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TABLE £.2 The Cumulative Standardized Normal Distribution nu erent et er the cialativ anda rm Stn rem = 07 pi Zz [oa Ca ‘aconnnoonT 000000019 ‘000087 0003595 ononsi6rt 39 | coms 000s 0004 c.000%% 00008 0000s 0.00004 0.00004 .enno—.c0ONS <3 | a007 00007 00007 .000%5 .0000 8.60005 0.00006 0.00008 .onenS —.coONS =37 | oor 0001000010 00010 .0000 0.00009 0.00008 0.00008 o.00n08 00008 =36 | cous 0001s 0001s vole d.o0018 60013 0.00013 O.0012 oe! OOO =35 | o0m2s ——aonm2 “000022 oon19 0.00019 one 0017 oon =34 | coms, anon oowst 00028 0.00027 0.00035 comies _n.00024 33 | oom anos? nuns ooo 0.00039 gone 0036 Loos 32 | oom 00086 nnn hoonsk 0.00056 o9m0s4 coms? ams =31 | 0007 ——an00es ono ooo? 0.00079 90075 oom Long =30 | oss onoisi 00126 Bool —O00111 —oon1a7 —GoD10s —BanI00 29 | oo19 ‘omnis o0018 0016 0001S nonIs cools amis =28 | o002s ‘mis 002s oz 0.0021 o0m2t 0020 anI9 =27 | 003s ‘mss 00033 ons 009 vom om? ana =28 | 00047 ‘30035 oss Dow 0.0019 oN .onRT aN =25 | 00062 0010 0.0059 Dost 0.0052 OUST — 00% anes =24 | 00082 008 00078 Dov7L 0.069 ONG 05 aN =23 | oo17 ‘o10s —oni02 084 0.091 ong 0087 aN 22 | 039 amis 00132 00122 0119 dos O0113—GanT0 =21 | ois oir 0170 Dols —O0Is4 00150014 ates =20 | 0028 nz 0007 0202 001970192 HnikS—_O0t8S =i9 | omer nasi 00s 0255 00250 done — 0239 ars =is | omss fanssi —onsae 0322 00x14 00m anon =17 | oot 0836 00127 ower 0039200384087 oa36t <1 | onsas 0s37 005% 00895 0OHS —OOK7S OKs 088s =is | oss oss 00643 006 00894 00882 UST 0889 =14 | 10808 0793 0078 ons 00721 ooms 06940068 =13 | ones oust 00934 Doss 00869 —oo¥s3 eS OnND =12 | ons ons oan 10s ons 00201003 Oomas at | 0.87 ois ousi4 Oist 01230 04210 ais0. O70 =t0 | ouse7 01562 01539 01s) O16 023 OLMOL 01379 09 | ost o1sis 0788 O17 46K 660s O16. =a | 02119 02000 02061 0197 01m olla 0867 =07 | 020 O28 02358 0226 02236 © 02m ©2177 O2tas =as | 02733 2m 02676 0257 02546 02514 024K2 02451 =05 | 03085 03050 03015 02912 0287 0283-02810 02776 Has | 03436 03409 03572 03264 03228 © 03192 031560312 03 | 03821 osm 3745 0362 0356 035570350 0.83 =02 | own osc 4129 0401303971 0393603887 03459 Har | os602 oas62 4522 0440s 4361 0425 mazes 08247 =an | 05000 osm 04900 aso 4761047218681 OBA ABLE £.2 Cumulative Standardized Normal Distribution (continued) Pes om TABLE E.3 Critical Values oft Don sud v Fara psticlar number of degrees of ficedom, etry represents | the eritieal value oft corresponding 1 the cumulative probability (1 = a) and speed uppers ara (a). TABLE E.3 Critical Values of t (continued) Fora pica umber f degrees of redone represen te crite ale of comesponing othe camulaive root (1 ~ a) anda specified upper area (a). BSR RERBS SYRIR SPAS SSA9K ALAS Beesse uesss u a 385 Seeex gegse 3 0683 oso 701 981 oni%0 oes oss omer 0.6087 ork ois ores ores 783 ones ore sre 781 Oost os780 5780 oars D9 06778 bar 6077 osrr Dors 06776 ns76 pss pars ars ner nar ber bars nar ners ner ner ner sr ‘6771 sz osm asr70 agro sm as770 asi6r osT6s Osns 1.2893 12886 12816 16153 16r47 isnt 16736 18730 isms Ler 16116 isnt 16708 Loma 1.6658 1669 16690 6686 1.6083 16679 16676 16672 15669 1.6666 163 16660 16657 ‘4 1.6659 669 1606 re 1661 1.6039 1.636 T6938 16692 16630 1.668 1626 5028 116622 20 1.9018 L616 Tsoi 112 ssi 1.6009 168i 15006 16 602 1.6588 16877 Ts 20076 20006 220057 2.0089 2.0040 20032 20005 20017 20010 20003 1.9996 1.9960 119983 igor Loon 1.9966 9960. 19955 io0s0 90a 1.9939. 9033 9930) 119025 902i 1907 i993 19908 1.9005 9001 19x97 ‘19393 19390) L988 9883 1.9879 1.9876 19873 1987 9467 1.9864 986i T98s8 19855 Toes 1.9850 19887 Toss 119842 19840 19818 19189 19800 2aste 23263 20157 237 2618 26100 2.5682 20005 265549 2.6033 2608 om 2589 27s 26561 26si0 26512 26291 26075 260 26261 26289 20013 26174 25158

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