Responsibility Artifact

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What do you see as key points in the role of the leader in quality project
management? Include a brief discussion of the evolution of the leadership role
over time (Rose). Also include the role of the leader in establishing culture.

The role of a leader in quality management and establishing culture is imperative.

Leaders help set an example for their team/ followers and they are the ones who demonstrate the
standards that are acceptable (for both the culture and quality). Rose (2014) notes that the role of
leadership has certainly changed over time, largely with the development and evolution of
quality control, quality assurance, and quality improvement, and quality planning. Who performs
or is “in charge” of each of these processes varies and has evolved. In previous times, the leader
may have not been involved in these processes at all and quality would have been left up to those
who are actually creating the product. Or the leader would have been the only person performing
quality checks or doing quality planning. Now, leadership is more involved in all of the
processes and there are multiple leaders involved in every step that are focused on quality.
Overall, as quality has grown, so has a leader’s responsibility to quality at all levels and

2. Discuss the role of the Execution Plan in project management. What is the value
in planning?

A key factor in project management is planning, so an execution plan is very important

for the project management process. Brown notes that “Good execution requires a plan. Without
a plan, you cannot judge the effectiveness of execution" (Brown, 2014, p.103). Planning
essentially helps you not be blind throughout the project management process. There are many
deliverables, standards, timelines, and goals in a project and keeping them all straight and
ensuring that each goal is reached is not something that one can just do without some serious
thought first. Planning is valuable because it helps track your progress, keep you on track, ensure
that all goals and the scope of the project are included, and more. Planning also helps one avoid
risks and navigate any uncertainty that arises.

3. Discuss project management process and the value of monitoring project status
(Brown, Ch5) as a quality tool.

Monitoring project status is a great way to ensure the quality of your project. Monitoring
project status can help you avoid risks, ensure the project is on time, and keep you from missing
any key points or duplicating work. When talking about charts, project calendars, and other
tracking documents, Brown notes that “when you use the tool, it exposes leadership to it and
sometimes helps identify process improvement opportunities” (Brown, 2014, p.122).

4. Describe an example from your experience where one or all of these elements
(defined leadership role, execution plan, and monitoring) were either in place or
missing from a project.  Describe (briefly) the situation, the in-place or missing
elements, and discuss the overall impact on the project quality.

When I first started my job as a production coordinator, it was my first time ever in the
position. I was very inexperienced and had a lot to learn. In my department, there were quality
checks in place and a defined leadership structure that monitored everyone and our quality of
work. However, it was up to each individual coordinator to create an execution plan that worked
for them (this was an unspoken thing, but many people did create some sort of workflow,
checklist or plan for themselves). When I first began, I did not even know where to begin in
terms of creating an execution plan, so I went without one for several months as I was learning
the role. In those months, I felt pretty scatterbrained and sometimes wasn’t sure how to proceed
after finishing a task. Having no plan or set “To-do” list sometimes caused me confusion and
time wasted. After I got my footing in the role a bit more, I decided to write down a checklist of
tasks that were most commonly needed for each project I was on. I put them in order and made a
plan that included all the major elements I needed to organize for a shoot. After doing so, I
believe the quality of my work increased. I was more time efficient and had to ask fewer
Brown, J.T. (2014) The handbook of program management:  How to facilitate project success
with optimal program management. 2nd Ed.  McGraw-Hill Education.  
Rose, K.H. (2014) Project Quality Management, Second Edition: Why What and How (2 nd Ed.) 
Fl:  J Ross Publishing. 

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