iss ‘@a010021072,

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